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U.S. regulators accuse Palantir of bias against Asians (reuters.com)
277 points by flinner on Sept 26, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 394 comments

Palantir gets some of my sympathy. My organization has a large internship program and I've been first contact for many applicants. I found that a similar number of applicants had to be dropped either due to communication skills or an overall technical skills gap and they tended to be asian/southeast asian.

Interestingly most of them fit the same profile of a bachelor's from India, 1 or 2 years at a consulting firm in India doing something that could be argued is software development and now doing a master's at a large state university. To be honest I'm not sure how they got in or are able to graduate.

I worked at Palantir in the covered period and did a ton of interviews, 5-10 a week. I experienced exactly this dynamic - very large numbers of applicants who had a bachelor's degree from a South or East Asian university, a year or two of work experience, and a Masters from a mid-tier US University. The large majority washed out on the FizzBuzz-level technical questions on phone screens (or asked in person at job fairs).

If that is the case, and the records show that, then the company is probably ok. But you have to show that all of the people you hired could pass FizzBuzz right? Google gave one of the best hiring training lectures I've ever attended on eliminating personal bias from interviewing questions. A lot of it was thinking about the question and the response and putting it in the context of someone you knew, what would you think then? Would you still consider it so highly? Or as such a deficit? They said, although I didn't experience it directly, that they did data analytics on interviewer write ups to identify bias. That could have been to sort of encourage due diligence but given how data driven that company was when I was there I would not put it past them to do exactly that.

How does personal bias factor in to FizzBuzz? It's literally what I'm hiring you for -- I should be able to describe some process to you, and you should be able to write it out in code. Communication is a huge part of software engineering, and I don't understand why anyone would be expected to hire employees they cannot communicate with.

In addition to vidarh's excellent response, FizzBuzz is a great example that personal bias should not interfere. So if you did data analysis of your candidates and everyone you hired could do FizzBuzz and everyone you didn't hire could not do FizzBuzz then you could objectively state that failure to do FizzBuzz disqualified the candidates and it was blind to personal bias or discrimination factors. However if you hire whites who couldn't do FizzBuzz in the interview and you didn't hire asians who could, then you can't really say that "not being able to do fizzbuzz is a disqualifier" because it only disqualified some candidates.

Generally if you are hiring on work product skills (coding for software folks) and can show that your test is unbiased and you hire to the test, then you can avoid being found guilty of discrimination even if you hire a disproportionate number of a certain group. To be rock solid you also need to show that your applicant pool is highly diversified and has representation from all groups. Sometimes that means going out and seeking out candidates (like women or hispanics) who are self selecting to not apply. And why you really do better if you blind the resumes your HR staff sees before they sort them into phone screen and skip piles.

> However if you hire whites who couldn't do FizzBuzz in the interview and you didn't hire asians who could, then you can't really say that "not being able to do fizzbuzz is a disqualifier" because it only disqualified some candidates.

This is a great point and it's why I always include FizzBuzz in any interview—no matter how they were referred, how impressive their resume is, or their confidence level.

Having consistent benchmarks helps give you legal cover, but it's also essential to running a solid interview process. If you're not applying the same tests to all candidates, it's impossible to detect problems in your filters and you can easily end up making biased decisions or hiring the wrong people.

Yes, I understand that it can be annoying to have to solve such a basic problem in an interview, but it only takes a few minutes—just get it over with, it's not meant as an insult.

Personal bias potentially factors in the moment your evaluation of the solution goes beyond "works" or "doesn't work" and into subjective evaluation of the code quality.

Personal bias also potentially factors into how you describe it (so consider presenting it written, in the same format for everyone). E.g. let's say the interviewer goes into extra detail or ask for confirmation of understanding from candidates they favour.

Too bad it didn't stop the bias in my Google interview :/

Passed through all the on-site interview problems and then they silently dropped me. No "we're sorry, you're not a good match." No emails, no phone calls. Nothing.

What bias does this show?

I've seen American university CS grads wash out on FizzBuzz level questions at alarming levels as well so this is not exclusively a phenomenon with these backgrounds.

How in the world are people making it through schools (with a MS!) without actually.... uhh.... you know.... knowing the subject at all?

The question is if the questions asked are really "FizzBuzz level" questions, or algorithm questions that are easy to consider of similar complexity when you know the expected algorithms.

When I studied CS, data structures and algorithms was the second CS course we were expected to take, right after "introduction to programming". It would usually be taken in the second semester.

That's the last time we were tested on a long range of algorithms, except indirectly if we happened to need a given algorithm to complete our work later. In the 22 years since, I've probably needed e.g. a depth first search once, and many of the algorithms I learned I've never touched on since.

So for many, it boils down to whether or not you cared about and liked that course. I happened to love it - I read the set texts the first weekend of the course, and spent a lot of time reading up on algorithms in the years before and after. But for a lot of my class mates it was a course they had to endure to get to more interesting stuff. Many of them would go on to do very well in other subjects.

If they can't figure out a problem like FizzBuzz given a complete description, then that's a deeper problem. But a lot of algorithm questions can sound like they are on that level because we expect people to know a catalogue of algorithms that most developers don't actually need through most of their careers.

^^ - this.

same here - almost 20 years of dev, last time I needed to implement basic cs algorithms were in college and grad school classes (and some idiotic corporate interviews where preferred way of coding is apparently using a white board).

basic knowledge of fizbuzz, dfs, bfs, quicksort, and similar things of course is needed - however asking developers actually implement them in front of you is pointless, at least as far as job performance goes.

> basic knowledge of fizbuzz, dfs, bfs, quicksort, and similar things of course is needed

FizzBuzz is not some arcane algorithm. You don't need to study it.

It's literally writing a loop, testing equality, and printing some output. I don't know how you could program professionally and not be able to solve FizzBuzz.

People should be able to solve FizzBuzz provided it is explained properly and fully.

This is the same for a lot of the basic algorithms we learnt and forgot.

This, to me is the big caveat. Just as there are a lot of people who are horrible at solving stuff they should easily be able to, I've conversely seen so many horrible interviewers that under-specify the problems they ask about because they assume people should understand algorithms that would make it easier to understand, or just assume people will infer things most people wouldn't.

Why do you bundle fizbuzz with some legit algorithms that require some knowledge? Fizzbuzz is a gimmick, deliberately picked as something very simple to filter out clowns. I can't imagine a more simple programming task. Any suggestions? ;)

Simple variable swap?

"Take these two variables, derpyOne and derpyTwo, and swap their values"

Write "Hello World" in your favorite language...

A lot of people are pushing back on you, but I've seen the exact same thing. I think everyone who hasn't interviewed developers would be surprised by the general incompetence, but everyone who runs an interview process realizes that 80+% of "developers" are terrible.

For the record, I'm absolutely not talking about algorithms questions. I'm talking about literal FizzBuzz. A majority of candidates cannot solve it in 15 minutes.

> How in the world are people making it through schools (with a MS!) without actually.... uhh.... you know.... knowing the subject at all?

It's through a combination of:

1. Tests being based on memorization, not actual knowledge or programming. If you manage to stuff enough keywords into answers, it's possible to pass.

2. Lots of group work. The 20% of students who actually know how to program finish the project while everyone else slacks off and asks for help "with this one thing."

3. Outright cheating. There's a thriving market in recycled homework and exam answers.

> everyone who runs an interview process realizes that 80+% of "developers" are terrible.

No, 80% of people in the 'currently looking for a job developer pool' are terrible. But you have to consider that the worse a candidate is, the longer they stay in that pool. So judging developers as a whole based just on interviews makes them look much worse than they are.

Good point, that's always an important thing to remember. The average job applicant is much lower quality than the average developer.

Maybe. With a large enough population for either the job-hunters or the employed, you should regress to the mean for the total population and the deviation should also be similar. This assumes a normal distribution for the metrics that you are hired for, something that may not be in fact true, ie. Poisson or exponential distributions are reasonable. What you can take away from this: Your own developers may not be as good as you think they are OR they may be much better, same for the candidates. That particular day you interviewed them they may have been exceptional or they may have been ill and they failed, or a million other reasons. I think Google came out a while ago and said that their initial hires had no correlation to the really successful people in the company after...5(?)... years. I can't find the citation, sorry. The interviewing process is known to be broken, so trying to extrapolate to say that the job-seekers are less good at these metrics than the employed is erroneous. I'm not saying you are wrong, just that using a binary decision like this to determine these things is wrong.

> With a large enough population for either the job-hunters or the employed, you should regress to the mean for the total population and the deviation should also be similar.

You're right that the actual population of all job applicants over time is equally qualified to the employed developers.

However, the data that I have available to me as a hiring manager is the sample of developers who actually applied to my job. In that sample, incompetent developers are much more likely to be present because a competent developer only sends out <15 applications before getting a job while the incompetent ones can send out hundreds.

At any given moment, a competent developer is more likely to be employed than an incompetent one. Hence the incompetent ones are constantly generating job applications at a much higher rate than their actual presence in the population would suggest.

For the record, this isn't merely theoretical. The last time I was looking for a job, I was able to get an offer from the second company I applied to. Meanwhile a friend of mine with barely any experience had to apply to about 50 places before getting a single offer. If you were to pull a random sample of our applications, his would be way over-represented.

> think Google came out a while ago and said that their initial hires had no correlation to the really successful people in the company after...5(?)... years.

Sure, but Google still spends a lot of time and money on interviewing because anyone they hire has to be better than the average applicant. They get huge numbers of job applicants, the majority of whom are grossly unqualified.

> The interviewing process is known to be broken, so trying to extrapolate to say that the job-seekers are less good at these metrics than the employed is erroneous.

There are lots of problems with the interview process, but I'm really including anyone who managed to get to an interview (past the phone screen) in the "competent" category. There are seriously huge number of job applicants who can't program a basic loop without extensive help.

> However, the data that I have available to me as a hiring manager is the sample of developers who actually applied to my job.

Actually, you only have the sample of developers you interviewed for the job. How many didn't get an interview? Are you confident that your resume filter is good and that the resumes rejected were actually bad?

> Meanwhile a friend of mine with barely any experience had to apply to about 50 places before getting a single offer.

Following up my previous point, how many interviews did that yield? The discussion here is over developers who look like idiots in the interview. Confusing that with applications clouds the discussion.

> Actually, you only have the sample of developers you interviewed for the job. How many didn't get an interview? Are you confident that your resume filter is good and that the resumes rejected were actually bad?

More specifically, I have the sample of developers who I did a phone screen with.

I'm reasonably confident that my resume filter is "good" in the sense that it's not rejecting people prematurely. If your resume shows any hint that you'd be able to do the job (ie. any amount of programming job experience and/or a CS degree) then I'm willing to give you 15 minutes.

> Following up my previous point, how many interviews did that yield?

A dozen or so. I'm deeply skeptical that the pool of applicants would be better than the pool of interviewees.

IIRC Google said that their interview scores didn't correlate with how successful people were in the company. But you have to remember that obviously they're only talking about people who made the cut, so people who had at least moderately high scores to begin with.

> How in the world are people making it through schools (with a MS!) without actually.... uhh.... you know.... knowing the subject at all?

Recent undergraduate grad here. A lot of the algorithms I've seen on technical interviews were only covered once or twice in the curriculum. Basically, one such algorithm would come up in either the data structures or algorithms class, we would then work on it for the given assignment/exam, and finally we would move on from it. Subsequent course work would barely reference it.

These things are best learned through repetition. Unfortunately, with all of the other CS coursework topics that I was being educated on, it seemed like there was little room for the repetition to take place. (At least, not in the stereotypical four year timespan assuming that the given student enters a CS program with no prior programming knowledge.)

If you know even some basic programming and logic, you should be able to come up with a reasonable fizz buzz solution. You don't need to have studies the fizz buzz algorithm in college, or have practiced a solution.

I spent weeks on that algorithm. It is only through daily katas that I still remember its rigors.

> ..assuming that the given student enters a CS program with no prior programming knowledge

This is bizarre to me. It's like someone signing up for a music degree having never played an instrument. Maybe you'll cram enough to pass a test on the theory, but it's useless knowledge. It's unanchored and will float away.

Or a medical student who never did an operation before? Arts are the exception, not the rule. In other areas it is fully understood that the whole purpose of the program is to teach you everything, so actually saying "you have to know this before" would be weird.

Medical students are expected to have a strong science background, and well before they commit to being a surgeon they'll have units where they need to wield a scalpel. If they find out it's not for them there are plenty of other paths which don't involve surgery.

Engineering students are expected to have a strong maths background. If you can't do algebra and basic calculus then there's no chance of getting in.

It's completely reasonable to expect a CS student to have experience programming.

> It's completely reasonable to expect a CS student to have experience programming.

If you say so. I neither see the reason nor the advantage. Don't get me wrong: I had experience in programming before entering a CS program, but I had fellow students who never did any programming before and they did just fine, while others with programming experience failed. And I'm pretty confident that all of them who managed to stay through the introductory year were/are able to do FizzBuzz.

I would expect that the project they work on to utilize the knowledge in the courses. With 4 projects a year at 4 years, there's got to be something learned!

I got a BS in CS, graduated in 2006. What 4 projects? We had one project that lasted an entire semester, in one class; the rest was mostly one-off homework assignments that were very much topic-of-the-week. And most of them didn't really require coding.

If this is really as common as you imply, then no wonder many grads are lacking in exp. I thought 4 projects was on the low end...

"How in the world are people making it through schools (with a MS!) without actually.... uhh.... you know.... knowing the subject at all?"

I'm sure that there are many more people who could complete FizzBuzz on a homework assignment, with the help of the Googles, than could do so in an interview. And there are many mid-tier MS programs that are happy to take money from international candidates and give them every opportunity to keep paying.

Computer science programs, even at very prestigious schools, don't really require you to know anything about programming or practicality using computers. The amount of real hands-on work I did for classes in my entire undergrad career is less than I do in a good week at work.

> I've seen American university CS grads wash out on FizzBuzz level questions at alarming levels as well so this is not exclusively a phenomenon with these backgrounds.

Absolutely. They may even have washed out at higher numbers. The applicant pool described in the complaint definitely isn't representative of US CS majors nationwide, so you can't use it to draw inferences about the quality of students overall.

I'm rather shocked by this as well. I understand not knowing the latest frameworks and such, but I have close personal friends that say my name should be in parenthesis next to theirs on their diplomas. A lot of CS courses can be passed by getting help on take home assignments and rote memorization on tests. At least for your typical state schools.

Does Palantir make US citizenship a requirement for most of its job positions? My understanding is that this is common place for most US military contractors but I was wondering if this applies to government contractors at large.

Not for the positions I was interviewing for.

US citizenship is a requirement if you are going to do something related to the US government. I've worked for them in a position not related to the US government(not a US citizen myself) and the number of technical people who also happened to be US citizens were quite low.

Both sides of this issue are wrong. On the one hand, If I knew, based on online articles about the interview process, that there is a set of 100 questions out of which I might get asked 20, I'd prep on those 100 questions. It seems like the interviewees are underpreped for interviewing. That's sloppy. Maybe that's a reason not to hire them, but it probably isn't the best way to select hires.

On the other hand this process makes about as much sense as requiring that I know how to shift a non-synchronized manual transmission in order to pass a driving test. Nobody is implementing most of these algorithms from scratch, and if they did it would be a bad practice without having a good reason to do it.

You'd have a good point in your second paragraph if we were talking about implementing a Fibonacci Heap or an AVL tree. But the comment you're responding to is about people failing FizzBuzz.

