If you're just starting, are a YC startup or similar, where and how do you deploy/ship your apps?
Say, you have your github, you've setup some pipelines for CI (or not ;), but how about deployment?
You'll need some storage, maybe a db of some sort and some compute or serverless.
You do AWS lambda, beanstalk, eks/aks/etc, raw vm, api gateway use railway or heroku on your own?
Or you hire devops or a product engineer with some cloud exp to handle this?
No right or wrong answers here :-) I appreciate all input!
Your job at this stage isn’t to build something technically awesome and beautifully architected or even production-ready by most standards. It’s to figure out what people will pay for. Focus your energy on that.
Once you’ve got your first hundred customers/thousand users and are serving >100k requests/day, think about what it will take to scale infra affordably.
(YMMV if your product is exceptionally compute-heavy, such as a custom ML model, or involves complex data pipelines out of the gate or other edge cases.)