Not being the biggest fan of Google anymore, I got somehow saddened when I first read the news.
But after a second thought, I can understand why he did it and if I were in his shoes I would do the same.
I don't think it has to do anything with money. For a connectionist, it is a dream to have access to the massive amount of CPUs that Google has. Take that and add all the incredible and smart people that Google has in its team and then you would see his decision was a no-brainer. I feel very happy for him.
But after a second thought, I can understand why he did it and if I were in his shoes I would do the same.
I don't think it has to do anything with money. For a connectionist, it is a dream to have access to the massive amount of CPUs that Google has. Take that and add all the incredible and smart people that Google has in its team and then you would see his decision was a no-brainer. I feel very happy for him.