I agree that the announcement doesn't make it clear where to click to access the guide. I jumped back to HN's comment to find it.
Then the ssd.eff.org page feels just like an empty shell, a nice logo, a bunch of empty space then a footer with links to workaround the lack of relevance of the page. Then I turned on javascript and it was the same but with an unnecessary and quite useless animation in the middle of the page.
Then I found a guide from and found it less readable and usable than the old one, though I like the bigger fonts.
To me the whole thing feels like an amateurish website and makes me think the content is on par with the design. IMHO eye candy should be left out of a project aiming at conveying important information about a subject that matters, especially when it gets in the way as it does here.
Old website was nice and readable, the new one is terrible, in a misguided attempt to be "modern".
Even at its front page, I had no idea where to click to actually read the guide.