Good point, FizzBuzz should take a couple minutes. AND it's the sort of thing a prepared interviewee should nail. I'd hope the rest of the interview would focus more on real-world considerations.

Im guessing they assumed the CS degree was a magic job getter and were too cocky to study

We introduced homework to filter out candidates who could not complete FizzBuzz level tasks. 70% of applications can be filtered by simple home work.

I have had a similar problem - interviewed dozens of people with exactly that pattern and they were universally clueless. No idea how seemingly-good Masters programs bring in so many people with zero basic CS knowledge.

As someone who might apply once I get my PhD, what does basic CS knowledge mean for you? Like what a tree is or fizzbuzz? Hopefully it isn't that terrible...how someone can make it through any amount of CS related schooling and not know the basics?

Somewhat related anecdote, I do computational physics. I once attended "training seminar[0]" put on by the funders for using DOD supercomputers, and there was this soon-to-be-minted computer science PhD student who was also an intern. Most of the systems have pbs[1], a batch system that prioritizes jobs from users based by amount of requested time, number of nodes, etc. The seminar leader (and I have before) referred to it loosely as a queue, because it sort of is, and the CS guy kept interrupting the talk (may be two or so times) to point out that PBS really wasn't a "queue" because it didn't respect FIFO in a strict sense... I mean, sure, he did know what a queue was, but I'm pretty sure that isn't the most interesting problem you could have.

[0] there was one fact I found useful, which was where to find their docs online. Other than that, it was the sort of stuff you can find by just reading man pages and such. Waste of time but checked off a box for the internship which made the funders happy, I suppose.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portable_Batch_System

Well, for example, I have an interview question where it's not just about knowing what a stack or a tree is, but rather realizing that a stack or a tree might be useful to solve a particular problem. (You could use either one.) And then writing out code to do it.

So, no esoteric data structures, but you really do have to know how to use the standard ones. It tends to trip up people who might have some book knowledge of CS but don't know how to apply what they learned. There's also a difference between knowing that a tree might be useful and being able to actually write some code to build a tree.

But the thing is, the next interviewer will have different preferences - there's no standardization here.

I have had many people with 3-5 years of 'experience' developing not know how to find the smallest element in an array. Initially I was thinking it would be a quick check to see if people thought about null values, but apparently this is a hard problem...

Now they might have been useful for something, but I suspect they are just playing the numbers game and showing up to a lot of interviews until they get in. So even if say 5% of coders are useless that 5% is vastly over inflated in the interview process.

I think it is interview paralysis. They can't believe an interview answer is ever supposed to be O(n). I've had it happen to me where I get tripped up on relatively easy problems because the initial easy solution I came up with wasn't sufficiently clever and magically log n or some such thing.

I can't believe it's just interview paralysis to be honest. I've had people try and solve problems like that with 3 nested loops. Completely failing to come up with a working solution after 20 minutes.

I've been in situations where those kind of people have been hired too. Their code tends to be quite bad...

Any suggestions for dealing with this? I try and keep things as relaxed as possible to start with and make it clear that trivia and syntax is not what I am going after.

I would walk out of the room, but I am happy to walk someone though most of a problem they are not getting. The goal is going from an understood problem to actual code.

In addition to the obvious have the person walk you through what they are going to do try rewording it slightly. In this case ask for the max value.

Maybe they are nervous and focused too much on the minimum part of this that they lose sight of what they are trying to solve for. But be careful not to spoon feed it to them.

It could also be that you only ever have to do this between 0 and 0.00001% of the time in the real world, and many people who could do it just fine if they are given space to think about it or refresh their memory, which usually results in freezing up during a stressful interview. They probably haven't exercised that knowledge because they have been too busy building real things.

How would you filter those "many people who could do it just fine if they are given space to think about it or refresh their memory" down to the number you need to hire?

This is a serious question. I hate the way interviewing works at tech companies. Though I've generally done well and it helped me break into the industry as an outsider, it's a really time-consuming and wasteful process on both sides. So far, I'm leaning strongly towards Reid Hoffman's suggestion of weighting references much more strongly than interviews but it's hard to say how far one can safely go with that approach.

That seems like a lousy excuse to me. As a web developer, my entire job revolves around computing trees; and that is (as of now) the most common development environment in the world. My side projects (graphics demos/toys, a multiprocess text editor, various twilio SMS utilities, a high-performance pastebin server) end up using stacks, trees, hashmaps, and bloom hashes as logical responses to the problem descriptions.

Only somebody who doesn't write software for a living would claim that "between 0 and 0.00001% of the time in the real world" should these techniques be readily accessible in working memory.

As for "freezing up during a stressful interview": is that not some indication of what normal workplace stresses will do to your ability to complete technical work? I certainly wouldn't want to work with somebody who is knowledgeable but will wimp out the moment you ask them a tough question on the spot.

> As for "freezing up during a stressful interview": is that not some indication of what normal workplace stresses will do to your ability to complete technical work?

To add to roganartu's very good point about what filtering for that says about your company, you seem to be buying into the pervasive myth that "stress" is some universal and fungible thing. The stress of an interview is not of the same nature as the stress of, say, having a key server go down and take your company down with it. It's a fool's errand to think you can manufacture stressful situations in an interview and get a read on how the candidate would perform in a real situation.

> As for "freezing up during a stressful interview": is that not some indication of what normal workplace stresses will do to your ability to complete technical work? I certainly wouldn't want to work with somebody who is knowledgeable but will wimp out the moment you ask them a tough question on the spot.

I would argue that a workplace that is continuously stressful is not healthy, and optimising your interview process to filter for this is probably not a great idea.

Additionally, I would expect that when asked a "tough question" at work that you would have both the time and resources available to find or determine the answer, things that one likely doesn't have in an interview (and certainly not to the same extent).

Not sure what do you mean by computing trees in this context, but I personally as a web dev for 15+ years have never-ever had to e.g balance a binary tree or do any other low level operation of that kind. It's important to learn it at some point to be able to understand how it all works, but afterwords you just don't write the low level stuff yourself, ever. If given enough time I'm pretty sure I could come up with some solution for reversing a linked-list, probably even the optimal one, the same way I could probably also figure out how to fix my car when broken... but that doesn't make me a mechanic

The solution to reversing a linked list should be self-evident to anyone who makes an attempt.

    #include <stdio.h>
    typedef struct Node Node;
    struct Node {
      int data;
      Node * next;
    Node * reverse_linked_list (Node * node) {
      Node * prev = NULL;
      Node * next;
      do {
        next = node->next;  
        node->next = prev;   
        prev = node;
      } while ((node = next));
      return prev;
    int main () {
      Node * node;
      Node nodes[3];
      nodes[0].data = 0;
      nodes[0].next = &nodes[1];
      nodes[1].data = 1;
      nodes[1].next = &nodes[2];
      nodes[2].data = 2;
      nodes[2].next = NULL;
      node = nodes;
      do {
        printf("%d", node->data);
      } while ((node = node->next));
      node = reverse_linked_list(nodes);
      do {
        printf("%d", node->data);
      } while ((node = node->next));
      return 0;
Or something thereabouts.

I've never had to balance a tree either. But typically it's because the tree represents something essentially tree-shaped and preserving the structure is important. (For example, what would it mean to balance a DOM tree? Nobody would do that.)

On the other hand, I hope you're not saying that the DOM is the only tree you ever use and in 15 years you've never needed to build your own. If so, consider that companies might be interviewing people for programming jobs that aren't like that.

Are you not aware that most languages provide that for free? Note that the question was about implementing, not using. People use them all the time, but they don't reinvent the wheel to do so when it is in the standard library and has nice abstractions already.

Why is a web developer implementing a DFS by hand every day? I would not hire that person.

I'm not sure what you mean. I don't know any languages where you don't have to define your own node if you want to implement a new kind of tree, and write a bit of code to recurse over it. (In JavaScript the most common tree is the DOM, but you should still be able to build another one if you need it.)

Also, in an interview it's perfectly fine to say you'd use a library, if you know one that applies. (They might ask you next how you'd do it without a library, but you still get points for knowing about it.)

The other thing to remember is that everyone is effectively grading on a curve, and with practice you get better at interviews.

On one hand -- sure, I've sadly forgotten most of the math I ever learned.

But on the other hand, no. I can bounce around modelling with basic data structures (hashes, arrays, structs/objects etc) in my head like a good juggler can treat 3 balls.

I think that is normal for quite a large subset of developer work. I assume there will be some jobs that won't need those data structures, but can't think of any. (Graphics and game developers would remember more math, of course.)

The description in the GP sounds more like the (probably false) stories about the Japanese English education: People with a vocabulary of 40K words that are unable to order coffee or talk about the weather.

Anecdotally, I've learned to expect nothing. I used to ask a graph-based question -- I had to adjust it so that the first step was doing a dead-simple DFS. This tended to weed out a good sixth of candidates and save us both a lot of time. And this was pretty constant against education level and background.

DFS == Depth First Search?

Yeah, given an acyclic graph print out each node's value. Passing candidates generally got it in five minutes.

Sometimes I get these questions in interviews and I really don't know if I should be offended. My resume is pretty good, and I wonder who T.F. applies to these places that they have to have such simple weeder questions. Then I get all paranoid that there is some hidden complication and soon I'm producing FizzBuzz in TensorFlow:


I think you shouldn't be offended at interview questions around skill unless you've been on the other side of the table. It's eye-opening, the range of people that apply for these positions.

Should every node's value be printed out exactly once and if so, are there nodes which have two parents?

If so, I would keep the pointers in a set to mark nodes as processed but is there a more elegant solution?

I would explicitly tell them that you should revisit nodes, and give them a few examples illustrating that point -- so all they needed to do was traverse edges.

Each node is an object and has a "checked" variable.

Do you give them a graph data structure or something that is explicitly a tree?

A acyclic graph is isomorphic to a tree, but the way you access the vertices and edges is completely different.

Depends on your memory representation of the graph. If you simply use the obvious one (a node have a list of pointers to its successors), I don't see the difference except for successors[]/children[]

You're right. I mentioned acyclic graph and my mind slipped to general graphs. Although often graphs are represented as say a sparse matrix.

was writing DFS from scratch ever needed to perform dev job or was it a thing that stumped 95% of applicants (and let you read some hacker news/email on your phone/laptop in the mean time)?

If you ignore the terminology, DFS is basically just recursively walking a graph, something which actually happens all the time in most dev jobs. I'm sure I wrote a DFS long before I had heard the term.

I hate brain teaser interviews as much as the next guy, but being able to do basic operations on basic data structures is pretty much the minimum to be a developer.

> If you ignore the terminology, DFS is basically just recursively walking a graph, something which actually happens all the time in most dev jobs.

In ten years of full-time professional development I have never needed to recursively walk a graph. Hell, the only data structures in the software I worked on for the first six (real-time signal processing code) didn't use any data structures other than lists, arrays, and C structs. I would not be able to answer the interview question that started this subthread, despite my track record of efficient and well-designed code.

Are you sure? Keep in mind that a graph doesn't always come up and slap you saying that it's a graph.

This very comment thread is a graph which is being printed depth-first.

I'm very sure. The signal processing code had no graph structures whatsoever.

That's certainly not the case with the NLP code I have been working on for the past 4.5, but I have never personally needed to search the (usually) trees in a structured manner. Most of our code that searches for things doesn't care about the structure of the graph during the search; it just searches a node list. Once the node is found, structure matters. There are some algorithms that use calculations like shortest path and tree height, but I didn't write the code to actually do that.

Do you think you've ever had to do something as algorithmically complex as recursively walk a graph?

Sometimes these questions are used to probe the meta understanding of a candidate and using Graphs/Trees/DFS are universally understood concepts that make doing that easy.

Define "algorithm". In the broader definition, yes. Kalman filtering, motion compensation, track association, XY-mapping, and similar signal processing algorithms. For NLP it has been various forms of statistical modeling and general multithreaded architecture and coordination.

As for the algorithms typical of computer science, not really. Searching and sorting has not been much a part of what I have done. My experience is mainly in translating math into code, often into code with real-time deadlines.

It only stumped the candidates that clearly wouldn't make it through the rest of the problem. One sixth was a probably a high estimate.

DFS for an acyclic graph is about five lines of code and shows me that you A. know a programming language B. can figure out a data structure. I would argue both are needed to perform a dev job.

I've written DFS about 1-2 times a year, on average, for the last 15 years. Why do I need to? Usually, because I need to modify or create a data structure that is kind of graph-like but not quite. If someone didn't know how to write one or at least derive it, they would confuse a lot of people, so yeah it's kind of important.

No, they'd probably look it up, skim a blog for a few minutes, then figure it out and promptly forget. This is no different than forgetting the order of the arguments to socket() and accusing that person of being incapable of writing networking code.

The difference is that the arguments to socket() were arbitrarily defined, but DFS is an algorithm. Anyone who has taken a intro data structures course should be able to at least derive the pseudo code for DFS.

Eh, I had to write a DFS the other day at work.

Weird. No one else would want a scheduler to be FIFO, either. Rather, the actual optimization that is performed by slurm, pbs, etc. under the hood is pretty interesting.

The point of schedulers is much more complicated than a straightforward queue, as they seek to project how best to utilize system resources into the future.

Strange he would be so pedantic. Everyone in HPC certainly does call it a queue, as you noted.

Common problem with programmers: when they learn a term means something, they associate that term absolutely with that meaning (common in other fields with people who are highly analytical, IME).

The HPC people are referring to a "job queue", rather than a "ADT queue". Those are distinct things, the ADT queue is a much more restrictive defintion, but it's not an exclusive one. HPC queues are more like priority queues with complex ranking functions (and queues of queues), just like real-life queues where people can cut by paying more money (first class airline ticket).

Yeah, because it is a queue in the ordinary English sense.

> Like what a tree is or fizzbuzz? Hopefully it isn't that terrible...how someone can make it through any amount of CS related schooling and not know the basics?

Ah! You're in for some surprise down the line. Fizzbuzz almost always clear out large amount of applicants.

I was a CS major, but my career took a different direction, and I haven't programmed "professionally" for 8+ years. I looked up the FizzBuzz question and wrote some psuedocode in about 5m.

It's sad that FizzBuzz is such a "weeding out" tool, but I guess good to know that I can still pass the first round of an entry-level technical interview!

FizzBuzz (from the point of view of me as an interviewer) is not so much about knowing how to code, but understanding the thought process about basic problem solving. Read the instruction, provide a solution, don't over engineer. It also provides the basics, loop and conditional.

Once you're set on that, you at least know you have a person in front of you who, on the basic level, thinks like a programmer.

So I would say 8+ years doesn't matter so much and you shouldn't worry about that, as long as your mind can still "tick" the right way.

We had another applicant just last week with a shiny spiral-bound resume that looked good, but couldn't do FizzBuzz.

In the last two weeks I interviewed three candidates with masters of science C.S. None of the three knew the memory size in bytes of a double precision floating point variable. None of the three could explain scenarios in which they would use an array over a linked list.

I don't think that first question proves what you think it proves.

Learning implementation details about a specific programming language is not what CS is supposed to be about (see the quote about astronomers and telescopes). In fact, if you use several programming languages at the time, I'd go as far as to call it a waste of my time - if I'm worried about overflow for a specific problem, I can get the range of data (in which programming language? which architecture?) in 30 seconds online.

I can see it being a valid question if you are working in a problem down to the bit level. But those are getting rarer, and ultimately it's what an Engineer excels at.

The second question does seem fair, though.

sizeof(double) is not specific to any one programming language or architecture; it's determined by IEEE 754, an international, cross-language, cross-platform standard. Non-IEEE floating-point implementations are exceedingly rare nowadays (although they do exist).

