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What is static program analysis? (might.net)
110 points by p4bl0 on Oct 5, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 33 comments

"You can't solve the halting problem" was high on the list of responses that made selling static analysis a pain in the butt.

Yes, even people who are aware of the halting problem often misunderstand its implications. What Turing proved is that no algorithm -- in the sense of an effective procedure, that is guaranteed to return the correct answer in finite time on any input -- can solve the halting problem. But there is a critical difference between algorithms and heuristics. A heuristic is not guaranteed to do anything, but nonetheless, collections of heuristics can be assembled that can analyze properties of programs in many cases of actual interest.

The distinction between algorithms and heuristics is, in my opinion, insufficiently appreciated. For example, the very phrase "genetic algorithms" is a contradiction in terms -- these are clearly heuristics, not algorithms.

Anyway, back to your point, we who are still selling static analysis -- I'm not sure why you used the past tense there; it's a growing business -- find that people who don't understand the halting problem at all are perhaps as much a source of difficulty as those who are aware of it but don't understand its implications. The latter group are skeptical that our products can work at all, but the former are often baffled and indignant that the products don't understand properties of their code that seem obvious. (The fact that analysis often takes a long time and needs large amounts of RAM also surprises some people.)

But I think the world is gradually coming to understand what static analysis can and can't do. It's an education process and will take time.

The kinds of static analysis you're talking about are different than what Matt is talking about in his article.

Matt is talking about situations where you can make guarantees. That is, if his analyzer says that a register can never take on a negative value, that is a guarantee. It is not based on a heuristic, it is based on a proof. How this guarantee is possible, despite the halting problem, is because he designs an abstract representation of the program being analyzed. It loses a lot of information, but by using it, one can actually prove things about the program.

If I understand you correctly, you're talking about heuristics which allow one to say "It is very likely that this program will exhibit that behavior." It's not a guarantee, because it's not based on a proof, but rather on heuristics which try to match patterns in the code in question to patterns in code that was known to exhibit such behavior. Carmack talks about using such static analysis in his projects in a popular blog post (HN discussions: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4543553 and http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3388290).

In simpler terms, Matt's approach avoids the halting problem by only providing guarantees on a limited set of behaviors. The approach you're talking about avoids the halting problem by not providing guarantees, but by providing likelihoods.

No, I'm talking about the same thing Matt is. Notice how, in his sign analysis example, the analyzer can return {-, 0, +}, indicating that it doesn't know the sign of some particular value. Thus, it's not an algorithm for determining the signs of values computed by an arbitrary program; it's only a heuristic that will sometimes tell you the sign. (And I don't mean "sometimes" probabilistically -- I mean "for some expressions in some programs". Given a particular expression in a particular program, it's deterministic.)

The art of static analysis, then, is to design heuristics that provide useful information in enough cases to be of practical value.

It's useful to make a distinction between the "sound" static analyses Matt Might posted about and heuristic-based, or "pragmatic" analyses.

Cousot's Analysis of Signs is sound. It can fail by returning {-,0,+}. However, when it succeeds, it does make guarantees. If it returns {0} for an integer, then it has proven that that integer will always and only have the value 0. Furthermore, if that integer can be 0, it is guaranteed the analysis will return a set containing 0.

Pragmatic analyses have no such guarantees; if a pragmatic analysis of signs returns {0}, then anything could happen. They are "pragmatic" in that their value is determined by how correlated their output is with the answer on real programs; there are no theorems to prove about them.

I think we have a disagreement on semantics.

If you can provide a guarantee based on a proof, then I do not consider that a heuristic. I consider there to be two differences between proof-based analysis and heuristic-based analysis:

1. Proof-based analysis may provide guarantees. In other words, no false-positives, but false-negatives are possible. Heuristics cannot provide guarantees, only probabilities, and they can have both false-positives and false-negatives.

2. Heuristic-based analysis require data to create. For example, let's say we analyzed some code and saw:

  struct thing* = alloc_thing();
  thing = alloc_thing();
A heuristic based analysis may say "The pattern of allocations and uses in this code is consistent with known memory leaks in other applications." That is, we have recognized a pattern in code that when seen elsewhere, there was a memory leak. This is a very different animal than proof-based analysis because it relies on historical data and pattern matching against it. But it may be a false-positive. In contrast, a proof-based analysis does not need to look at any other code but the one in question; it has proven what the behavior is. It could not provide a false-positive.

There are two different kinds of proofs in discussion here. You're talking about the proofs the analyzer provides about the behavior of the program under analysis. I'm talking about what we can or cannot prove about the behavior of the analyzer itself. Can we prove that it will never construct an incorrect proof? Or that it will find a proof if one exists?

Those are all actually the same proof. The proofs that the analysis provides about the program are essentially the soundness proof of the analysis combined with its output. So if I prove that the signs that values of a variable can hold will be contained in the set found by my static analysis, and my analyzer outputs {+}, then that is a proof that that variable can only store positive values. It produces a proof in the same sense that, if I prove the Pythagorean theorem, then I can evaluate the expression sqrt(x^2+y^2) with x=3 and y=4 to get a proof that the corresponding line has length 5. Getting an incorrect proof out of that would be tantamount to an arithmetic error.

Note that most analyses do no actual automated theorem proving; they just, conceptually at least, instantiate existing proofs. If, by "find a proof," you mean "show the presence of bugs if there are any," then that's part of the same soundness proof. Conversely, showing the absence of bugs if there aren't any is completeness; you can't have both due to the halting problem.

