Jut take a look at this thread that is
proposing NOT implementing a new design for Wikipedia. http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4352290 The presentation is very polite but the HN'feedback'? Woah!
The responses even from veteran HNers is nothing short of shocking. I can mildly 'understand' harsh responses from people whose present jobs are to design Wikipedia however, the extremely harsh responses from others is not constructive and leads to no learning whatsoever both for the designers and others.
This post is just an example of the latest trend of a new and unusually hostile HN.
Not cool.
There is a whole world of difference between:
"Hey, did you consider this and that." and "What you have done is rubbish. You did not think"
For heavens sake the presentation ended with "And here we stop. But, hopefully, the discussion begins." http://www.wikipediaredefined.com/
If it was that bad, then you do not upvote it. if it was good enough for a discussion (upvote), then discuss politely.
Not once in the comments did I see an alternative suggestion. even it it was entirely different from what was proposed. It was all condemnation.
At least we can agree Wikipedia can be improved, they made a suggestion. If you cannot constructively improve on what was proposed, then you can avoid polluting it. Or better still propose your own suggestion.