You're right about it being engineering, not computer science, but IMO it's reasonable to expect someone applying to a programming job (assuming this is what it was) to have at least some software engineering experience.


  C and C++ offer a wide variety of arithmetic types.
  Double precision is not required by the standards
  (except by the optional annex F of C99, covering
  IEEE 754 arithmetic), but on most systems, the
  double type corresponds to double precision.
  However, on 32-bit x86 with extended precision
  by default, some compilers may not conform to
  the C standard and/or the arithmetic may suffer
  from double-rounding issues.

So a reasonable answer could say - usually 8 bytes - but sometimes with extended precision it could be 10 bytes, etc...

I am actually kind of sick of the people that say these details are not important to being a good programmer. They absolutely are, knowing fundamentals of the machine, language, and environment that you are developing in is essential.

ap22213 (OP for this thread) was more precise than I was; they actually wrote "a double precision floating point variable" rather than writing "double", which could either be a shorthand for "double precision floating point" or be referring to a platform/language type (where that exists by that name).

The particular positions that I'm hiring for require certain kinds of knowledge, unfortunately. When one is dealing with Petabytes of structured signal data, it's helpful (but not required) that someone know memory layout. But, it's not the first question I ask.

Usually, I start off with some behavioral, get-to-know-them type questions. One of these is to ask them to recall the 'best software developer' that they've ever worked with. The great majority of candidates actually say themselves which is unexpected (and a little arrogant to me - weren't we all 'junior' developers once? - didn't we all once look up to someone?). But, surely one of the best would know when to use an array and when not to or know the memory and precision impacts of the variable types that they use.

The floating point I think comes from C bias.

In C you kind of have to know the size of a double -- you'll call "sizeof(double)" fairly often, you'll notice the number in your code.

In most languages, you don't have a way of knowing the size of a double -- and furthermore the size a double takes in your code won't be sizeof(double) anyway, it will be much more.

My alma mater has a great undergrad program, but an absolutely awful masters. I've been told that they don't have the resources to teach it, and that the college keeps sending recruiters throughout Asia to pick up as many foreign students as possible for the extra tuition money, though that might have just been a bitter professor.

Masters programs are run as a cash cows for many universities to be filled will anyone who can fog a mirror. As a former academic I can tell you that there are literally different marking criteria for overseas masters students than local undergraduates.

That is fascinating.

Anecdotally, in European universities, bachelors are the "get in as many people as we can for the tuition fees", while masters are the "let's be as selective as we can get away with".

Sometimes it's even worse... For example, in France, a university is required by law not to be selective for it's first year programs, as long as the candidate graduated high school.

So...what is that, first come first served basis?

I assume there's an upper limit on the number of students an university can take in for the first year, determined by staff and classroom availability.

Is that knowledge transparently available to students? How does it impact the curve?

I imagine quite many would be upset if they found out they were not being held to equal standards, and would probably point to foreign students paying more as the reason.

>Is that knowledge transparently available to students? How does it impact the curve?

Of course not. You find out when the head of school tells you that it is your fault that all the masters students failed the subject and that you need to fix the situation. If you are dumb enough to ignore the hint the head of school gets someone else to re-mark the exams - either way the cash keeps flowing.

Yep, that's how I remember it in Australia. The honours students had more respect and were more skilled than the masters students.

Sounds like CSU Chico.

Myguess is he's not pocketing the asian tuition money.

Easy... money. Graduate classes are required to pull in top-tier researchers and grants, but they have relatively-fixed overhead costs for teaching (eg. professor salary). Want to maximize the return on that fixed overhead? Add more students. Many public and private universities are "Masters factories" for budget reasons. They typically filter (strongly!) between completion of MS and entry into PhD programs.

(Identifying such Universities will be left as an exercise to the reader.)

Foreign students are a cash cow for usa colleges.

If you cant get into the ivy league of your own country, usa schools are a backdoor prestige option for the wealthy.

There's alot of cheating and other shady nonsense.

Bodyshop contractors will do anything. I've seen cases where those companies send shill candidates to interview, claim that candidates have more experience in reality (in one case a 22 year old with a decade of Oracle Financials experience) and submitting fake resumes.

I agree woth this. I and my friends always wondered how so many Asians get accepted to top UK universities (with very high English-language requirements), when they can barely speak a word of intelligible English.

Now I have a close friend from China, and the mistery is solved: others are doing their exams/essays/assignments for them.

Keep in mind though, this is likely a huge generalisation (not all Chinese cheat and other nationalities cheat as well), and I put more than half of the blame on the universities themselves (they earn a lot of money accepting these kinds of students), but long-term, it really dilutes the value of this education in my eyes.

>>this is likely a huge generalisation...

Ya think? Sorry man I wouldn't be profiled as a cheater like that due to race or citizenship.

I have nothing to say about profiling individuals but cheating appears to be a huge issue among international students. Per the WSJ [0]:

    Public universities in the U.S. recorded 5.1 reports of alleged cheating for every 100 international students, versus one report per 100 domestic students
Faculty singled out Chinese students in particular.

[0]: http://www.wsj.com/articles/foreign-students-seen-cheating-m...

I live in China. I have not made any effort to learn about plagiarism or impersonating people at exams in the four years I've been here. I know one Chinese person who sat an English language proficiency exam for her cousin, another whose Bachelor's thesis was almost entirely plagiarised. I met a Canadian guy who did a Master's degree in econometrics at Tsinghua (top 3 university in China). Apparently plagiarism was rampant.

On a more anecdotal level one of my fiancee's friends was dating a guy who sold SAT answers for a while.

I have a couple of friends who teach at international high schools here in Shanghai. It takes quite a long time to get through to the students that plagiarism is not okay and is taken seriously.

By the way no one brought up race in this thread until you did.

That's interesting - I'm surprised to hear so many first hand accounts.

If it is widespread it's especially unfortunate considering there's already some controversy around the high numbers of asian applicants.

Btw, I only mention race because it is a central topic of the article.

I'm sure others were cheating as well, but it wasn't as blatantly obvious as with those Chinese who didn't even speak English. So I'd say being fluent in English is a good way to avoid being profiled this way.

Wow a tad racist eh? How about this, I wonder how whites get in to top schools as they have lower GPAs, lower SAT, lower activities, etc. than their asian counterparts. I put more than half the blame on the universities and their "DIVERSITY" BS.... Long term it really dilutes the value of education in my eyes...

Strong username to post content ratio.

Are you using n-grams or ?

Three times I have been in the situation where the interview candidate was not the one answering questions.

Twice we hired someone based on the phone interview and it was someone else who showed up.

The third time it was someone reading interview answers off a chat client window.

I'm mostly annoyed because it reduces the value of the phone screen and requires more face to face interviews.

How about a video call then?

How did you know it was someone else on the phone? Did you remember the voice? Just curious...

I worked in India and also went through several CS training programs there.

Indians cheat. A lot. It is just a different culture. Students in three different groups would turn in the exact same solution to a coding assignment, and they'd all get the same grade. I was baffled at first, then furious, and finally just learned to laugh about it, while understanding that they were only screwing themselves by not learning the material.

However, it did mean that the training programs would push out a ton of students that did not know a thing about programming, and definitely should not be in the industry. But it is understandable in a place like India where a software engineer can make a lot more money and earn far more respect than many of the alternatives.

Witnessed it firsthand in grad school on a few occasions. Instructor momentarily leaves during an exam and the Indians start asking one another the answers, thinking nothing of it. WTF! This was not all of them, there were many straight-up smart ones, but cheating wasn't uncommon.

I also saw this a great deal among Indians and citizens of neighboring countries when I was in grad school. It was a huge problem, so much so that the Dean sent out a letter about it. Without specifying nationalities, but everyone knew who was implicated.

I was friends with some of them who engaged in this. After being straight up asked for help during one exam, I warned them not do it, and that this behavior would get them kicked out of school here, but it didn't matter. Most were very smart and talented, and really didn't need to cheat. But they did anyway. Cultural thing, I guess.

The problem is, these idiots eventually get jobs, continue to know nothing, and build a resume of projects. Then they become Project Managers.

Quality-checking the contractors a consulting agency is feeding you feels like the perfect case for a Starfighter-alike "bar exam"—much moreso than the actual Employee-Employer matchmaking that Starfighter tried.

While I was studying at University there were quite a few instances where particular groups of student got caught cheating in various forms. It seems some people want to get ahead at all costs because they seem to have a lot of pressure from their family or peers to make it in a particular discipline. This is something foreign to me, as I chose what/where I wanted to study, free of these particular pressures.

I met Mr. X who earns over $10K in cash each month. Job ? Answer interviews on other people's behalf. The setup is sophisticated. Screens shared, Headphones with two inputs and what not.

Visas are faked, resumes are complete rubbish and it is my suspicion that the hiring managers/committees are bribed directly or indirectly.

I know people with 0 years of experience drawing salary of $110K from a large company by showing fake 8 years of experience.

Sadly all people involved are from my home country India. It really saddens me that we arrive here as economic refugees and destroy the very system that is so welcoming to us.

You are comparing Apples and Oranges. The Asian student applicants on whose behalf the DoL filed the lawsuit have to be U.S citizens.

If you read the suit itself, there is a lot of wiggle room for Palantir. Here is the threat (paragraph 14 B) "An order permanently enjoining Palantir and its officers, agents, successors, divisions, subsidiaries, and those persons in active concert or participation with them... "

Here is how they can easily wiggle out: (paragraph 14 D.) "An order requiring Palantir to provide complete relief to the affected class of Asian applicants.." and (paragraph 14 E.) "An order requiring Palantir to hire Asian applicants from the affected class list."

I have a sneaking suspicion that some of these "Asian" candidates are playing the race card, and actually have not so good intentions with Palantir which deals with highly sensitive information. I would be wary, and if I was Palantir, I would bite.

The candidates don't file a complaint with the DoL. DoL already has information on ethnicity. All Govt. contractors are required to collect this information. The applicants of course can refuse to divulge that information I believe.

It is foolish to create one bucket called "asian" and throw in people from Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia Philippines in addition to those from China, Japan and Korea. I personally do not think that the students have time to sit around and play the "race card". They've probably moved on to other things.

I've also noticed the lack of diversity in startups that is disproportionately affecting minorities. Software being what it is is usually a trade off between many solutions that actually work in the short term. So it is actually pretty easy to hire friends of friends and so on and if they can get something to work, you'll convince yourself that you've hired the right person for the job.

Friends being friends will easily pass the "culture fit" test.

Anyway I see a lot of direct and veiled comments against interview candidates from Asian countries with reference to their accents etc. I don't think HN should be the place for such comments. Having worked in the Bay Area, I can say that an accent is the last thing on anybody's mind once you've proved competence.

> I'm not sure how they got in or are able to graduate

I can't speak for elsewhere, as I went to university in Australia, but down here we have a MASSIVE foreign student population as a percentage - International education is currently Australia's third largest export overall - mostly from India and most parts of Asia (kinda our closest neighbours).

My personal, very anecdotal experience is that Indian students were either amazing, or very much not very good. The route seemed to be do ANY degree in India, followed by a (one year?) Masters in IT in Australia. This then legitimised their IT bonafides.

The Indian culture also has a different attitude to cheating - it is seen as much worse to fail than to be caught cheating - and I saw this play out a fair few times, to the point that in one exam 5 Indians had to be physically separated for passing paper back and forth. We also had one girl who said to her lecturer "I don't see why it matters, I'm never going to work. I just need a degree so I can go home and marry a good man".

Now, to answer the quote, the reason this continues is due to the Australian need for the foreign $$$. As a result, very few foreign students are (or is it were?) disciplined for these infractions. Several times it has been a massive scandal down here (http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/mymaster-essay-cheating-scandal-mo... although it seems common: http://www.wsj.com/articles/foreign-students-seen-cheating-m...), and many locals worry it devalues their own education.

On the flipside, the very best students in my year were foreign, and often Indian, so this was not a one-size-fits-all situation.

YMMV, but the Australian universities need for foreign student $$$ has lead to MUCH lower standards for foreign students passing than locals, at least in the past.

Look at the story submissions by the comment author above. May be, there might be a bias here.

Nice catch

They are cash cows and can produce good results on paper at least. Also, they come from an education system which focuses on memorization, so memorizing a bunch of interview questions and answers is nothing to them.

Wait. Based on my knowledge, India is not in southeast Asia. Source: I'm from southeast Asia.

In the UK, 'asian' tends to refer to people from India or Pakistan. In other primarily-English-speaking countries, it tends to mean people from eastern Asia.

(yes, technically anyone from Asia is Asian, but when someone says 'asian', it doesn't evoke the mental image of a caucasian Russian who lives in Novosibirsk.)

Yeah, in some cases "Asia" extends far into the Middle East - Football / Soccer, there is an Asian club championship with teams from the *stan's and Australia.


This account seems to have been created to post only unsubstantive comments in this thread. Creating accounts is fine, as long as you contribute meaningfully to the discussion.

Which continent is India in, again?

> and now doing a master's at a large state university

ahh, Georgia Tech

I went to Georgia Tech, and a small subset of Indians there matched the "bachelors in India + work in consultancy" description. I didn't feel anyone there was clueless though. Definitely no fake resume shit.

It is possible that I'm clueless, and cannot identify clueless people.

Thanks to you, TIL that Tech is a state university. Never knew.

You didn't know George Tech was a state school? Does that have some special meaning other than public?

No, I did not. I thought it was privately owned (like Stanford, Johns Hopkins, USC, etc).

LMAO. I'm sorry but that's hilarious. How many years were you there?

I didn't go there, but I thought the same. "Techs" seem to always be private...MIT, Cal Tech, Florida Tech, etc.

(Oh, by the way, Florida Tech definitely fits the aforementioned stereotype.)

Understandable misconception, but he went there.

Not being able to recognize cluelessness in other people might just be an understatement.

Except for reading up on the school's history (which I wasn't too keen to), is there another indication that a school is public?

Yeah, I suppose so.

Virginia Tech is also public.

2, got a MS there, after a Bachelors in India. You must be thinking I fit the profile :-)

Different organizations have different strategies. Looks like yours has a policy of "throwing plaster at the wall, and seeing what sticks".

Wow! I kind of fit into your sterotype, except i graduated from a large private university. Isn't it stupid that you are putting a billion people in the same pool(Indian bachelors+ consulting firm exp+US State school = suckers)?

That subset of indians isn't a billion although...

A few paragraphs in: "The accusation that Palantir discriminated against Asians is an oddity in Silicon Valley, where big companies including Google parent Alphabet Inc. and Facebook Inc. have been criticized for hiring too many white and Asian engineers, and too few blacks and Hispanics."

Your organization is almost certainly not like Palantir so I'm not sure where your sympathy is coming from.

Here's the actual government complaint, the allegations are listed in sections 10 and 11, https://www.dol.gov/sites/default/files/newsroom/newsrelease...

My concerns,

1) why is the qualified candidate pool, whatever that is, so overwhelmingly Asian, 73-85%? Isn't the candidate selection process biased towards Asians?

2) The complaint is concerned about the use of employee referrals. Studies have shown that building teams from referrals can be a big productivity boost because it enhances team cohesion. While employee referrals can lead to a monoculture it doesn't seem that the federal government should prohibit it.

I would guess for the second part that the government prohibits it because it could result in unequal opportunities for job seekers based on race. While referrals are more acceptable in non-government-sponsored companies, government-sponsored companies are held to higher standards because that is where taxpayer dollars are directly headed.

If the applicant pool was overwhelming black and Palantir hired more white people because of referrals, there would be more uproar.

