I don't think normal people would even notice this. Doesn't mean personalization isn't something that should be done, just thinking you might be overblowing the problem.
I disagree - their target audience is developers, not "normal people". Because bootstrap's default styles have been beaten to death by startup-in-a-weekend type apps, I subconsciously don't trust their service because it seems like it might not be here in a month or two.
Say what? That they won't be here in a month or two? I think they definitely will be around, they seem to be ripping up HN lately. All I'm saying is that using bootstrap's default styles tarnishes the brand they are trying to build (which is especially important because their target audience, developers, are very familiar with default bootstrap).
I do already see some general design improvement on this page compared to some of the earlier ones, good work on that! As for obvious Bootstrapness, I think if you wanted to do something quick & minor with a big impact you could just change that default navbar background.
So exciting! We were able to remove about 400 lines of shit S3 code and an ugly flash widget when moving to filepicker.io. Great to see them adding so many services.
Well if you have an app or website that enables photosharing, you'd want to capture content from offsite and deliver it into your gallery.
Importing stuff from the big sites--Flickr, et al is great, but say someone has everything sitting on their personal webpage or scattered on site around the internet?
Instead of making them save, then re-upload a bookmarklet is great.
I'm working on an app that incorporates outgoing social media messages. If there is a link in the message I hit it on the backend and send a json list of image urls to the user. The user can then flip through them and decide which image to add to their message.
Nice addition. Question for the community, what are the thoughts on this approach of iframing the full content (ie filepicker.io's complete app) inside a lightbox vs fully built in JS?
I have a project that I'm about to venture in which will need a similar setup and curious on thoughts.
As it stands it makes the site look very backwater, regardless of features.