Try to give people a reason to keep reading near the start, rather than near the end. Suggestions:
Start with two images: overhead of a bento box and an android app with a similarish layout. Omit the explanatory text. Alt1: put it at the end. Alt2: don't even have images; an in-joke helps word of mouth.
Mention the key benefits before going into excruciating detail. From my skim, it seems to be that it's small without dependencies, but otherwise just the same as standard GUI layouts. i.e. the cute name is unrelated to its benefits or differentiation... what makes it cool.
The above suggestions, though specific and actionable, might be perceived as "complaints", so I'll add that I really like small simple solutions. And, I may have missed what really makes Bento cool.
>Bento®: "Bento is a portable object storage library and format that allows OpenDoc to store and exchange of compound documents and multimedia. Documents stored in Bento are platform independent and can be accessed independently of the applicationthat creates them.
>A library for reading and writing Bento is available in source code form from Apple. The library is highly efficient, platform- independent, and very portable. Bento is in use on many platforms including Microsoft Windows, Macintosh, OS/2, and various flavors of Unix.
>To get more information on the Bento library, send email to"
Not related to bento in anyway, just a gripe i have with yelp/copycats - Any app still using bottom tabs for top level navigation has some serious problems with identity and "primary purpose". The first page a user sees shouldn't be cluttered with random data about 3 different types of services(here i'm counting reviews,ordering food/searching for restaurants nearby and ordering services)
Also if you're holding a curved display device you're going to trigger the bottom right or bottom left tab ALWAYS and it makes it super frustrating to use one handed - like when you're using your phone while walking/driving and looking for a restaurant. notice how the navigation buttons aren't at the extreme edges of the screen? yeah.
UICollectionView would map to RecylerView on Android. But because RV gets used in 90% of screens and has annoying boilerplate, companies commonly make abstractions over rv like Bento.
Start with two images: overhead of a bento box and an android app with a similarish layout. Omit the explanatory text. Alt1: put it at the end. Alt2: don't even have images; an in-joke helps word of mouth.
Mention the key benefits before going into excruciating detail. From my skim, it seems to be that it's small without dependencies, but otherwise just the same as standard GUI layouts. i.e. the cute name is unrelated to its benefits or differentiation... what makes it cool.
The above suggestions, though specific and actionable, might be perceived as "complaints", so I'll add that I really like small simple solutions. And, I may have missed what really makes Bento cool.