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Please Stop "Fixing" Font Smoothing (usabilitypost.com)
13 points by joshuacc on Nov 7, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Yeah, I'm just waiting on this to become a useful standard and for resolutions to be universally high enough to really make it work. I've disabled font smoothing almost altogether on my machine, which makes some sites look a bit odd, but it improves readability for all the PC-oriented bitmapped fonts that make up the bulk of my reading.

I think ignorance the main reason designers keep misusing it. I, for one, simply didn't know any better and would always throw one of these in my CSS:

    -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; /* Fix for webkit rendering */

Why on earth is this decision left up to the page designer in the first place?

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