I’m a big fan of Oblique Strategies, perhaps too big a fan, and I have what is perhaps the most rare edition of them all: the special edition Peter Norton (of Norton Utilities fame) had made as a gift for his friends in 1996. It was never available for purchase but I managed to find one on eBay a few years ago.
It has a very unique case made out of Dupont Corion, a material I’ve never seen anywhere else in my life. It feels and looks like white marble but is actually a form of plastic. Some of the cards have been redesigned in collaboration with Peter Norton and Brian Eno, and there’s a unique intro card too.
It has a very unique case made out of Dupont Corion, a material I’ve never seen anywhere else in my life. It feels and looks like white marble but is actually a form of plastic. Some of the cards have been redesigned in collaboration with Peter Norton and Brian Eno, and there’s a unique intro card too.
Details on the Peter Norton special edition: http://www.rtqe.net/ObliqueStrategies/Edition4.html
Took some pics just now:
Case: https://i.imgur.com/7xJcUPP.jpg
Special Peter Norton card here: https://i.imgur.com/6vtjdGe.jpg
Full gallery here: https://imgur.com/gallery/qhEQLTo