> When I realize, after reading these stories, that I read them on "RussiaToday" I always feel a bit sad.
> "the best Russian propaganda machine targeted at the outside world"
I trust RT with issues outside Russia's geopolitical influence. See they have it easy then, they don't have to lie. Just have to tell the truth that CNN and NBC are not telling. So they are pretty good with that. Al-Jazeera is good for news outside Qatar and its close neighbors and so on.
Because it looks like an instrumental use of these events.
> "the best Russian propaganda machine targeted at the outside world" I trust RT with issues outside Russia's geopolitical influence, they don't have to lie.
The problem with propaganda is that they don't only emphasize the desired facts, they even blatantly twist some of them.
The propaganda of one country can be a useful (because different) filter on the events in another, so long as one doesn't forget that it is propaganda. Particularly useful is when one can find several different such angles and triangulate.
It is an event that I am interested in. It did happen. Isn't it rather scary that our "free" press didn't pick it up . Well it is clear why...but still interesting.
As I said. I wouldn't believe a word RT says about Putin, Russia, or anything that happens in its sphere of influence. But they are pretty good when it comes to other parts of the world.
> "the best Russian propaganda machine targeted at the outside world"
I trust RT with issues outside Russia's geopolitical influence. See they have it easy then, they don't have to lie. Just have to tell the truth that CNN and NBC are not telling. So they are pretty good with that. Al-Jazeera is good for news outside Qatar and its close neighbors and so on.