I've read many compliments about LINQ and how it was something fundamentally more powerfull than just a sql wrapper ( i think i remembered the dreaded word "monad", but i'm not suree), but i haven't found any detailled analysis of the theory behind that technology.
I love everything linq. I love how I can be more expressive and do more with less. I'm assuming you've had exposure to C# otherwise you wouldn't have ported the main functionality over to Go. What are your thoughts - I know that Go has its special use cases but do you find that the more "verbose" nature of their lamdas junk up your code? Is the extra verbosity offset by Go's other redeeming qualities?
A rather proper LINQ implementation in Go is
http://www.oki-osk.jp/esc/golang/linq3/linq.go.html http://www.oki-osk.jp/esc/golang/linq3/linq_test.go.html
and its design and implementation are explained in