Ultimately, the implications would be that if that logic were applied to government positions, (ie, if government positions took into account referrals more than merit) you could end up with a government that is overwhelmingly white and/or arbitrarily discriminates against people applying to positions.

The general form of this question is: do we care more about government departments in their role as equal-opportunity jobs projects, or do we care more about the government being "effective", doing the most it can with each tax dollar?

In this case, I can see how "increased cohesion"—although decreasing the "jobs project" value—would be extremely helpful for increasing tax-dollar ROI.

In terms of tax dollars, I'm disappointed that I had to pay for this to begin with. It's a waste of money.

I highly doubt Palantir did any kind discrimination based on race.

The initial demographics of the founders and the early team has a large impact on the rest of the hires in my experience at previous startups. Main reason being that the early people are more prone to hire from referrals in their network of people they know.

Some things to consider:

P(qualified | referral) > P(qualified | all applicants)

P(same race | referral) > P(different race | referral)

and thus:

P(hire | referral applicant) > P(hire | all applicants)

I don't see any evidence of malicious or specific racial discrimination.

Tax dollar ROI for whom?

Part of the benefit of ensuring a diversity in government roles is aiding governments to better provide services for all aspects of society, not just the minority who hold those roles.

Tax dollar ROI for taxpayers (since they are the "investors").

Stop that. Stop that shit right now.

You are not an investor. You are not a consumer of services. This is not a business, and we don't need a CEO.

You're a CITIZEN of one of the most powerful nations on the planet, and don't you dare forget it.

>Stop that. Stop that shit right now.

Why are you trying to shut down debate? It's a good point. I want my tax dollars to be maximized and not used to somehow enforce your idea of racial justice.

Stop that. Stop that shit right now. This is not a business, and we don't you acting like a jerk CEO and yelling at people.

I guess you didn't get downvoted because people agree with you. I agree with you also. And yet, being right is not an excuse for the overly antagonistic way you made your point.

Eh, I sure hope My situation is more like an investor with a vote, because I have very little ability to boycott the US government. Even if I go to the trouble of choosing a competing "product" by getting citizenship somewhere else I will still feel it's influence!

The government isn't a corporation.

Governments are not businesses, and should not be run as such.

There are a lot of things that a government does that can't be measured as a direct monetary benefit.

I wasn't suggesting monetary ROI; rather, effectiveness at achieving whatever goal is in the department's charter to achieve, by whatever metric that goal is measured: QALYs for the surgeon general, victories for the army, average time-to-destination for the Department of Transportation, etc.

Currently, we seem to just think of the government as a machine that turns dollars into achieved consensus goals at some fixed (very low) efficiency. We never seem to say "what if we measured [metric] out per dollar in, and then tried to make that ratio increase?"

tax dollar ROI is less important to politicians than an equivalent of voter ROI. It cost them nothing to turn out an inferior program, project, expenditure, or whatever, provided the political points are accounted for.

seen companies at local airport bidding contracts who have minorities who are merely paid to be on the board so they qualify for the contract.

want to know one reason the government is so large, intrusive, and inefficient, look no further to rules that enforce everything but efficiency.

How do you know why those minority employees were hired?

my guess is it's...

simple math


I'd say that in this case, providing job opportunities to diverse groups of people is part of the ROI (to a certain extent)

I would assert that its not a higher standard, but a less-informed one. If I have people I trust sharing their knowledge with me, its not immoral to leverage their judgment.

And that's part of the problem with government doing things. It does not handle intangible considerations very well.

Yes. This has all kinds of alarm bells going off.

I don't care who you are or what you look like. I don't care how old you are, your gender, sexual preferences, citizenship status, and so forth. I'm certain that having a large mix of these will make my work environment more productive and interesting, but for each candidate I have much more important things to think about.

The job is to make technology do stuff for people. This means you must have technology skills and people skills. Folks can argue about the ratio, but as a first approximation, for the vast majority of commercial software development work, it's about 10 percent tech and 90 percent people skills. We aren't building the next Google. We're going down the hall to talk to the CSRs about why the IVR system is acting up.

I have interviewed devs. I found them almost universally atrocious both in tech and people skills. I found no correlation between certifications and actual ability to perform (except a positive correlation between advanced degrees and feelings of self-entitlement.)

Do whatever tech tests you want, and for sure capture a ton of metrics. But the only process that has made any sense to me over the years is the team audition process. It's a play. We have try-outs. For a few folks we pick some candidates and backups. Everybody shows up for a sprint or two and the rest of the team sees how it works out.

I don't see that universe as being anything close to the universe the government allegation seems to assume, where ratios of one category of candidate should translate into the same ratios of successful applicants.

Everybody shows up for a sprint or two and the rest of the team sees how it works out.

How do you hire people without 2 weeks vacay to burn on this process?

It's an internal hiring model. There's a different one for externals.

> why is the qualified candidate pool, whatever that is, so overwhelmingly Asian, 73-85%? Isn't the candidate selection process biased towards Asians?

This is almost certainly because they're using recruiters, and the recruiters are funneling them candidates who aren't representative of the broader CS-degreed candidate pool.

Id imagine indians in india looking for visa sponsorship. They spam alot of jobs regardless of visa sponsorship

I think many of the comments are missing a few important points:

1. Yes, 20% Asian hiring rate is pretty decent when you compare to the general Asian population at large. However, the lawsuit specifically alleges that, in one example case, the qualified application pool was 73% Asian. In that case, it's extremely abnormal to hire 17 non-Asians and only 4 Asians.

2. Palantir is involved in government contracting, so there are also very specific regulations for compliance https://www.dol.gov/ofccp/aboutof.html

3. The lawsuit is being brought on by the Department of Labor. IMO, generally government agencies are usually reluctant to initiate lawsuits that they are afraid of losing.

4. It might be malicious, it might not be. But Palantir was given multiple chances to correct their compliance issue: "The Labor Department sent Palantir a notice in October 2015 about its findings, according to the lawsuit. Both before and after that notice, labor regulators attempted to secure Palantir's voluntary compliance, the lawsuit said, but they did not succeed."

> However, the lawsuit specifically alleges that, in one example case, the qualified application pool was 73% Asian. In that case, it's extremely abnormal to hire 17 non-Asians and only 4 Asians.

It's abnormal, sure, but that doesn't imply that the abnormality is Palantir's "fault." It might be that, say, one department of one major University, which happens to have an outsized Asian student population, heavily encourages its grads to apply to Palantir.

As a result, Palantir would see one "general" applicant stream, from all walks of life, but with a self-selection effect filtering for people who are (in their own opinion) good matches for working at Palantir; and then one applicant stream of people who happened to go be in the Maths program at University X and didn't want to say no to some advisor's strong recommendations.

The self-selected stream would be better hires than the "coerced into applying" stream for obvious reasons; and the "coerced into applying" stream would also likely be much larger than the self-selected stream. If the people in the "coerced into applying" stream, then, fit a certain profile, it would appear in the resulting data that people who fit that profile are worse candidates than you'd expect.

Doing a causal factor analysis to the applicant graph, though, would immediately show that the contributing factor of being Asian (or whatever else) is "screened off" by the contributing factor of being an alumni of University X.

Given that Palantir is full of the very people who can do this sort of analysis, though, I fully expect that if this is the case, they'll end up attempting this argument on a judge. Probably with amusing results.

> However, the lawsuit specifically alleges that, in one example case, the qualified application pool was 73% Asian.

My question is how the government is determining the "qualified applicant pool."

Not everyone with a CS degree is qualified to develop software. In my experience, only a minority of CS graduates are qualified to program.

I'm guessing there is some confounding variable here which predicts both ethnicity and poor qualifications. Perhaps being a master's student looking for a visa sponsor.

    An “Internet Applicant” is an individual who satisfies all four of the following criteria:

    * The individual submitted an expression of interest in employment through the Internet or related electronic data technologies;
    * The contractor considered the individual for employment in a particular position;
    * The individual’s expression of interest indicated that the individual possesses the basic qualifications for the position; and
    * The individual, at no point in the contractor’s selection process prior to receiving an offer of employment from the contractor, removed himself or herself from further consideration or otherwise indicated that he/she was no longer interested in the position.

    The “basic qualifications” which an applicant must possess means qualifications that the contractor advertised to potential applicants or criteria which the contractor established in advance. In addition, the qualifications must be:

    * Noncomparative features of a job seeker (e.g. three years’ experience in a particular position, rather than a comparative requirements such as being one of the top five among the candidates in years of experience);
    * Objective (e.g., a Bachelor’s degree in accounting, but not a technical degree from a good school); and
    * Relevant to performance of the particular position.


Thanks for linking. Do you know what the specific qualifications were in this case though?

The problem is that you could find literally thousands of developers with a CS degree and 3+ years of experience who couldn't program their way out of a paper bag.

>Do you know what the specific qualifications were in this case though?

Here is one of the jobs in question (I think): https://jobs.lever.co/palantir/12db3e3a-33ca-4896-b4a5-c853e...

It's pretty sparse. It looks like a CS degree is not necessary. Granted, those qualifications also seem vague. That could be bad for Palantir, because it could be argued that most of the people applying met the minimum qualifications. Conversely, it could be bad for the OFCCP because it could be argued that the applicants really did NOT meet the minimum qualifications. It's pretty subjective.

If you go to the apply page, the only thing that is absolutely required is a resume, a full name, and an email. Could it be that some people applied thinking that this was all they needed to apply? Maybe Palantir expected everyone to put some kind of proof they had coding experience.

Anecdotally, I knew a Chinese guy who had a big Chinese mailing list to talk with other Chinese people across the country. They really helped each other out - ones with great writing skills would write testimonials for Linked Ins. It could be a case that Palantir was shared in a community like this and it was noted that not very much is required to even apply.

The OFCCP could be exploiting the same facts: Palantir did not define very many minimum qualifications, so it can be assumed that anyone who applied was qualified.

Has any other major tech company released numbers on what their hiring demographics look like compared to their qualified application pool? I've seen the demographics for employees in diversity reports, but not qualified-applicant pool numbers.

Because, sure, perhaps many of the Asian applicants are poor enough at English that it outweighs whatever got them into the qualified-pool. But I would guess that would be a problem for every SV tech company. So how does Palantir's stats compare to theirs such that it warrants the DoL to file a lawsuit?

While I can't comment on the DOL's methodology because I don't know what it is, I've seen many SV tech companies essentially define the qualified-applicant pool in a way to explain systemic biases. The most obvious one, is "Unless you attended school X, you're unqualified," which quite frankly, is utter bullshit.

Relying on referrals sure does punt the ball down the park to the employees from the employers. I wonder how much it allows the company to say "It's not our fault!"

I really think we need better statistics here. Palantir should definitely be making moves to make sure race isn't the dividing line, using something like more rigorous online tests and bias training for interviewers, but there are plenty of plausible explainations for this difference of Asian applicants vs Asian hires based on how they defined "Qualified".

What if the job involved frequent client contact and you needed to asses a high English ability? That would no doubt discriminate against a lot of non native speakers who might have the requisite degree, but would they be qualified? There is also the issue of degrees or other certifications being usually useless to assess real world coding ability, and certainly useless to assess interview whiteboarding questions.

Government agencies would not take a suit unless it's a slam dunk.

That's definitely not true. In many cases, corporations realize that settling is cheaper than fighting and winning -- and government agencies bank on that.

That's definitely not true. Can you name many cases where the government filed frivolous suits? If you can't provide a list then have you thought about where that opinion came from?

Government agencies are afraid of having a reputation like this so they don't touch questionable suits. Otherwise, agencies would receive even more frivolous complaints. Agencies are political. Settling weak cases looks bad to the voters. However, agencies are required to investigate every claim no matter how stupid. The people who hope to settle are ones with failed investigations. Those have to pay for their own lawyers, eg Pao vs Klein Perkins. On the other hand, companies have more incentive to settle when government agencies are suing because the case is tight.

This is a symptom of quota system that many schools and companies use to achieve diversity. Unfortunately, as Asian American, I have experienced it firsthand. Asian Americans are some of highest achieving minority, but due to their smaller number there is not enough quotas allocated to them.

Many of my friends could not get into their first choice colleges or didn't get scholarships even with perfect grades, extracurricular activities, etc but some of my friends from other larger minority groups got full scholarships even with average GPAs. They laughed at us for working so hard, called us geeks, and then got scholarships because of only ethnicity.

I know this is controversial topic, hence, throwaway account. But this is open secret in Asian communities. Hopefully, this lawsuit will change this ridiculous discriminatory quota system.

> then got scholarships because of only ethnicity.

Are you absolutely certain of that? How did you know?

One can't be 100% certain of anything. However, between 2/3 and 5/6 of black students at top colleges probably would have been rejected under a meritocratic admission system.


Similarly, it's established that Asians tend to meet a much higher SAT cutoff than blacks and whites.


It's pretty safe to say that most blacks at Harvard don't deserve to be there and it probably should be an Asian in their place. You just can't say which specific blacks and Asians it should be.

I don't think you can jump straight from "some people benefit from affirmative action" to "they don't deserve to be there". Obviously supporters of affirmative action do think they deserve to be there, despite their lower test scores, and it's worth at least considering that point of view.

I am not American. But don't you guys have that "affirmative action" thing, especially for the african american demographic?

Most top tier universities don't consider asian-americans as under-represented minorities and even hold higher standards via unwritten caps for the number of AAs admitted.

Generally, under affirmative action programmes and the like, nobody gets anything “just because of their ethnicity”. Rather, they may be given slightly reduced entry requirements, for example, to compensate for their background potentially disadvantaging them.

1.0 lower on GPA (e.g. 2.5 vs 3.5) is "slightly reduced entry requirements"?


Surely college admissions procedures have changed significantly in the intervening 17 years, right? We're talking about the advent and removal of the 2400 point SAT, the rise of digital applications, and the rise of SAT subject tests, among other changes.

Furthermore, this specific point system in question was ruled unconstitutional and is no longer in use.


It's possible that the same organizations which were found directly discriminating on race, and desperately resist any transparency (both before and after), have secretly reformed.

It's also possible that admissions numbers didn't change a lot because "holistic" admissions discovered previously unmeasurable mitigating factors for blacks having low SAT/grades/etc.

And in yet another major coincidence, these systems also discovered that Asians are inferior in similarly unquantifiable ways, resulting in Asians who are admitted having SAT scores 450 pts higher than blacks and 140 pts higher than whites.

I don't find this particularly likely, however. Do you?

I don't think it's really a secret, the "unmeasurable mitigating factors" are society-wide discrimination issues that make life in general harder for black people. You don't have to pretend there's a secret conspiracy, affirmative action colleges are openly trying to correct for the effects of structural racism that they have no control over. This is certainly a debatable idea, but you don't need to act like it's something colleges are trying to cover up.

> You don't have to pretend there's a secret conspiracy, affirmative action colleges are openly trying to correct for the effects of structural racism that they have no control over.

This is an interesting case. In fact, you do have to admit there's a secret conspiracy, for the simple reason that "correcting for the effects of structural racism" is illegal for public colleges, and they therefore never formally admit to that justification. You're correct, though, that that is how they are generally perceived by the public and how their executives generally think about what they're doing, as far as we can tell. I think that's a pretty good match to the concept of "conspiracy".

It is not illegal in most of the country: https://tcf.org/content/commentary/what-can-we-learn-from-st...

And minority enrollment tends to decline in states where affirmative action is banned, so I don't think there are any conspiracies involved: http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2013/06/24/us/affirmative...

It is illegal in the entire country. That is the general idea of the Supreme Court; it has national scope.

