Correct me if I'm wrong because I'm on the receiving end of such models, but I feel that many times a couple of linear regressions, surveys and qualitative work with customers could land much better results.
I say so because I've had time to read some of the reports that DS teams produce to drive decisions in my BIGCORP and it makes very little sense most of the times.
And we suffer from it because we have direct contact with clients, but nobody cares about my department opinion, they will rather believe in some model where I can see insane dispersion in datapoints when they plot em in reports, conclussions by people who clearly has zero understanding of our business.
I'm forced to make decisions on how to treat certain customers, by entering data into some software and being given an output I can't challenge, which produces lots of insane and unfair situations.
Also, IDK how they clean and treat their data, but if they're relying on our ERP's data, good luck. Our CRM if full of BS because most employees rush to put whatever it allows to continue as they need to keep up with KPIs, so they aren't trying to make nice comments and check everything is ok.
Actual, human based decisions will almost always win out.
Data is only helpful when it is directly and clearly tied to the problem.
* Good: "Our customers are complaining of random drop-outs. We've noticed X% of requests to Y service take longer than Z time. We believe that's the problem".
* Bad: "Companies who are most successful on our platform upload X things in their first Z days. We must find a way for everyone to upload X things in Z days".
I say so because I've had time to read some of the reports that DS teams produce to drive decisions in my BIGCORP and it makes very little sense most of the times.
And we suffer from it because we have direct contact with clients, but nobody cares about my department opinion, they will rather believe in some model where I can see insane dispersion in datapoints when they plot em in reports, conclussions by people who clearly has zero understanding of our business.
I'm forced to make decisions on how to treat certain customers, by entering data into some software and being given an output I can't challenge, which produces lots of insane and unfair situations.
Also, IDK how they clean and treat their data, but if they're relying on our ERP's data, good luck. Our CRM if full of BS because most employees rush to put whatever it allows to continue as they need to keep up with KPIs, so they aren't trying to make nice comments and check everything is ok.