While it seems ridiculous to complain about which FOSS license is being used, it's a legitimate observation since there are certain app stores that disallow GPL'd code entirely.
It'd be nice if the author was willing to change the license but it's not something one can reasonably demand.
Sure, but it would be entirely possible for Appstores to make their terms less restrictive, I don't blame people for using licenses like the GPL which are designed to push people in that direction.
I don't think it's very likely app stores will change their terms in the direction of complying with the GPL.
I don't blame people using the GPL either (except possibly people that use it for libraries), nor people that publish apps on the various stores, I was just clarifying a point.
The moral point of RMS & GPL is that if an ecosystem (such as an appstore) disallows even a possibility for users being in full control of their hardware & software, then such a system is evil, morally repugnant and should change their ways or be shunned by everyone - that 'peaceful coexistance' with them hurts society and should not happen.
It'd be nice if the author was willing to change the license but it's not something one can reasonably demand.