Specifically, the motivation "correct the effects of structural racism" is illegal when a public school is engaging in affirmative action. Affirmative action is generally legal, as long as you have a legal motive.

It turns out, though, that it's really easy for people to lie about their motives.

What supreme court decision are you talking about? You might be right, but the only decisions I could find eliminated quota systems, and required schools to take more than just race into account. I would be interested to see the case you're talking about.

> "correcting for the effects of structural racism" is illegal for public colleges

No, its not.

Certain mechanisms might be (whether or not they have that purpose), but pursuing that purpose is not.

1. You have a good point that "certain mechanisms" are relevant; I spoke too sloppily. Stating the goal without taking any action pursuant to the goal is, as far as I know, fine.

2. You are incorrect on the law to say "whether or not they have that purpose"; race discrimination in admissions is legal (for public schools) when performed for an academic purpose such as "to increase classroom diversity", and illegal when performed to "correct for the effects of structural racism". This is the root cause of the talismanic promotion of "diversity" today. The school's stated purpose is relevant to whether their action is legal or illegal. (If you think this is a travesty, I couldn't agree more. It's still the law.)

2b. Interestingly, some methods of race discrimination (speaking generally, the objective ones) have been found to be illegal regardless of stated purpose. That's a separate issue.

It's the politics of new england. Only once that very same ethnicity is functionally dealt with, will anything change, they prefer their preferred minorities to us.

Hiring asians count towards the quota i believe.

by the way, it's not dutch, or germans that are the problem, it's just anglo-saxons.

I'm extremely disappointed by the vitriol and generalisations against Asians in this thread. Marginalising individual candidates because there are trends in the community is the textbook definition of racial profiling.

I'm a dev from India. I work hard and always try my best to stay as honest as I possibly can, and I think I'm fairly competent. For the last job offer I received, I had to take around 7 interviews (phone + in-person) along with take home problems. Recently I'd been wondering if it would be a good idea to do a Masters in US, maybe specialisation in Machine Learning/Deep Learning. But it seems most people here would dismiss candidates like me because "Asians people cheat" or "Asians aren't competent enough".

I expect better from my fellow HN-ers.

Please don't take these comments personally.

I've seen lots of very incompetent Indian applicants. That doesn't mean I won't happily interview another Indian developer because I also know that there are lots of very competent Indian developers. Some of the best coworkers I've ever had were Indian.

Anyone who lazily dismisses you because "Asian people cheat" are themselves incompetent interviewers. In my experience, it's actually incredibly cheap/easy to suss out the competent people with a quick 15-minute phone screen.

Whenever I see white programmers complaining about how "Asians aren't competent" I am mystified. They think themselves better programmers than Raj Reddy, Umesh Vazirani, Vinod Khosla, Arvind, R.V. Guha, and T.V. Raman? That requires a truly special combination of arrogance, racism, and stunted intelligence.

I too expected more from HN and I think it's because HN is generally more civil than other webs forums. I think the credit of this civility goes to the HN moderators and the enforcement of the policies, not because HN types are special. I used to think technical minded folks are more analytical and thus have less tendency for bias and generalizations but I've concluded that ultimately tech people are still people and subject to the same filters as "normals".

I hope you not discouraged from pursuing your specialization in the US.

Actually the definition of racial profiling is more specific and related to law enforcement: https://www.aclu.org/other/racial-profiling-definition

What is happening here is more like cultural racism: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_racism

This is a case of damned if you do, damned if you don't.

If their employee racial ratios matched the US population, then they will get bashed like this.

If their employee racial ratios match the 'qualified candidate pool', then they'll get bashed for not hiring enough women and black people.

We haven't as a society agreed on the right way to deal with race, but there's certainly plenty of loud and angry people supporting their own points of view...

You didn't read the article. They're being sued due to their final hiring being grossly out of step vs the qualified candidate pool.

You also appear to be assuming that there's no way the qualified candidate pool could have as many women and black americans as the broader US population. That assumption is, and continues to be, the problem.

I did read the article.

Here is one specific context where they are facing potential penalties because employee racial distribution != candidate pool racial distribution.

On the other hand, in a different context, tech companies as a whole are taking a lot of flak because employee racial distribution != population racial distribution.

> You also appear to be assuming that there's no way the qualified candidate pool could have as many women and black americans as the broader US population

How is this even up for debate? Women and blacks are both underrepresented in majors like computer science compared to the population average. That flows directly into the candidate pool that tech companies need to hire from.

And this article cites one specific example where the 'qualified candidate pool' looks nothing at all like the American population average.

You're saying if that candidate pool only had 15% women, we'd want Palantir to hire just 15% women?

> You're saying if that candidate pool only had 15% women, we'd want Palantir to hire just 15% women?

Well, yes, that's only fair. Efforts to expand the ratio of women in the qualified candidate pool notwithstanding.

We (lefty types) generally want companies, Governments and people to put in effort to expand the "qualified candidate pool" to a point where it generally matches the population, and then put effort into ensuring they're non-discriminatory in hiring.

Governments then create indexes which companies and politicians game because it's cheaper to "positively discriminate" in hiring than to put effort into attracting qualified candidates or fix the broader social issues, and then the population as a whole judges everybody by the index the Government created.

What a distressing view of the world, where people are forced to live their lives according to your conception of what the "proper" proportion of things are. The applicant-pool should reflect the people who want the job, period. If the people that want a particular job are 90% women, or 80% men, or 50% black, or whatever, then that's totally fine. We are a nation of individual people deciding what to do with our own lives.

In practice, people have pressures put on them from an early age to do whatever their elders think is best for them, and, frankly, their elders are often sexist, and the community they're born into might push them one way or another. This goes all the way up to the first year of university for many people.

There really isn't another good reason for a lot of what we see in terms of what people wind up doing (and some of how they behave while doing it!) when they're older, and we're well aware that socialisation during childhood is a powerful thing. As an example, there's relatively few people who are brought up without religion but find religion later - but there's a heck of a lot of people who were brought up with religion and never leave it.

Attempting to remove some of those pressures and counter-balance others seems perfectly reasonable, and unless there actually is something innate which causes boys to enjoy computers and girls to enjoy nursing, the result of that should be that we see a number of job markets level out to look like a reasonable cross-section of the population. Anybody who thinks that independent thinking is a good thing should likely support these efforts, or at least the well-implemented ones.

Culture is a legitimate source of differences between people and groups of people.

Would love to upvote if you started with "They" because it's exactly what happens.

It would be really nice if some of these reporters at least clarified if among those rejected were US Citizens. In the kind of work Palantir is involved in it is quite possible that they are trying to staff a US Citizen only shop to meet government requirements. Just look at the ITAR regs for example and the 'nonpermanent resident' gets waved about quite a lot.

I thought the same thing, having worked in defense. If these engineers need TS/SCI clearance that's gonna trump a lot of technical considerations.

They'll deny someone for all kinds of reasons, and you really don't want to find this out after a hire. In DC being pre-cleared basically guarantees employment.

Surely, if the position requires the ability to get a clearance, and a person incapable of getting that clearance applies, they are not a 'qualified applicant'?

It doesn't even matter what Palantir's intentions are, the regulators argument doesn't pass the smell test. Under their standard 5 million foreign nationals could stuff the application box and US contractors would be forced to hire 95% of them, relocate them overseas, and grant them green cards simply because of their race. The government needs to decide what race ratio's they want so US businesses can pay to import those races.

The part that doesn't make sense to me is... what does Palantir have to gain by discriminating?

The other way this happens is by cultural biases causing discrimination, but not intentionally with some specific goal in mind.

I'm operating only on anecdotes, but in the tech industry, discriminating against Asians at the intern/ground level seems to be a non-issue. Maybe different story when you get to management, and maybe different story when you bring gender into the mix, but I didn't think Asians as a whole had issues with employment discrimination at the ground level. I could just be wrong on the aggregate statistics though.

I have no idea, but just a random guess:

If you try to sell a lot of secret spying services to the government (which I think Palantir does?), they probably think it helps if your employees don't look/sound Chinese, seeing as the government might be afraid of China's espionage efforts.

I also don't know how much trouble they have getting clearance for someone that grew up in China compared to other countries.

(again: I have no idea, that's just a random guess)

I would speculate that the majority of 'asians' who applied to Palantir were not from China, but rather from the region sometimes called South Asia.

To save the lazy people a google search:

"The current territories of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka form the countries of South Asia."

That's what I thought too. I would imagine if something like this were the case, it would be more likely done out of clearance concerns or even a genuine fear of infiltration, than for customer facing optics.

Maybe I'm just naive, but I have trouble believing that one group of US citizens as a whole has more "loyalty" issues than another. Is it a concern about spies? Racially biased hiring practices seems like an overly broad way of trying to address focused espionage.

If it's about hiring non-citizens, then I think there's a legitimate procedural issue around employees needing clearance levels, but I'd find it hard to believe that there would be a lawsuit over racial biases if it's driven by clearance requirements making non-citizens ineligible.

You are naive.

Who would be more likely to be compromised by last year's OPM database hack by the Chinese (supposedly) which contained info on most of the cleared government and contract workers in the US?

* A guy of European ancestry from Anywhere, USA who has no family, friends, or relations to China, and never stepped foot there.

* A naturalized US citizen from China whose friends, family, and associates still live there, and who often travels back for visits.

Even if the naturalized American - Chinese citizen was not corrupted himself, countries like China would not be above threatening his relatives still there.

Let's say I take your reasoning and run with it.

There are plenty of people of Chinese ancestry (or Asian ancestry in general) who have no family (within a few generations), friends, or relations to China, and never stepped foot there.

If the objection is to naturalized US citizens from China who have still have ties to China (I am one of those people), fair enough, but then there are three problems:

1. You should be filtering for foreign connections in general, not for ethnicity. That test already happens in the process of getting security clearance.

2. You can leverage people in plenty of other ways that do not involve threatening friends or relatives. Both the US and China have teams in government agencies that do that for a living.

3. Oh man this is a huge can of worms when it comes to civil rights, equality, and constitutional issues in general.

That makes for a not-very-accurate filter that is ethically suspect that is also not hard to bypass for the seemingly valuable intel underneath. Seems like bad ROI.

Perhaps I really am naive as you say, but on the second order of analysis it seems to me like an ineffective policy if it were actually a policy.

Companies can decline to hire someone for a position that requires a security clearance if they have reason to believe that it will be difficult or impossible for that person to obtain a clearance. There is a specific exception to nondiscrimination laws for this: Section 703(g).

Section 703(g) exceptions are somewhat tricky from a HR perspective because they can edge into territory that would normally be an EEO violation (I mean, obviously, since it's an exception to the rule) and there's very little precedent on them. AFAIK, there's only one court case around about it, where a guy was not hired for a cleared position on account of having family in Cuba. [1] The decision not to hire him, based on the reasonable belief that he would not be clearable, was considered acceptable. "Example 3" on that page also gets into another common scenario, which is declining to hire someone based on the belief that their clearance process would be long, and the company has an immediate need. (IMO, this is the most common scenario. Someone with a lot of family in China or Russia might well be clearable, but their clearance might be likely to take too long for them to be a viable candidate, particularly at a company that doesn't have non-cleared work for them to do in the meantime.)

[1]: https://www.eeoc.gov/policy/docs/national_security_exemption...

(I'm not who you responded to,) It is a known tactic of the Chinese government. This book has a good overview of their intelligence apparatus: https://www.amazon.com/Chinese-Intelligence-Operations-Nicho... . This isn't an abstract concern, it is something that has happened thousands of times, for political and industrial espionage and political repression.

Your argument exists only in the theoretical. Indeed the naturalized citizen with extensive ties to a high espionage risk foreign power has a higher risk of denial of clearance. But your example is practically a straw man. The typical Asian applicant profile does not match the example you gave.

The U.S. government decides who gets clearances. Contracting companies submit prospective employees for contractor positions based off of their qualifications. This is done by a worksheet considering the essential skills for the position and points for education, previous experience, etc. Contracting companies have no business pre-screening based off of anything more than U.S. citizenship.

Chinese espionage actions have not been about coersion; they've been about incentives and appeals to heritage. The only notable Chinese-linked espionage cases in recent history have been first-generation immigrants, with nationalism and loyalty appeals, not threats against family members.

I haven't seen any denials of clearances in the Industrial Security Clearance Decisions [1] based off of simple national origin claims.

1. http://www.dod.mil/dodgc/doha/industrial/2016.html

likely or not. your thought just remind me of japanese internment camps. if there is a need to double check a naturalized US citizen from China, that is all good. But excluding someone for that is totally racism. this has no difference from Trump's idea of banning all muslims

Probably a big part of it. They might be very interested in appearing not to be a typical body shop.

The odd thing is that there are fairly straightforward ways to write position descriptions such that the "qualified applicant" pool is as small and well-defined as you want it to be. This is practically a subspecialty within HR. That they are getting sued would seem to imply that they didn't do any of the normal procedural stuff that most companies have their HR departments doing to head off such accusations, meritorious or not.

These guys applying dont care what you write: its immigrate hell or high water.....worse, palantir might actually hire foreigners on visas...

I used to run an import/export business......Pakistan guys would try to connect online to score a business visitors visa. Some were upfront, others had no problem wasting 5 hours of your time with a fake business deal in hopes you'll sponsor a visitor visa at the end.

It's a pretty shitty guess.

That's the sort of thinking that led to japanese internment camps.

> The part that doesn't make sense to me is... what does Palantir have to gain by discriminating?

A very good question: What does any company, or any person, have to gain by discriminating?

Yet, many do.

Well, yes, which was why I thought of unintentional "culture fit" bias as the reason, because that's certainly the case in many other situations.

But for a company Palantir's size, I would expect the law of large numbers to push hiring preferences towards being more or less representative of the industry, after controlling for things like security clearances and other domain specific issues.

The missing piece of information to me is whether there really is something wrong with their company culture that would cause hiring preferences to deviate away from "generally average in the aggregate."

My point is that, while I agree with you that it's self-destructive, it is so prevalent that clearly many people don't agree with us and believe they can accurately judge people by their race.

they do a lot of government contracting, and government contract awards often want you to have population-proportional hiring, to show you aren't racist.

I don't think it's explicit discrimination. From what I've heard they're very "culture fit" biased in their hiring.

"Culture fit" is a notorious discrimination problem in startup-land, but it often just comes from wanting to hire people who share similar interests and socio-economic factors rather than race -- but it can have the same effect. For example, if somebody started a company that hired people overwhelmingly on their music preference, and that preference was Blue Grass, the employee pool would probably not well represent the racial makeup at large.

Discrimination doesn't have to be intentional. Just the tendency to hire "people like me" can be problematic.

Some companies prefer a "white" office and too many asians is an issue.

Alternatively, they trashed resumes with south east asian names and schools becuase they usually arent even usa citizens.

Hang on... so ~20% of the hires ended up being asian. Doesn't the same thing happen at other firms aiming for ~diversity~ where the % accepted deviates from the % applied?

I'm reading it and I'm also surprised.

As far as I understood the whole discrimination and quotas fiasco for minorities always talk about the general population to be compared with.

I remember interviewing at Palantir in 2012 at the VA office, i did not see a single non-white person in the office. Everyone i met except for the HR person was most likely below the age of 25 and they all had similar personalities in a weired way. I still don't know why I didn't make past my final interview because i did not get any feedback. It never crossed my mind that it may have to do with the fact that I am not white. I thought it had to do with showing my concern over their unlimited vacation policy and the work life balance and they probably wanted someone that lives in the office. Hope it's the latter.

The cited example was interns.

