That explains why $random people I've never met send me connect invites. I normally ignore them, but still waste time trying to figure out if its important or not. -.-.
Can one safely ignore all these "Business" networks? Wonder what people get out of it.
I'll connect with someone in my field and location, because those are the connections I hope to foster with LinkedIn.
One of the weirder things I've experience is people "endorsing" my skills. Many of which are skills they've certainly never seen me use. I assume they were doing it for some sort of reciprocal endorsement, but I don't want my name attached to someone's skills that I know nothing about.
Yes, I accepted a request from someone today (first time being there in quite some time) and it immediately suggested I endorse him for a slew of skills. I presume some people just click the button, thus I largely ignore it, I assumed other techies did as well (I.e. Put no faith in someone's endorsements).
> but I don't want my name attached to someone's skills that I know nothing about.
The endorsements are a particularly bad move by linkedin. I've been endorsed for all sorts of things; Knowing what I've been endorsed for, I don't know why anyone would assign any credibility to those items on their website.
I have a help button in my iOs apps, so that people can send me emails if they have a problem or a question. This email account gets a couple of linked in invites a day.
Can one safely ignore all these "Business" networks? Wonder what people get out of it.