I like the epilogue. I too wish I could go back to my younger self and describe this understanding. I would try to explain to myself that each pattern can be seen as an object in and of itself. That an algorithm is a way to move between these objects in a specific way that marries with a particular human goal. I would try to explain that each step of an algorithmic process combined can be seen independently of time as a pattern in and of itself and as such is itself an object. A process is a noun, a thing just as much as a chair or a lightbulb. I would say that in order to find an algorithm to solve a goal, all one needs to do is imagine the shape formed by this goal and construct that shape from the shapes that are readily available to you. Be them finger movements on an abacus or bitwise operations in a computer memory. And then I would explain that the universe can be seen in this way. The entire thing as a single object out there in phase space. I would tell myself that I suspected that all possible shapes exist, that the shape of your life exists only as much as the shape of a thing that you imagine while dreaming. This was the understanding I have been searching for since my early teens. It is such a joy to have found it, I like to think my younger self would have cherished it as much. But I may have discarded them as the ramnlings of an old fool.