Who doesn't favor employee referrals for interns? You can be encrusted in diamonds and you're going to get put in the back of the line behind the known quantities and get-in-so-and-so's-good-graces hires for an intern position. There's also the fact that people start to favor/discriminate schools based on history. Had a great intern from Stanford? Hire another Stanford kid. Had a terrible intern from Texas Tech? Scratch all the TT kids who apply for a few years.

We'll see how this pans out, but like most of the other people in this thread, I'm inclined to give Palantir the benefit of the doubt at the moment.

It's common practice, but that doesn't make it ok. In fact, afaik, those network-based hiring practices are a major obstacle to social mobility and to ending racial and gender inequality.

Think of it this way: In the U.S. in 1950, white men[0] controlled access to resources like education and jobs, and shared them only with other white men, intentionally discriminating against non-white and non-male applicants. In the past 66 years, network-based hiring practices have extended that systematic discrimination well past its expiration date. White men still dominate those resources, in large part because they network with and therefore hire each other. Who has good schools in their neighborhood? Who got into the good college? Who are their college buddies? Who do their professors and other mentors know? etc.

Isn't time we broke that cycle? Only 33% of Americans are white males, yet look at photos of SV leaders, Fortune 500 CEOs, the US Senate, etc.: If we step back from our expectations, conditioned over our lifetimes, those photos are absurd - and represent an enormous waste of talent, self-determination, and achievement.


[0] Really it was Protestant, heterosexual white men, and maybe some other parameters applied too, but let's keep this simple.

> Only 33% of Americans are white males, yet look at photos of SV leaders, Fortune 500 CEOs, the US Senate, etc.

But they're not just white men. Not even just protestant heterosexual white men. They're white men with rich parents and Ivy League degrees and so on. And when you realize that, you realize that the percentage of CEOs who have rich parents and Ivy League degrees is higher than the percentage of CEOs who are white men. A century ago the graduates of Harvard may have been 100% white men, but the graduates of Harvard are less than 1% of 1% of white men.

The thing you're training your sights on is the scenario where 67% of the candidates are white but >85% of the employees are white. Here's how we got there: The company hired 100 people. First they hired 65 white people who the owners know ("the privileged"). Then they hired 35 more people who all got there on the merits, 67% of whom are white. Company is now 88.45% white.

But let's separate the <1% of people (arguendo all of them white) who get the job no matter what and fill the first 65 slots, from the 67% of people who are white but still have to compete for the job like everybody else. What happens to those people? They suffer the same fate as minorities -- competing for 35 slots instead of 100 because 65 were lost to the Old Boys Network. So that 67% of people fills 23.45% of the slots when it should have been 67%. That's how it is now, before you change anything.

Now suppose you require the company to balance on race. All the people the owners know are still in. They only made up 65% of the employees, up to 67% can be white, they all get to stay. But now only 2% of the slots are available to 67% of the population, because they were classified as the privileged elite when they weren't.

It isn't a race problem, it's a class and social mobility problem.

> They're white men with rich parents and Ivy League degrees and so on.

I think that's a very good point.

However, that doesn't mean that racism doesn't also exist and is not very prevalent. Endless research supports that it exists in many areas of society, it seems very unlikely that after centuries of overt, legalized racism it would disappear so quickly, and IMO it's unlikely to be coincidence that the excluded groups today are exactly those that that suffered overt, legalized discrimination until the civil rights era.

Sadly, my anecdotal experience is far too many white people expressing racist views in private, often grouping all blacks together and saying 'they' do X or Y. One, who holds a PhD, told me that Kenyan runners were faster because the harsh life of slaves caused natural selection to favor strength!

I would be interested in research on the relative social mobility of various excluded groupings (people who are black, Latino, Muslim, or women) and also of poor white people. Lots of people try to claim there is no difference, as a sort of political blow against people seeking to address race issues, but I've never seen data supporting it.

> However, that doesn't mean that racism doesn't also exist and is not very prevalent. Endless research supports that it exists in many areas of society, it seems very unlikely that after centuries of overt, legalized racism it would disappear so quickly, and IMO it's unlikely to be coincidence that the excluded groups today are exactly those that that suffered overt, legalized discrimination until the civil rights era.

It's clearly not a coincidence, the problem is that part of the cause is present day racism and part of it is the economic fallout of historical racism, and they're separate because only the first is actually a race problem. The second is just a slice from the general problem of poverty and mobility and has to be solved in the same way.

But that means the statistics don't mean anything unless you can identify what caused it, because it changes what we have to do about it. If black people are underrepresented because of real live racists then we need to hunt down the racists, but if they're underrepresented because they're poor or raised by single parents or other such things where everyone like that is underrepresented, then we need to fight poverty and promote premarital contraception and so on.

And in practice it's going to be both, but that doesn't save you any work. You still need to find each root cause to destroy it. The problem isn't that there aren't enough black Senators, the problem is that a promising black entrepreneur who would otherwise have become a Senator had no choice other than to go to a racist loan officer who denied the loan. The lack of black Senators is the consequence.

> Sadly, my anecdotal experience is far too many white people expressing racist views in private, often grouping all blacks together and saying 'they' do X or Y. One, who holds a PhD, told me that Kenyan runners were faster because the harsh life of slaves caused natural selection to favor strength!

A hundred psychology experiments have shown that if you put people on a team and put some other people on another team, they'll instantly become adversaries. To actually eliminate racism you have to destroy the idea of it. It was never a real thing -- the human race is the only race. To make it go away we have to stop having "African Americans" as a category. They need to be just Americans.

I mean your PhD friend is clearly wrong. Weren't the people still in Kenya the ones not captured as slaves? Otherwise they would be in Alabama. But the stupidity of the argument doesn't phase because it isn't meant to convince. It's meant to rationalize a win by The Other Team when Our Team is supposed to be better at everything.

But we can't convincingly argue that race isn't important and people shouldn't identify with it, while at the same time making a big deal about racial disparities and rehashing the differences between races.

> I would be interested in research on the relative social mobility of various excluded groupings (people who are black, Latino, Muslim, or women) and also of poor white people. Lots of people try to claim there is no difference, as a sort of political blow against people seeking to address race issues, but I've never seen data supporting it.

The reason there is never any good data one way or the other is that people keep trying to measure the empty space. You can't just go to companies and do a survey that says "how many black people didn't you hire because you're a dirty racist?" So what people do instead is to say that there is X amount of disparity, and if you account for income then this much goes away, and if you account for education level then this much etc., and then whatever is left at the end is labeled the contribution of racism.

But there are arbitrarily many confounders. If you account for enough of them then the whole amount might be "explained," but it isn't really because you e.g. accounted for credit history but that includes the racist creditors who maliciously ruined the credit of minorities. It turns into a political fight over what factors should be considered and there is no answer. And even if there was, it would only tell you how much racism there is, not where it is.

But there is a simple solution, which is to realize that the exact number is irrelevant. It isn't zero. Nobody seriously claims that there is no racism at all. It doesn't matter if it's 50% or 0.0001%. You do the same thing in each case -- fight every instance of racism you find.

But actual racism, not statistics and aggregates. Your friend with the PhD is Wrong. It is now your responsibility to fix it by convincing them.

> It's common practice, but that doesn't make it ok.

It's inevitable, and it happens from both ends of the hiring funnel. When I decided it was time to look for a new job, the first thing I did was to look at where people I'd worked with before had ended up. I knew those were places where I would be qualified to work, would be likely to advance my career, and where I would be happy on a daily basis. This is incredibly valuable information for me as I live my life.

(This is in addition the business's gain of being able to save dozens of engineer-hours discarding junk candidates from the hiring process, thousands of dollars in job advertising, and tens of thousands on recruiter fees.)

Asking everyone to destroy this information and waste resources on alternative sources in the service of a more valuable but vague, distant and nebulous goal is... impractical. Pursuing it any regulatory manner would either be a joke or carry a crushing burden on the ability of business to actually conduct business and might very well violate Constitutional protections on the freedom of speech. It would fuel backlash and resentment. It cannot possibly be the best way to do things.

If you want to fix this then we need to find a world where individual self-interest and the pursuit of this goal are at least roughly in alignment with each other. That means making hiring for minorities and the poorly-connected better, rather than making it worse for everyone else - and, from a human perspective, is about making connections between human beings rather than trying to sever them.

> Really it was Protestant, heterosexual white men, and maybe some other parameters applied too, but let's keep this simple.

Really? You don't think Jews had good jobs in 1950?

Do you know otherwise?

If we are talking about the U.S.: Jews were widely excluded from society. I know an American man who is Jewish and went to college in the 1950s. His whole family changed their last name so he could get in; many colleges barred or put quotas on Jewish applicants. Jewish lawyers couldn't work in many leading 'white shoe' firms. Jewish people couldn't join the country clubs and other social organizations where serious networking and business took place. Remember also that the KKK and similar groups preached hate against Jewish people as much as against black-skinned people.

I don't know the answer in greater detail than that, and my impression is that a person had much more opportunity believing in Judaism than being black-skinned, but clearly there was plenty of discrimination and much more, I expect, in some areas of the U.S.

Even to this day, has any leader of a major country been Jewish? Any country besides Israel? (A quick search found a couple French Prime Ministers.)

Well, you'll have to work with what I could find in about a minute of searching the internet, which is only suggestive:

> As elsewhere in the United States, the Jews of postwar Los Angles made their most spectacular fortunes in property development. S. Mark Taper, an English Jew with experience in London home construction, arrived in Los Angles in 1939 to lay the basis for one of California’s great real estate empires. Louis Boyer similarly became one of the state’s largest home developers, putting up 50,000 units by the mid-1960s.

> At one point in the late 1960s, Jew comprised perhaps 40 percent of southern California’s homebuilders and at least half of the builders of shopping centers. Other Jewish entrepreneurs provided their building materials. David Familian’s pipe and supply company was the city’s largest. Reuben and Lester Finkelstein built their grandfather’s scrap business into the vastly successful Southwest Steel Rolling Mills, the city’s second largest. Harvey Aluminum Inc., founded in 1934 as a small machine tool company, became southern California’s leading producer of aluminum, titanium, and special alloys.

> Jewish builders not infrequently began investing their savings in banks and savings and loan associations, until Jewish builders-cum-financiers surpassed even the older film magnates as the city’s economic heavyweights. All the while, too, Jews continued to play their traditional role as producers of consumer goods. As in the East, southern California’s clothing industry was largely Jewish, as were liquor and tobacco, and much of the wholesale food trade.

( http://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/american-jewry-1945-... , claims to be an excerpt from https://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0679745300/ )

Being "excluded from society" doesn't mean you get shut out of good jobs. It means you get shut out of certain good jobs. Jews weren't exactly popular in Europe from the Middle Ages forward, but everyone acknowledged that they nevertheless had good jobs.

Disraeli was the English prime minister. (He was formally Anglican, and I find it very plausible that that was politically significant. But it is fairly common for Jews to identify as Jewish by ancestry but not by religion, so he's at least worth bringing up.)

On a different note, I find it interesting how Jews get completely glossed over in opinings such as this one, from elsewhere in the thread:

> IMO it's unlikely to be coincidence that the excluded groups today are exactly those that that suffered overt, legalized discrimination until the civil rights era.

> Being "excluded from society" doesn't mean you get shut out of good jobs. It means you get shut out of certain good jobs

That may be true, but I'm not sure what your point is. Certainly it's prejudiced against, and harmful and oppressive to people, even if not everything is bad or someone else has it worse.

> Jews weren't exactly popular in Europe from the Middle Ages forward, but everyone acknowledged that they nevertheless had good jobs

I'm not sure that's the case, about "good" jobs being common. But certainly Jewish people were victims of widespread, brutal, and sometimes horrific discrimination and oppression in Europe. At one point, in the lifetimes of many people still living, 6 million were murdered over the course of a few years, including almost the entire populations of Jewish people in Poland and other countries. And that well-known event was the worst of a long history of brutal oppression. Did some have good jobs at some times? I don't see the point.

> Disraeli

Disraeli converted; he was no longer Jewish. It's nothing like the people of many religions who still claim to be part of their religion but don't observe its rituals or share its core beliefs.

I'll add to my comment above: The example in the grandparent post was the most successful people in one community at one time; I'm not sure what it actually represents.

"The likelihood that this result occurred according to chance is approximately one in a billion," said the lawsuit, which was filed with the department's Office of Administrative Law Judges.

What in the world does that alleged statistic mean?

It's an elementary statistics calculation (which I'm not saying was done right; but that's the direction it was most likely coming from).

Left unstated was what

    P(portion of Asian applications being >= 74%)
should be given that, if I'm not mistaken, the percentage of Asian undergraduates (even at upper-tier schools) seems to top out at around 45% (a very rough figure based on quick eyeballing; but I doubt it pushes 60%).

I understand that, thanks. The problem of course is that it bears no relation to actual reality. It may be the case that, for a pipefitter, every human body with Pipefitter Certification 409B can do the job identically to his fellow 409Ber. But there are very few jobs like that–trending to zero.

Result of this case: lawyers make a few million bucks. Government gets a few million bucks. Palantir has a few million bucks fewer with which to grow and produce new value. Fewer people get hired. No one wins. Administrative overreach: it's a thing.[1]

[1] https://www.amazon.com/Administrative-Law-Unlawful-Philip-Ha...

Not sure about pipe fitting, but for welding, say, or framing? There are definitely 10X welders. So your "trending to zero" point resonates with me (being a shitty welder).

Without actually doing the math, I believe it means that the odds that, if 21 names were pulled out of a hat with 130 names of "qualified applicants," and 73% were Asian, the probability that only 4 names (or less, I assume) are Asian is 1:1,000,000,000.

Isn't this correct though? That the probability of picking only four asians (if you chose at random) is just over one in a hundred million

Yes - but the objection is that no one in his/her right mind should be making hiring decisions at random. So, comparing it to choosing at random in rather obtuse (and clearly intended only to score cheap points by the person who filed the lawsuit.)

In one example cited by the Labor Department, Palantir reviewed a pool of more than 130 qualified applicants for an engineering intern position, about 73 percent of whom were Asian. The lawsuit, which covers Palantir's conduct between January 2010 and the present, said the company hired 17 non-Asian applicants and four Asians.

"The likelihood that this result occurred according to chance is approximately one in a billion," said the lawsuit, which was filed with the department's Office of Administrative Law Judges.

You'd kind of expect them to,† given the near certainty that they're being actively snooped upon by various foreign governments. Still one wonders what Labor's definition of "qualified" was in this case, and whether the need for visa sponsorship played a role in the selection process.

† Which should please not be construed to mean that I condone such discrimination (if it's happening to the degree alleged), or that I think it's inevitable. Only, one would suspect, not unexpected behavior for companies working in the so-called "intelligence community", or overlapping it to a significant degree.

This is 100% a political move. The number of people hired matches the national average, which is what is usually used to determine "diversity".

Honestly, there is no reason this lawsuit should be pressed. As you pointed out I'm sure there were visa's required for some applicants, and 20% Asian is still good by percentage.

Do we know that the non-Asians also didn't require visas?

Also, I find it interesting how national average always seems to justify discrimination against Asians when it comes to jobs/college acceptance but then if someone brings up how Asians can be under-represented in things like media representation or politics, some people will say it's because there aren't many Asians who go into acting/modeling/politics.

agree, it is total discrimination. the narrative is that it is normal there is no Asian at all, as long as there is more than one Asian, Asians are overrepresented. so no matter what, screwing asians is the safe bet.

And if ratio hired matched ratio applied, then 73% of those hired would have been Asian and they could be accused of discrimination the other way.

