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Try to give people a reason to keep reading near the start, rather than near the end. Suggestions:

Start with two images: overhead of a bento box and an android app with a similarish layout. Omit the explanatory text. Alt1: put it at the end. Alt2: don't even have images; an in-joke helps word of mouth.

Mention the key benefits before going into excruciating detail. From my skim, it seems to be that it's small without dependencies, but otherwise just the same as standard GUI layouts. i.e. the cute name is unrelated to its benefits or differentiation... what makes it cool.

The above suggestions, though specific and actionable, might be perceived as "complaints", so I'll add that I really like small simple solutions. And, I may have missed what really makes Bento cool.

On the flip side, don't. I enjoyed how fast I went from 0 knowledge to seeing code examples without a lot of fluff.

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