Picky is good! We never grow without constructive critisim. And a community of practice may yeild better results than an individual (at least for simple things).
> I'd recommend people read that article with a degree of scepticism before rushing onto any boxes they might administrate.
Agreed. But the same could be said of everything; hackers and engineers, empiricists both.
Some of the advice in the article would seem apporpriate to someone who had never worked with another senior engineer. No fault of the OP.
System engineering and security are as much a learned craft as a science; a dialectic between sand castles (if you will).
> I'd recommend people read that article with a degree of scepticism before rushing onto any boxes they might administrate.
Agreed. But the same could be said of everything; hackers and engineers, empiricists both.
Some of the advice in the article would seem apporpriate to someone who had never worked with another senior engineer. No fault of the OP.
System engineering and security are as much a learned craft as a science; a dialectic between sand castles (if you will).