And if ratio hired matched ratio applied, then 73% of those hired would have been Asian and they could be accused of discrimination the other way.

If the ratio of those hired matches the ratio of applicants how does anyone make a complaint of discrimination?

The same complaint is the basis of sexism in the tech industry. I haven't seen many resumes from women cross my desk. So it's not that I'M being sexist, but clearly there's a problem somewhere. And it could be the way I'm soliciting those resumes in the first place.

The same complaint is the basis of sexism in the tech industry

No it's not. It's in fact the opposite. Sexism is systemic to the point where you're lucky to have 5% of your applicants be female.

Actually, its not that its a personal choice question. There are real differences in what different sexes value. What you choose to spend your free time on? How much you value stability? What you enjoy doing? How risk averse you are? How much you value having more free time? What hobbies you have?

There are real differences there between sexes, and those preferences affect what career is the best for you. You don't pick whats average for you, you pick your best career with all things considered, and small differences in preferences can skew the outcomes heavily. Also I like to point out there is bunch of careers where there is heavy shortage of MEN choosing it for same reasons.

You can't point to the "industry" when the industry is composed of individuals with distinct roles. The scope of influence of the average employer, for example, begins with the receiving of applications - they have less control of who chooses to study the subject.

That's exactly what I'm saying. "5% of my employees are female because 5% of my applicants are" does not mean that you've actually done what you can to eliminate bias in your recruiting, marketing, etc.

You compare it to the general population. In disparate impact lawsuits, this is the 'applicant' vs 'pool' distinction; the idea is to make it possible to sue even when the discrimination 'barriers' operate before the formal application process, but of course, you wind up in Orwellian games where the necessary number of minority potential-employees simply do not exist and the employer is forced to provide a devil's proof to show they weren't being discriminatory and they argue over what 'proxies' are appropriate... Ward Cove and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hazelwood_School_District_v._U...

> If the ratio of those hired matches the ratio of applicants how does anyone make a complaint of discrimination?

They'd complain that the company wasn't doing enough to attract resumes from underrepresented groups. That's the usual thing, anyway.

Work authorization for internships is very easy to get. If you are on F1 visa, you just need to apply for CPT (Curricular Practical Training) and it does not require any costs on the employer's side or different visa. You remain on F1 visa.

I was thinking not, but then: the place was founded by Peter Thiel, who spoke at the Republican National Convention.

It does smell like revenge, especially given that the numbers are so unusual and the company is probably dealing with security clearance issues. The fact that the numbers are so strange in the supposed pool should raise lots of red flags about one particular country too: were these people with family connections to China? That is normally disqualifying. Is the company expected to hire people who are certain to fail the clearance process, and then get stuck firing them for that failure?

What about top universities discriminating against Asian applicants? In many states, affirmative action is legally denying opportunities for Asian Americans.

Some of the comments here are laughable - "I also had to deal with clueless south asians once so I understand how it is".


Uh...me too.

I don't know what you think is weird....some have a similar hiring experience to what Palantir did (depending on the truthfulness of allegations, of course).

some have a similar hiring experience to what Palantir did

... which is completely irrelevant to whether Palantir is on the right side of this issue.

If a police department was reported as displaying bias against blacks or muslims, would it be reasonable to respond with "I've had issues with blacks and muslims in law enforcement too"?

Now consider the fact that Palantir does a lot of work for intelligence agencies...

> If a police department was reported as displaying bias against blacks or muslims, would it be reasonable to respond with "I've had issues with blacks and muslims in law enforcement too"?

But this has no context. What kind of bias, what kind of issues. The example wrt asians has this context.

The general HN users idea of race, discrimination or anything outside the realms of general whiteness is pretty dire.

What is "general whiteness"? Some kind of disqualifier?

Its amazing how many closet racists are on HN. So very sad.

I'm asian, and I honestly believe the DOL has bigger, more real fights to fight than Palantair - which most likely isn't discriminating at all.

I don't think the regulators have a case. The applicants failed the phone screens. Apparently U.S. regulators don't think Asians can fail to be qualified or that they are qualified simply for being Asian. They don't define what 'asian' even means, and they are trying to make this a "white" vs "asian" thing. Sounds like a lot of bullshit, maybe they just want to stop doing business with Palantir and need an excuse.

Since much of their work consists of analyzing classified data, they may also be screening out those they decide aren't likely to obtain those clearances. Many defense contractors hire you provisionally (and might put you on a non-classified project) but don't expect to keep that job if you wash out of the background check process. There are plenty of interview questions you could ask to avoid candidates that you know won't make it.

When was the last time U.S. regulators reviewed the percentage of 'asians' in companies like Infosys and WiPro? And who exactly qualifies as an 'Asian' applicant? Does a person born, say, in Israel qualifies as one?

> When was the last time U.S. regulators reviewed the percentage of 'asians' in companies like Infosys and WiPro?

Are Infosys or WiPro government contractors covered by EO 11246? The audit process doesn't apply to most employers, only government contractors.

NOTE: An earlier version of this comment incorrectly referenced EO 12466, because of a transposition in reading from the scanned-but-not-OCRd copy of the lawsuit text.

So only the projects being done under the govt. contract are being evaluated, or the whole company if at least one such project exists?

Also EO 12466 is an executive order on Reimbursement of Federal employee relocation expenses. I fail to see how is it related to the topic.

Yeah, sounds like a good deal. I will apply to one of these blatant all asian shops that happen to have a government contract and file an EEOC claim. I will get back pay when I am predictably not hired as they have essentially zero non-asian hires. That's assuming US regulators are not totally full of shit. Infosys has IRS, NIH, and UN contracts. WIPro is "is bidding for various government related projects in the US, Europe and Australia." I don't see how they will be able to sue Palantir and not have to sue the fuck out of these racist outsourcers.

How does the Department of Labor determine the applicants' qualifications?

Palantir is a government contractor. In this case there's a whole Compliance department that can be involved in audits of hiring practices.


In this case I'd assume based on resumes.

My understanding is that they were Internet Applicants [1]. The wording the DOL used makes it appear that someone just needs to say they meet the basic qualifications (defined in another section on the same page).

What should be concerning is it applies to these 3 jobs specifically. Palantir is offering a lot more jobs than what is indicated in the lawsuit [2] [3]. As another poster has said, could it be a poisoned recruiter? I wonder if that will be considered and if it will affect the AI (adversity impact).

[1] https://www.dol.gov/ofccp/regs/compliance/faqs/iappfaqs.htm#...

[2] https://www.dol.gov/sites/default/files/newsroom/newsrelease...

[3] https://www.palantir.com/careers/

Really surprised that they would see an 85% rate for Asian applicants. Is that normal in SV?

That seems very skewed, based on hiring I've done. My suspicion is it's related to recruiters or other pipelines they were working from to provide them applicants / candidate resumes. There are definitely recruiters who have client populations that are very disproportionate (largely based on where those recruiters get their clients from in the first place).

It wouldn't surprise me if the end lesson that comes out of all this is "be very, very careful who you work with to do your recruiting and the effect it has on your applicant pool". If someone (be it a recruiter or just employees hoping for referral bonuses) pumps your hiring pipeline full of low-grade resumes but who nonetheless represent a particular ethnic group, and you end up turning them all down or turning them down at a higher-than-normal rate, you could really be increasing your EEO exposure without realizing it.

But yet, it is ok when various US state government entities (e.g., universities, yes, I'm talking about you, California) adopt policies and procedures which are specifically intended to admit Asian students in lower numbers than the qualified applicant pool. Hmm, interesting.

Proposition 209 banned consideration of race and ethnicity for admissions to public universities in the State of California in 1996. Either you've been in a coma for the last twenty years or you are in fact not talking about California.

I'm wondering, how do they define equally qualified? Suppose for instance that a company has an anonymous interviewing procedure (e.g. maths puzzles, supposing it is relevant for the job) that somehow discriminates against a minority, would that be an issue?

How would you have a process that is both anonymous and discriminatory?

Discriminatory in the sense that the distribution of "winner" in terms of minorities doesn't match the distribution of candidates. I assume it can be the case that minority X is much better at solving maths puzzles than minority Y.

Probably use GPA, SAT scores or some other metric.

One shady tech company gave me an IQ test

Wow this is flimsy;

  In one example cited by the Labor Department, Palantir reviewed a pool of
  more than 130 qualified applicants for the role of engineering intern.
  About 73 percent of applicants were Asian. The lawsuit, which covers
  Palantir's conduct between January 2010 and the present, said the company
  hired 17 non-Asian applicants and four Asians.

  "The likelihood that this result occurred according to chance is
   approximately one in a billion," said the lawsuit, which was filed
   with the department's Office of Administrative Law Judges.
I'm sorry, assuming what distribution? And hiring is not chance anyway. That statistic is mind-numbing. Perhaps it is true that... the likelihood that this result occurred according to chance, assuming applicants were selected randomly, is approximately one in a billion. But the applicants are far from randomly selected from a uniform distribution... The odds of choosing 4 Asians out of 21 interns baring racial discrimination do not sound that long to me considering actual educational dynamics and the population that is applying to US software intern jobs.

Some great points here about citizenship/security clearance being part of the issue.

But I'd also ask the government regulators to define "asians". Including East Indians? I'm not sure how the government breaks down their racial statistics but certainly East Indians are Asians. They might not be East Asians but they're Asians.

Not only that but Native Americans and most Latin Americans are to some degree of Asiatic origin as well. So they'd have to define recent, or historical Asian origin?

Further, we'd need clarification on whites vs Europeans. Europeans presently live in Eurasia, which technically is the same landmass as Asia. Beyond that, all Europeans and their white descendants alive today share the same ancestors as the Native Americans[0], which are of clear Asiatic origins. That also begs the question about my Saudi friends from college: they were adamant that they were Asians as they were indeed from the same continent.

So, which "asians" are we talking about here? I think this whole type of thing is a mess and so anti-scientific that it's entirely political. The government and their racial censuses are awfully convoluted. Which should be abolished, as Mexico has been our leader here and already abolished racial censuses long ago- if the US government is truly against racism. Change should always start at the top, leading by good example!

In sum, there's only 5 heavily-populated major landmasses in the world and 4 of those 5 are occupied by a majority with folks of wholly Asian or at minimum, mixed-Asian descent. With Africa being the only real exception. So our government need to get its act together and if they're going to use racial terminology and policy, to do it in a little bit more scientific manner.


Do they mean Asians from Asia or Americans of Asian descent?

The article is unclear, but if the former, given Palantir'a security work with various US government agencies, it might be a factor as others have pointed out.

I'm pretty sure the government auditors whose only job is to do compliance audits of government contractors are more than aware of the relevance of citizenship status to qualification for certain jobs related to certain government contracts.

And, even if they weren't, I'm pretty sure that Palantir could easily have pointed that out in the two rounds of attempted to pre-lawsuit conciliation initiated by the Department of Labor to resolve the identified issues.

1,160 qualified people? How do the Labor Department define qualified? Did Palantir interview all of them? reply

>the individual's expression of interest indicated that the individual possesses the basic qualification for the position [1]

The issue for this case will be proving whether or not the applicants actually met the basic qualifications. Interestingly, the language implies that someone must simply indicate that they possess the basic qualifications. It doesn't go into detail on verifying the actual possession of those qualifications.

I'd like to see what exactly is done to verify the applicants actually met the basic qualifications.

[1] https://www.dol.gov/ofccp/regs/compliance/faqs/iappfaqs.htm#...

[2] https://www.dol.gov/sites/default/files/newsroom/newsrelease...

i have no idea. over.

By the written job description.

I hope plantair wins this sort of lawsuit could really hurt women and diversity efforts to get into tech jobs if companies are forced to hire based on qualified candidate pools.

What is the definition of Asian, here? One has to remember that Middle Eastern countries and Pakistan are in Asia.

Given the nature of what Palantir does, it is easy to guess why it would discriminate against a certain category of people who have ties to foreign countries in general, and sensitive countries in particular.

It is the same problem intelligence agencies faced when they wanted Arabic/Urdu speakers. Those who spoke these languages would never be vetted.

There are well established processes to vet someone who might be handling sensitive information. There are security clearances that can be obtained. The fact that someone is from a foreign country should not be the basis of discriminating against them.

Secondly if Palantir works on highly sensitive data it probably requires applicants to be US citizens. So essentially it is probably discriminating against Asian Americans and not citizens of other countries.

>Secondly if Palantir works on highly sensitive data it probably requires applicants to be US citizens. So essentially it is probably discriminating against Asian Americans and not citizens of other countries.

My remark was about Arabic and Urdu speakers who are US Citizens (the possibility that they'd be foreigners didn't even cross my mind). After the Iraq invasion, there were many people who applied to work with Intelligence agencies. US citizens. They just happened to have ties to said countries (you know, your father or grandfather came to the US and you were born here, but your uncle still is in Iraq, Saudi Arabia, or Pakistan).

There was a severe shortage of fluent speakers despite a lot of eager applicants. A "We want native Iraqi dialect speakers, but those who speak it just happen to be of Iraqi descent. We can't hire those" situation.

This is for internships ... does Palantir have interns working on highly sensitive data? I don't know but I doubt it.

Then again they might as from what I've read about the company it is more like a glorified ETL shop. Granted upwards of 80% of a data scientist's job can be cleaning data.

Indian here (I hope that still makes me Asian). I did interview on-site at Palantir in 2014. I did not feel like any kind of discrimination was in play at any point. In fact, 3/6 of the people I interacted with during the course of my interviews seemed to be from a Asian / east-Asian ethnicity. I did feel like the people working there were a little overly confident in nature, but discriminating? I don't think so.

Is this just like the complaints about elite universities discriminating against Asians/Indians to maintain the diversity? Perhaps people who know about Palantir's diversity ratio can comment.

I have seen some companies preferring certain race of applicants to maintain diversity in teams even though there are plenty of qualified applicants.

You have to stop discrimination from first principles downwards: Identify the discriminating policy or behaviour and stop it. You cannot assess discrimination from the other side, by looking at percentages and then conclude a systemic bias. That is not only unsound statistics, it is fascism.

The key question, it seems to me, is what the evidence is that this allegation is true: "The lawsuit alleges Palantir routinely eliminated Asian applicants in the resume screening and telephone interview phases, even when they were as qualified as white applicants".

I guess this is the other side of the coin when it comes to government contracting.

Government contracts are great if you can make them work -- these organizations have big budgets, and many individual layers of the bureaucracy have a "we must spend our allowance or we won't get one next year" mentality. Find a good use case for your tech, hire a couple of people who are good at making gov't relationships and who know how to do the paperwork right, and you're in business.

The flip side of this is that government contracting rules are really, really strict. And the impact of being barred or even partially restricted from government contracting work would be really, really bad for Palantir.

The interesting question to me is how does discriminating against asians help palantir's bottom line ?

Has this something to do with culture, or the fact that Palantir think that even american asians are leaking information to countries like china, india, etc.

> The interesting question to me is how does discriminating against asians help palantir's bottom line ?

It quite possibly doesn't; discrimination is often done (even when it is done deliberately and overtly) because it serves non-financial interests of the people choosing to do it, not because it is an efficient means of maximizing profits.

Does anyone know how affected applicants are supposed to participate in this lawsuit? That is, the remedies include remuneration for these applicants, but it doesn't look like there's a clear way for people to indicate that they think they were affected by this bias.

(Note that this is a government lawsuit, so it's not like a class-action where additional parties "join" the suit or are included in a class. It's just the government versus the company, with remedies (apparently) to be paid to other individuals.)

