[OT] Woah, takes me back to the bad old days of a.r.k
The nounal usage "Legos" just wasn't one I heard until I was exposed to this Internet. Correct en_AU usage is to deploy "Lego" as its own plural. Dialects!
Back on-topic, I'm kicking myself that I didn't think of using Lego when I was tutoring TCP/IP, but ... I was also kinda hoping this article would show some sort of robot-based assembly line with motors and (of course) a bit bucket for lost packets. To the Legotorium!
Back on-topic, I'm kicking myself that I didn't think of using Lego when I was tutoring TCP/IP, but ... I was also kinda hoping this article would show some sort of robot-based assembly line with motors and (of course) a bit bucket for lost packets. To the Legotorium!