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created:June 25, 2008
about:Co-founder & managing director at Johannas Urban Farms https://www.johannas.org

We build and operate turn key closed loop food production systems starting with fish, vegetables and insects as fish feed. Our indoor circular growing systems allow us to produce premium quality local food 365 days a year, minimising transport, water use and other environmental impact.

Co-founder of Akvo Foundation https://akvo.org

We build open source data systems which we run as a service that are used in international development and increasingly in country governance. Among other data, water quality and access data for 100+ million people living in rural areas in Africa, South Asia and the Pacific.

Council (board) member at Nexus Aurora https://nexusaurora.org/

International open-source incubator for space related projects and their applications

Bass player and song writer in Orbital Decay Heavy metal band. http://orbitaldecay.se

(Why bjelkeman-again? Because Hacker News didn't have a password retrieval system and I missplaced mine.)


Socials: - linkedin.com/in/bjelkeman

Interests: Entrepreneurship, Social Impact, Writing, Startups, Space Tech, Music, Mentorship, Biotech