> Does anyone know how affected applicants are supposed to participate in this lawsuit?

They aren't.

> That is, the remedies include remuneration for these applicants, but it doesn't look like there's a clear way for people to indicate that they think they were affected by this bias.

Hiring, not remuneration, of some from the "affected class list", is one of the remedies sought. Since the government has through the compliance audits which identified these issues all the hiring records for the positions at issue, including the information on the unsuccessful applicants, they don't really need people to reach out to them to identify that they think they were affected. If there is an remedy issued that would require identifying affected individuals, they already know who is involved.

From the last line of the article: "The lawsuit seeks relief for impacted individuals, including lost wages." This sounds like remuneration to me.

I don't know how the government can identify race of all applicants, since this cannot reliably be done by surname or by any other indirect method. And since applicants cannot be required to provide this information in an application, there is no direct method either (other than seeking applicants to identify themselves after the fact).

I am curious about this partly because I am an Asian American who interviewed at Palantir and was turned down for not having enough X skills, when I was never asked any questions pertaining to X.

> From the last line of the article: "The lawsuit seeks relief for impacted individuals, including lost wages." This sounds like remuneration to me.

I missed that in reviewing the actual lawsuit (and thought it was an error in the article), but see it on review. In any case, the point that the government knows who the applicants are remains.

> I don't know how the government can identify race of all applicants

The government can identify all the applicants. If it reaches the stage at which more information from them becomes relevant, the government can reach out to the applicants for additional information. It doesn't need to rely on the applicants initiating the contact.

Though if, as you indicate, you are personally interested and what to proactively contact the government to make sure you don't miss out on any opportunities, contact information for the office responsible for the lawsuit is in the press release [0] announcing it.

[0] https://www.dol.gov/newsroom/releases/ofccp/ofccp20160926

Thanks for the link. I'm a little surprised that there isn't any info in the press release indicating how individuals can share their experiences with the DOL. Perhaps they figure they have 90% of the info already, and that's good enough?

> Thanks for the link. I'm a little surprised that there isn't any info in the press release indicating how individuals can share their experiences with the DOL. Perhaps they figure they have 90% of the info already, and that's good enough?

The processes under the contracting rules at issue are fairly well established, and I suspect if additional information from applicants was relevant they would have actively reached out before filing the lawsuit. I think that this action is about the overall nature of the hiring processes at issue where the key evidence is the internal documentation of the hiring process and decisions made with in it, and not the experiences of individual applicants.

I imagine it must feel weirdly impersonal as someone within the affected class, though, since its both about your experience in a general sense, but not all that concerned with it in a specific sense.

Most companies ask race during the initial application process.

Being a government contractor, this 100% happened at some point or would.

Doesn’t this result just tell us that Palantir’s recruitment funnel is broken. If your funnel is attracting 73% Asians then fix the funnel at the top, not the bottom.

It tells us something might be broken. Could be their applicant pool, and/or could be the way implicit biases creep in.

The way you word it, however, says the problem is that they are "attracting 73% of Asians".

If you want to work in the 21st century, get used to working with people who don't have your same exact background.

The problem is they are not attracting enough non-Asians at the top of the funnel - something about their criteria is either driving away others, or is too attractive to Asians.

Unless you believe that talent is disproportionally concentrated in Asian candidates (which they obviously don’t given who they actually hire), then it is telling you that the funnel is broken. The funny thing is if they did hire 73% Asians they would rightly be criticised for discriminating against non-Asians.

> which they obviously don’t given who they actually hire

It's not obvious to everyone, that's why there is discussion/lawsuit.

> if they did hire 73% Asians they would rightly be criticised for discriminating against non-Asians.

Why would they rightly "be criticised for discriminating against non-Asians."?

Anyway, what you are suggesting does happen when listing jobs (eg how startup jobs are marketed towards younger people). Doesn't mean that it's right or wrong in private companies. But to say it isn't wrong when you are taking government money is disingenuous.

>It's not obvious to everyone, that's why there is discussion/lawsuit.

It is obvious to Palantir. They are rightly recognising that talent is much more evenly spread despite attracting a disproportional number of Asian candidates at the top of the funnel. They are trying to fix a broken funnel by discriminating at the end of the process.

I don’t think anyone would think the appropriate solution is to just hire 73% people of Asian decent because that is what the funnel provided.

Feels like we are talking past each other :)

Of course it's obvious to Palantir: they are the ones doing it. Of course it's not obvious to DOL: they are the ones with the lawsuit.

Of course it obvious to anyone that demographics at various level of any funnel wont/cant be translated to the bottom.

What's not obvious are the causes in this specific case.

I will agree that we seem to be talking past each other :)

I don't know the cause of the broken funnel, but that does not stop me from being to identify that there is something broken with how Palantir are filling their funnel.

I do think the DOL are looking at the wrong end. What Palantir needs to fix is how they are filling their pipeline so that they capture a much more representative cross section of the talent pool. I am pretty sure Palantir have not deliberately set out to do this, but there is something about their selection criteria, advertising, or outreach that is going wrong to end up with such a skewed funnel.

> I do think the DOL are looking at the wrong end.

Its illegal for Palantir to discriminate in the end DOL is looking at irrespective of whether or not they should be doing something at the other end.

I am not sure it is illegal what Palantir is doing (the court case will determine this), but on the face of if 20% of the people you hire are of Asian decent this does not look unreasonable. If their funnel had 20% Asian candidates and they hired 20% I don't think the DOL would have intervened.

Maybe there are more people of Asian descent (including Asian-Americans) studying engineering in America. Maybe Palantir needs to hire engineers for engineering roles. I'll let you fill in the blanks

Unless 73% of all people studying engineering are of Asian decent then the top of the funnel is broken. If the greater candidate pool is made up of 73% of people of Asian decent then the education system is broken.

Fix the American educational system?

more like keep the asians accountable. everyone knows that indians/chinese are vastly more likely to go to great lengths to cheat/inflate resume

There's a guy on my TV doing that right now, and he doesn't look Indian or Chinese

"In 2015, Asians represented 27.2 percent of the professional workforce at Google, Hewlett-Packard, Intel, LinkedIn and Yahoo but were 13.9 percent of the companies' executive workforces, according to a study by pan-Asian professionals organization Ascend."

Asians are culturally inclined towards collective work and are therefore disinclined to the competitive environment of management.

Tongue in cheek comment of the day.

I'm not sure how the stuff about executive positions is relevant for internships.

> In 2015, Asians represented 27.2 percent of the professional workforce at Google, Hewlett-Packard, Intel, LinkedIn and Yahoo but were 13.9 percent of the companies' executive workforces, according to a study by pan-Asian professionals organization Ascend.

I wonder to what extent by "Asian" they really mean Indian.

Who does Palantir think they are ?? The ivy league?? Geesh we all know only tier 1 colleges can discriminate against asians using the "diversity" card..

I bet it's more subtle than overt (not an excuse if it's happening, of course, merely a possible explanation)... probably managers hiring unaware they're hiring people whom look like them, rather than hiring the most skilled and capable people whom fit with the company culture. I've seen this at a number of universities and enterprise shops when there's not a conscious effort to minimize useless bias.

> I bet it's more subtle than overt (not an excuse if it's happening, of course, merely a possible explanation)... probably managers hiring unaware they're hiring people whom look like them

Actually, from the government filing, it sounds like they are saying a big part of it is very active, through the heavy reliance on an employee referral program.

Haha Silicon Valley is notoriously racist. It was started by the US military. Hell, even Stage Jobs went public talking about nuking Koreans like it was pearl harbour and everyone thought that was a swell thing to say.

There's gotta be some other motive here.

I'm not totally comfortable with the fact that the knee-jerk reaction here is that an allegation of racial discrimination in hiring is wrong on its face. Although Asians certainly aren't a significantly underrepresented minority in tech on the whole, eliminating bias from hiring processes is a hard problem and it definitely seems plausible to me that Palantir could have, for whatever reason, fallen into an anti-pattern that effectively (if not consciously) discriminated against the Asian applicant pool.

Some of the comments here seem to suggest people might be instinctively identifying with Palantir when they talk about their own difficulties in trying to find qualified job applicants. It's without a doubt incredibly hard to find qualified job candidates, and there's a huge number of factors that can go into making any hire/no-hire decision, but for those very reasons these types of lawsuits from the DOL are both hard for them to win and pretty rare, which suggests to me that there's a fair amount of objectively quantifiable evidence pointing towards discrimination. I think, unfortunately, that it's much more common for widespread discrimination to never be addressed in certain companies than for the federal government to overzealously sue corporations on marginal evidence.

I don't think there's any question that Palantir is going to be ultimately ok as a company, however the law suit turns out. Even if the ruling was to wrongly come down against them, they'd pay $___ million, change their hiring processes so they're at least less likely to be sued again, and then move on with their lives as a hugely valuable multi-billion dollar corporation. Discriminatory hiring processes, on the other hand, I think need to be routed out wherever they may occur because systemic injustices ultimately hurt our society as a whole.

This allegation is very serious and I think needs to be taken seriously. When our instinctive reaction to an accusation of discrimination is that it's more than likely overblown or outright false, we're implicitly endorsing the idea that discrimination is both rare and always obvious, neither of which I think are true. I'm not ready to make any judgements about Palantir as a company or its hiring process, but it seems very likely that they (like any company) have blind spots in the way they're hiring that disadvantage some groups, especially if the DOL thinks there's enough evidence to win a court case over it. The great news for Palantir is that even if that's true, it's not an issue that really affects any core component of them as a company and it's 100% fixable with some extra HR spending.

I think the more constructive take-away from a news article like this is to think about what we ourselves do to eliminate bias from our hiring and potentially talk about what works and what doesn't. No one wants or needs us to hire unqualified candidates, but it's undesirable for us to unfairly exclude groups of qualified candidates because of race or any other discriminatory factor, both because of the societal implications and because we end up missing good candidates in a time where good engineers are in incredibly high demand. Like I said, establishing fair hiring practices is a hard problem; it goes a lot further than just trying to "do the right thing" and reaches into a lot of core parts of how we perceive the world. As engineers we constantly try to study and adjust for our imperfect brains' natural tendencies so that we can build more useful products and get more done. Why can't we try to fight bias in the same way?

I interviewed for Palantir in 2010 for a QA position. They flew me in from East Coast, and took good care of me. I didn't accepted the offer as I went on to accept a SW position in a different company. I didn't felt like I was biased against.

I'm not sure about Palantir's bias against Asians, but the tone of comments here are surely negative and partially racist. Let me think, if I really meant "racist". May be it is the fear of competition, usually shown by below par individuals, or may be just signs of arrogance.

Either ways, I am N.E.V.E.R. going to apply to companies like Palantir, Theranos, Snap, Reddit, Path, etc. Damage is done. Congrats.

p.s. Throwaway account.

You mention a bunch of random companies .. what is the common thread?

Who cares? If the Asians are equally qualified as whites then they are only hurting themselves by excluding them. And they aren't really excluding them. They still hire vastly more Asians than expected by the proportion of general population.

Replace "Asians" with "Blacks" or "Women" in that sentence and see how much support you'll get with that statement.

It's not equivalent, because those are traditionally oppressed groups. Whereas Asians are not oppressed and are fantastically successful relative to their tiny portion of the general population. Based on the report above, they were hiring between 20%-40% asians, which is 5-9 times their rate in the general population! You could make an equally strong case that they are disparately impacting whites!

Internement Camps, Chinese Exclusion Act, the Asian massacre of 1871, low representation in sports and the media.

I'm sure the Hmong will be thrilled to know they've had it so easy.

I don't think you can judge whether someone is oppressed based on how successful they are. If they're successful, it might mean they weren't oppressed, or it could just mean they overcame the oppression.

> Who cares?

The government, because its a violation of an executive order that applies to all government contracting, and Palantir is a government contractor. (Hence why one of the proposed remedies is cancelling all of Palantir's government contracts and subcontracts, and banning them from future contracting.)

> If the Asians are equally qualified as whites then they are only hurting themselves by excluding them.

If they are only equally (and not more) qualified, and they have to narrow the pool anyway to get a manageable pool for later stages of the hiring process, then they actually aren't hurting themselves, before considering the consequences of enforcement actions like this one.

Even if they are only equally qualified, Palantir would be hurting themselves, because, if they had more candidates (larger supply) to choose from, they could make more offers at lower compensation, live with lower acceptance rates, still fill all their open positions, and increase profit margins.

Well obviously the government cares, I'm suggesting that they shouldn't.

And yes technically you are correct. But that assumes they are exactly equal. If you exclude a bunch of people for arbitrary reasons then you necessarily get worse results. Some of the best candidates may be excluded.

> Well obviously the government cares, I'm suggesting that they shouldn't.

There may be an argument that the government shouldn't require non-discrimination by government contractors, but I don't think that there is a particularly good argument, that, given the existence of the requirement as a term of every government contract, that the government should not care that a government contractor is just casually disregarding the terms of its contract with the government and expecting to continue to be paid.

> If you exclude a bunch of people for arbitrary reasons then you necessarily get worse results. Some of the best candidates may be excluded.

Since Palantir is a government contractor, the argument that they would be hurting the quality of work they do (which is valid, just not supported by mere equality of qualifications) is another reason the government should be concerned. Remember, this isn't an enforcement action under general anti-discrimination law, its an enforcement action under the specific rules that apply to government contractors.

Very interesting line in the complaint that other companies should take note of:

> "In addition, the majority of Palantir's hires into these positions came from an employee referral system that disproportionately excluded Asians."

Also, the complaint says they tried twice to get Palantir in compliance (starting in late '15) and are only now filing this complaint.

This doesn't surprise me, Palantir was funded by the CIA (yay libertarianism eh Thiel?), and as such, is probably suspicious of asian minorities. Remember Wen Ho Lee?

Yes we and Wikipedia as well do remember him.

"After federal investigators were unable to prove these initial accusations, the government conducted a separate investigation and was ultimately only able to charge Lee with improper handling of restricted data, one of the original 59 indictment counts, to which he pleaded guilty as part of a plea settlement. In June 2006, Lee received $1.6 million from the federal government and five media organizations as part of a settlement of a civil suit he had filed against them for leaking his name to the press before any formal charges had been filed against him.[2] Federal judge James A. Parker eventually apologized to Lee for denying him bail and putting him in solitary confinement, and excoriated the government for misconduct and misrepresentations to the court.[3]"

Wait, you think libertarians are pro-CIA?

I would have guessed not but Theil is certainly classed as libertarian whenever I've heard it discussed, and he is Palantirs major shareholder, and Palantir is a CIA shop. Connection seems pretty clear in this context.

Compliance would be a lot fairer and lower-overhead if the government would simply inform businesses of the racial composition they wanted to see, rather than randomly cracking down on firms because particular groups were "only" 4x overrepresented rather than 10x.

They aren't cracking down because of the ratio, they cracking down because of allegations of systematic elimination of qualified Asian applications from consideration at various stages in the hiring process. The applicant:hired ratios are among the pieces of evidence supporting the conclusion that discrimination was happening, but aren't the subjects of targets.

Right. I am saying that auditing the process is significantly more onerous on all parties than auditing the result, especially when it looks like the jurisprudence around the former is a complete clusterfuck that only exists so the feds can non-transparently and non-equitably mandate the latter anyway.

> only exists so the feds can non-transparently and non-equitably mandate the latter anyway.

This premise is unsupported and, I would argue, completely unsupportable. Though I suppose if you start with the premise that the government is trying to mandate particular outcomes, the enforcement actions they take probably look like the target is capriciously moving, but that's just because the premise is incorrect.

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