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created:March 24, 2007
about:CEO of DBOS. We make the best platform for reliable and durable serverless backends, with storage, workflows, and transactions built in (and no charges for CPU wait time). https://dbos.dev

I used to run reddit.com's servers, then I ran Site Reliability at Netflix, then I worked on making Alexa faster and smarter, and then I helped build a GPU cloud.

I enjoy technology, hanging out with my daughter and son, advising and investing in startups, and some other stuff.

You can reach me at {anything}@jedberg.net, and also send me any great investment leads there!

[ my public key: https://keybase.io/jedberg; my proof: https://keybase.io/jedberg/sigs/f2MDMfeLg---Sa3dsAQASZXctDSSz4GutwD8oOnuUzE ]
