Google is sucking all the talent and the brain of the world.. i wish at least that the efforts would get published in new papers and open source software..
Or the world will enter into a dark age of knowledge, ruled by huge corporations, and everybody else having to share the crumbs that fall of the table..
I hope that not all big minds fall of for companies.. or at least that companies start to commit with knowledge shareing to the rest of the world
we should stop black box knowledge companies or we are doomed in the long term.. (like the coke secret recipe case)
Dont get me wrong.. google is much better than its "predecessors" in that field.. eg: microsoft, apple, ibm..
but in the end is only one company, with its capital open in the stock market, with boards and everything else.. while google now is half good/half evil.. who can garantee that in the future when larry and sergey goes away.. that the company wont be ruled by a Larry ellison clone?
ps: while google have a pretty much decent portfolio of open source and papers floating around.. its more about "marginal software" for google...
the core of its knowledge about the business still a secret.. what would be of the world now and the cloud economy without Doug Cutting, that do it all by himself?
In one sentence: is only ONE company rulled by the capital market and profits and thats pretty scary.. thats all :s
I think this is unfair to at least Microsoft Research, which as far as I know has outpublished Google by a wide margin. (Full disclosure - I'm a contractor working on F#-related stuff at MSR)
As I am not a contractor or affiliated with MSR in any way, I can back you up. In my field MSR is light years ahead of Google when it comes to research impact. Google has been gaining a stronger presence and they are generally seen as more innovative. But for those of my colleagues that want an industry research job, MSR and Google are both very attractive, the old stable one and the new kid in town.
(Disclaimer: I work for Microsoft Research Asia) On the other hand, what Google does get around to publishing is often very strong. Outside of universities, and since IBM lost/dropped/??? most of its researchers, we are the only two big companies left that have strong ties to research.
ok ,mea culpa. the research part of microsoft is pretty decent.. even i have already stop by and read some of those good papers.. :)
but the point i was made was about open culture.. and since google publish much more(and heavy weight) open source software than microsoft i tend to think they are ahead in the curve at least in that matter..
but with the current trends of online education model our academic institutions are in threat, at least the classic model we used to know.. so this make even more dangerous if corporations are the only safe place to big minds to continue their work..
so while companies are getting more open.. in this hypothetical future.. i think this is not enough.
Companies by their own standards dont have to think about the society greater good. they can, but they dont have to.. contrary to what academia and republics were created for
Or the world will enter into a dark age of knowledge, ruled by huge corporations, and everybody else having to share the crumbs that fall of the table..
I hope that not all big minds fall of for companies.. or at least that companies start to commit with knowledge shareing to the rest of the world
we should stop black box knowledge companies or we are doomed in the long term.. (like the coke secret recipe case)