So, we all see the problem already. Do you have a plan that will actually solve the issue?
Data will continue to be collected, be it by state entities, corporations, or private citizens. It will keep happening whether it's declared illegal or not, as it's become clear that there's no working oversight of the state actors in particular.
No, I was simply trying to express that if these datasets are going to be collected, I'd rather access to them be restricted to government than for it to become a free-for-all, because I disagree with the GP that the root problem is information asymmetry. The problem is collection and availability, and that is not solved by wider dissemination.
I don't have any magical solution to the privacy issue (wish I did). My current approach is to try to be active in discussions on the topic, educate people about the risks, and trying to give a counterpoint to the David Brin-inspired peeping tom paradise a lot of tech people seem to love.
Data will continue to be collected, be it by state entities, corporations, or private citizens. It will keep happening whether it's declared illegal or not, as it's become clear that there's no working oversight of the state actors in particular.