Only on _salaries_ of over a million. Except for soccer superstars, nobody makes more than a million _in salary_.
He promised it for populist reasons, but never wanted to do it; so he does it in such a way that it affects virtually nobody.
It has a nasty effect, though: it reinforces the idea that wanting to become rich is somewhat antisocial in France, and ought to be punished. A 75% tax is what you levy on vice: oil, tobacco, alcohol or lottery. This is insulting and discouraging to entrepreneurs, many of whom crave social recognition at least as much as wealth.
He promised it for populist reasons, but never wanted to do it; so he does it in such a way that it affects virtually nobody.
It has a nasty effect, though: it reinforces the idea that wanting to become rich is somewhat antisocial in France, and ought to be punished. A 75% tax is what you levy on vice: oil, tobacco, alcohol or lottery. This is insulting and discouraging to entrepreneurs, many of whom crave social recognition at least as much as wealth.