Vice Magazine reporters are indeed with me in Guatemala. Yesterday was chaotic due to the accidental release of my exact co-ordinates by an unseasoned technician at Vice headquarters. We made it to safety in spite of this handicap. I had to cancel numerous interviews with the press yesterday because of this and I apologize to all of those affected
> I think he went to Guatemala for asylum on purpose
Doubtful, or he would have contacted the Guatemalan authorities immediately.
What more likely happened: he illegally entered Guatemala, either to hide or to go further into hiding to another country, got busted because he stupidly published a picture with EXIF data in it, got arrested and then claimed he was looking for asylum.
Except it didn't work out: EFE reports that the speaker of the Guatemaltecan government, Francisco Cuevas, announced that McAfee will be returned to Belize in the next hours.
I doubt that McAfee will be extradited shortly. He hired Telesforo Guerra, a notorious lawyer (or abogangster, as we call them in Guatemala) who has successfully prevented the US Government from extraditing Guatemala's former President, Francisco Portillo, for the past 3 years after being accused of laundering $15MM.