> I'm sorry, did you just suggest something SOAP-like with more features?
I suspect that where you seem to have read "more {modern features}" but ultramancool meant "{more modern} features".
That is, I think the intent was that the features of the otherwise SOAP-like thing would be more modern than the features of SOAP, not that SOAP-like thing would have more features than SOAP and that those additional features would be modern.
Indeed, this is a correct assessment. Sorry about my poor phrasing. In particular I was thinking things like using the HTTP protocol correctly in a similar manner to more "modern" RESTful APIs, removing some of the unnecessary things and allowing for alternatives to XML like json for size and ease of access from web platforms.
I suspect that where you seem to have read "more {modern features}" but ultramancool meant "{more modern} features".
That is, I think the intent was that the features of the otherwise SOAP-like thing would be more modern than the features of SOAP, not that SOAP-like thing would have more features than SOAP and that those additional features would be modern.