Other than Tatooine (which isn't a desert planet, by the way) and a sand worm (which appears in many stories), what parts of Dune you see lifted for Star Wars?
The whole point of Dune was the vulnerability of the empire to a single resource; spice. Similar to the [our] real world's relationship with oil.
I've read Dune many times. But only watched SW once or twice. I didn't "see" Dune, I was thinking of the old space opera stories - or something like Buck Rogers.
This article http://moongadget.com/origins/dune.html has a chart comparing story line points. I am unable to locate my copy of the book "The making of dune" in which Herbert considers taking legal action about the similarities, but decides not to.
The whole point of Dune was the vulnerability of the empire to a single resource; spice. Similar to the [our] real world's relationship with oil.
I've read Dune many times. But only watched SW once or twice. I didn't "see" Dune, I was thinking of the old space opera stories - or something like Buck Rogers.