Whether an analyzer correctly implements an analysis is a totally separate beast, and is an example of verification. Xavier Leroy has done some excellent work in verifying static analyzers.

You can use heuristics in provably sound static analyses as well, so your distinction isn't really valid.

The is a clear distinction between analysis that relies solely on heuristics and analysis that can provide a proof, even if it also uses heuristics.

I agree with your post, though I am curious to know if there is any use for "this function is likely to terminate" inside static analysis.

How this guarantee is possible, despite the halting problem, is because he designs an abstract representation of the program being analyzed. It loses a lot of information, but by using it, one can actually prove things about the program.

I would rather say: the halting problem shows that there exists at least one program for which it is impossible to prove termination - not that every termination problem is undecidable, as the trivial example "return 5;" shows.

The conclusion "this function is likely to terminate" may not be helpful, but "this function is likely to leak memory" may be extraordinarily helpful.

The reason that everyone brings up the halting problem in this context is not that we want to test programs if they halt. (Well, we may, but we're generally looking for other behaviors.) It's because for some behaviors, if you want to be able to handle all cases, then that problem can be reduced to the halting problem. Matt provides an excellent demonstration of this with array indices.

I'm confused by your restatement, because it does not restate what I said. You're talking about the halting problem. I'm talking about proving general behaviors in programs, despite the theoretical result that solving the halting problem is impossible, and that many behaviors can be reduced to the halting problem. The solution, as Matt explains, is to find ways to describe behaviors so they do not reduce to the halting problem. Using this technique, you still can have false negatives ("I don't know"), but you can guarantee no false positives.

I'm confused by your restatement, because it does not restate what I said.

Indeed! I hadn't quite made out what you were trying to say in that post - my statement was not relevant.

PREfix incorporated analysis to identify likely exit functions. This help cut down false positives in situations like

   if (p == NULL)
   *p = 0;
With the inference-based analysis we did in PREfix, if we don't recognize fatal_error() as a function that's likely to exit the program, we'd report a potential NULL pointer on the next line. But we didn't have the source code for fatal_error, how could we possibly know that? Ideally it would be a volatile function but a lot of older code is very sloppy about that. So we employed various heuristics based on the names of the functions (and gave the user an opportunity to tune the results) ... it worked surprisingly well in practice.

I am curious to know if there is any use for "this function is likely to terminate" inside static analysis.

Well, something like "this condition is likely to be true" could help give an estimate for whether a loop will run many times, which leads to things like a better estimate for the cost of spilling to the stack values used in that loop instead of keeping them in registers.

the halting problem shows that there exists at least one program for which it is impossible to prove termination

I'm not sure that "every halting checker has some input where it gives the wrong answer" permits the conclusion "there is some input where they all give the wrong answer." Is "the machine must generate a proof of its answer" what lets you make that extra leap?

Past tense because I no longer sell static analysis software.

Do you miss it? I sometimes do ...

It's not that you can't solve the halting problem--- it's that you can't always solve the halting problem. Sometimes (such as when you're building things that can explode or kill people) you'll settle for an overly conservative approximation to the halting problem (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Termination_analysis). You'll reject some programs which are OK but anything which passes your analysis will be guaranteed to halt.

Most practical functions, as implemented when programming, are primitive recursive, not partial recursive. Thus they don't suffer from the halting problem.

Admittedly, "I don't know" probably isn't the answer a company wants to hear from your commercial tool.

The answer usually provided was "yes, your program has bugs" to which people objected theoretically. "Look, we found a bug." "My theory says you didn't." Followed quickly by the prize winning "that's not a bug."

Yeah, the truth is the methods companies use to find their bugs currently won't be able to give a definitive "no" anyway. The answers are really "yes, you have bugs" or "maybe you have bugs but we can't find any", which is true no matter how you coded. Static analysis would be another tool just like peer review or unit tests. I wonder if you could bring it up that way...

Call me crazy, but I love it when a person or machine admits "I don't know" -- doubly so if they distinguish between "it's not possible to know" and "we simply haven't handled that case yet". That can be extremely useful information to have!

Something I've wondered but never got around to asking - why is it called Static Analysis? Why not Dynamic Analysis, or Runtime Analysis, or something else?

Precisely because it's done without actually running the program. Dynamic analysis is where you do actually run the program.

It doesn't take place at runtime; that's kind of the point of the name. I suspect the static=compile time, dynamic=run time terminology comes from linking, in which context it makes more sense - the linkage of a "staticly linked" program really is static.

Precisely because it is not done at runtime not dynamically but statically: the goal is to verify properties of a given program without having to actually run it.

It doesn't analyse at runtime. It simulates certain runtime states but looks at the code at compile time. Since it analyses static code that is not changing, the term Static Analysis is used.

Analyzing sign example doesn't work in C where signed integer overflow is undefined behavior.

Example http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12729110/strange-integer-...


It works for the register language with infinite precision integers.

If you want it to work for C, you'll have to redefine the abstractions of addition and multiplication (and every other operation) appropriately.

You'll also have to parameterize it by word size, endianness, signedness and type of arithmetic.

That is, sound static analysis for C is almost certainly going to be platform-specific.

But, you can still do it.

But, you can still do it.

Indeed. Arguably, compilers do it all the time to be able to (safely) do optimizations. Hence static analyzers are usually an extension to an compiler. Frama-C kind of being the exception, using CIL instead of the intermediate representation of a production compiler.

I wish I knew what I was reading right now

Interesting write up. LLVM defines it as "a collection of algorithms and techniques used to analyze source code in order to automatically find bugs." http://clang-analyzer.llvm.org/

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