I have severe doubts that that makes as much difference as... well anything.
It's like whisky drunk vs. beer drunk, they're different because of the speed you take them in, their concentration absorption speeds and a variety of subjective feelings.
Now I know it's a little more complicated than the ethanol picture, with a variety of active compounds in different quantities, but I am very skeptical that a different strain of the plant can make the change from 'stumbling through life apathetically' to 'deep psychedelic self-realisation'.
Not that I'm convinced deep psychedelic self-realisation is much other than brainfart either.
Admittedly I'm not swimming in data. So it could certainly be suggestion or selective reporting or whatever else.
All I was really trying to point out was that there are clearly different 'states' of high: introspective (to the point of paranoia), inquisitive, giggly, zoned, etc.
Just as there are different states of drunk: 'tipsy', 'hyper-active', 'depressed', 'blotto', etc.
So just as not everyone who hits a beer bong is going to streak across the quad to the gymnasium, not everyone who gets high is going to necessarily question the universe nor necessarily sit on the couch and watch the world pass by.
You can't gauge marijuana from the actions of a handful of stoners any more than you can gauge alcohol from the actions of a handful of stumbling drunks.
I have severe doubts that that makes as much difference as... well anything.
It's like whisky drunk vs. beer drunk, they're different because of the speed you take them in, their concentration absorption speeds and a variety of subjective feelings.
Now I know it's a little more complicated than the ethanol picture, with a variety of active compounds in different quantities, but I am very skeptical that a different strain of the plant can make the change from 'stumbling through life apathetically' to 'deep psychedelic self-realisation'.
Not that I'm convinced deep psychedelic self-realisation is much other than brainfart either.