For lapsed accounts, it should be a user-initiated process. If you're genuinely bothered about lapsed accounts, a "We're going to deactivate your account as you're not using it" email is probably fine.
> Still spam by the definition of the top comment.
I see where you're coming from, but if it's made clear at registration that say, after 6 months of inactivity they'll notify you to say they're deactivating the account in a month, then it's not unreasonable. Perhaps better than just deactivating it without telling you.
With a lot of startups offering freemium services, there needs to be a way to either increase retention or reduce overheads with inactive accounts. You still have to pay for storage on your cloud provider, so closing inactive accounts while not great are certainly within the realms of possibility compared to trying to spam people into upgrading.
Still spam by the definition of the top comment.