Syria was developing a nuclear program before they had their facilities bombed by the Israelis. Saudi Arabia has shown interest though they don't want to rock the geopolitical boat, but if Iran developed the bomb then it would likely set off a local arms race. Egypt has the industrial capacity, wealth, and local nuclear technology to develop nuclear weapons if they desired and their government is in so much flux that the chances of a future Egyptian regime deciding to develop the technology (especially if Iran were to acquire it) can't be ruled out.
Somewhat related, most people don't realize how far along Iraq's nuclear program was at the time of the first Gulf War, even despite the Israeli raid on Osirik. Iraq had enriched a large amount of Uranium using calutrons, had recovered some HEU from their experimental reactors, and had done a considerable amount of R&D on bomb designs. If Saddam had not invaded Kuwait when he did it's almost certain that he would have had a functional nuclear weapon or several by the mid-1990s at the latest.