That's an expensive way to finance your purchases.
Your credit is your own business of course. But if it's just a random idea you had, you'll save a lot more money switching to pre-paid, and buying the hardware you want outright.
Plus that'll give you flexibility you didn't have before (to switch carriers when/if you feel like it, without penalty).
+1. I'm very happy with TMobile's $30/mo prepaid plan. You get 5gb of data (LTE), unlimited texting, and 100 minutes of talktime. If 100 minutes is too low, you can get unlimited minutes with Skype for $9/mo ($6 for a skype number, $3 for the unlimited minutes).
Your credit is your own business of course. But if it's just a random idea you had, you'll save a lot more money switching to pre-paid, and buying the hardware you want outright.
Plus that'll give you flexibility you didn't have before (to switch carriers when/if you feel like it, without penalty).