I'm may be wrong here, but isn't it the case, that Facebooks re-activates your account, as soon as you login with Facebook Connect on a 3rd-Party site?
I really hate that, but what if you're using something like coughBangYourFriendscough Spotify, deactivate your Facebook account and can't use Spotify anymore? Maybe you're a paying customer to Spotify? How do you cancel your membership if you can't login anymore?
To me this seems like a Big Communication Problemâ„¢ between the User and the App/Facebook. The Facebook API needs a functionality that says "Using a deactivated account for Facebook Connect re-activates your old account automatically".
I totally disagree on methods like this, but i seems plausible in that way.
I really hate that, but what if you're using something like coughBangYourFriendscough Spotify, deactivate your Facebook account and can't use Spotify anymore? Maybe you're a paying customer to Spotify? How do you cancel your membership if you can't login anymore?
To me this seems like a Big Communication Problemâ„¢ between the User and the App/Facebook. The Facebook API needs a functionality that says "Using a deactivated account for Facebook Connect re-activates your old account automatically".
I totally disagree on methods like this, but i seems plausible in that way.