All fine points. Whenever this topic is brought up, I personally take the time to straighten the overwhelming view based on lack of or misinformation about these three mathematicians.
In-fact, there is a positive to all of this - via discussion and constant correction of what isn't widely stated, we are promoting the actual facts. This in my point of view is and will be the eventual success contributing factor. I'm not involved in the matters of how official statements, literature and such should be amended to promote this more, but if there is an overwhelming misunderstanding of how and what exactly happened - it's worthwhile doing so.
In-fact, there is a positive to all of this - via discussion and constant correction of what isn't widely stated, we are promoting the actual facts. This in my point of view is and will be the eventual success contributing factor. I'm not involved in the matters of how official statements, literature and such should be amended to promote this more, but if there is an overwhelming misunderstanding of how and what exactly happened - it's worthwhile doing so.