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Tell HN: Happy New Year
364 points by jacquesm on Dec 31, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 138 comments
Either I'm late or I missed it but just in case, Happy 2023 to all of you and yours.

Happy New Year from the Dominican Republic. My New Year's resolution is to drink less frequently, exercise more and learn to surf. How about yours?

I’m 32, took my first surf lesson in November and absolutely loved it, bought a board that weekend. I’ve gone out whenever I can since then, about once a week at the moment and still loving it even though my stand-up count is still not that high. It’s such a unique and challenging sport, I’m so glad I tried it, good luck out there!

I’m planning to smoke weed less frequently (daily -> weekly), get a job, exercise more, and learn to sail!

Happy New Year!

My email is always open to any hacker news members with sailing ambitions.

Good luck!

Anecdotal tip. It’s next to impossible to drop from daily to weekly. It has to be way more infrequent- like biannual for you to not fall back into daily usage.

I want to build my first ever game on the app store. Never made an app before but I have a cracking idea which I am too scared to hire a developer in case they pinch it, so I’m enlisting my partner to help make it. Other than that, just hope I can start to make amends with the fact I have no friends (warning: never hire your friends, it’s devastating when they shit on you and thieve from you). Happy new year!

Funny, mine is to quit the gym, and reduce the amount of pressure and stress I put on myself.

Very similar to my last several resolutions! One of these years I'll follow through with them.

Same to 1 and 2. For 3, learning to ski rather than surf due to my location :)

Skating here! That one's mine since a few months, and my resolution's to learn to ollie, so I can start exploring things beyond just cruising.

Picking up skating was also causally responsible for getting me to quit unneccessary drinking (they're incompatible choices), so I endorse the sentiments in this thread. I think they're smart ideas. Work hard at your goals!

Happy New Year! While I'm not feeling so good about the economic and technological forecasts of 2023, it's looking to be a great year for me mentally and in my personal life. Looking forward to taking this year head on.

I'm eager to come back to this comment in 2024 and reflect on whether the economic and technological forecasts were really as bad as people say they would be.

Someone in the comments once explained that the movie, "The Apartment" (1960), has become their New Year's Eve tradition.

It is now mine.

At precisely 9:58 PM I have scheduled "The Apartment" to begin playing on my TV. If you do the same you'll enjoy the synchronization when midnight drops. (And what a great film from 1960.)

Happy new year from Kyiv :-)

00:30, air raid sirens went off, and more explosions.

Looks like a country-wide alarm is in place right now.

Slava Ukraini!

Best wishes and Good Hunting from a Brit looking for revenge for the attack on my local town (Salisbury). Good people here are working night and day to support the fight against Russia and I hope we see continued progress in 2023.

Victory can't come soon enough!

You're not wrong - I've actually been coding all day and now for my first Amazon Redshift management product, to get it out to the first two test customers in the next two or so days; all the money it makes is going to the Ukrainian military.

Just posted a screenshot on Masto of per-database blocks, rows and i/o info.


That info is going to be available for databases, nodes, slices, groups, and users, on a per-cluster and per-database basis level (with two exceptions - no blocks/rows info for cluster-level groups or users, because you can't know at the cluster level which users own which table).

2.10am, couple more explosions going off.

Time to put the ear-plugs in and get some sleep.

Night all!

Or not.

Spent the last 30 minutes watching searchlights play on the clouds and surface-to-air missiles rising into the night sky. Got a little footage, but have learned I need to set infinite focus at night (the points of light in shot are blurry, as the camera cannot focus).

I saw four shots fired in total, after the third there was a white flash in the sky, where I would think they hit their mark.

If there's anyone that deserves a better year, it's the people of Ukraine. Stay safe! All the best wishes for the New Year.

Happy new year! I hope 2023 brings peace to your country.

Peace, and not "the peace of the graveyards". May there be peace on just terms.

Happy new year! Stay safe!

I wish you didn't have to go through all of this...

Russia hellbent on giving you guys free spicy fireworks

Actually, I did see one firework - a little red flare, someone hand threw it out from their apartment window, about 20 floors up :-)

About 10 minutes after midnight, there were broad, flicking flashes of light from the north, which were in the dark lighting the clouds up, and you can see the light from pretty far away. I'm guessing it was related to the incoming volley of drones. This was about 20 minutes before the air raid warnings went off.

Happy new year!

I think that the most impactful thing HN:ers outside of Ukraine/Russia can do is to politically push for more and better weapons to be sent to Ukraine, from whatever country you live in. Please do that. I think we often underestimate our political influence.

I don't want weapons. I want a stop to weapons and a start to peace negotiations.

A stop to weapons means capitulation by Ukraine, rewarding Russian imperialism and brutal aggression, and a repeat of the atrocities in 3-5 years. You are advocating for continuing atrocities, and it is abhorrent.

Peace is atrocities? and abhorrent?

I read Orwell's 1984 in high school, and I never believed that we'd go there until now.

Your lack of being informed about the facts on the ground in the Russian occupied territories should not stop you from correcting that and reading up on it, then after you're done you can come back here and apologize to those in this thread that are under attack from Russian rockets as we write this.

You can quote Orwell all day long but if you don't understand that one part of his view was that not standing up to tyranny and playing along with those that will eventually plow you under then you probably should go re-read that book as well.

>Your lack of being informed about the facts on the ground in the Russian occupied territories

It is a bit hard to be well informed, since there are no "approved" journalists reporting from these territories. The only Western journalists there that I know of (Anne-Laure Bonnel, Anna Lipp and the rather hack-ish Patrick Lancaster) are not given much exposure on the mainstream channels. If you have not heard what they have to say, I suggest you correct that before warmongering any further.

Oh right, so all of the news coming out of Ukraine that you don't like and that contradicts the story that you'd like to be true is what we should believe. And you are quoting Orwell? Seriously. The thousands of people murdered, raped, tortured and mutilated for life are just making this up but you have the high ground.

A couple of comments ago you were talking about news from "Russian occupied territories", and I was replying to that. The journalists I mentioned were not significant because they are the fountains of truth, but because they report from the occupied territories, rather than from Ukraine itself... where this just happened:


Maybe you should see what they have to say. Even if it contradicts the story that YOU would like to be true.

> you under then you

Apologies, insert 'is a mistake' between 'under then'.

You're abusing the word "peace". Subjugation by a brutal dictator is not peace.

You're the one engaging in Orwellian doublespeak. Enslavement is negotiation. Tyranny is peace. Sacrificing another country from the comfort of your Australian home is peacemaking.

If Orwell were alive he'd throw his gin and tonic in your face and tell you never to utter his name again.

No, Orwell would be shocked that his "war is peace" slogan took root in the West first.

Also, "ignorance is strength".

Your comment history reveals you're just another Putin apologist. I regret having engaged, cheerleaders for fascists are rarely good conversationalists.

You twisted my words and insulted me. And then you say you regret engaging, and not even because you disagree with what I say, but because I apparently am not a good conversationalist.

Yeah, OK. Bye.

From your profile:

> Oil and gas industry, Perth, Western Australia.

Oh. Wonder why that is.


You are trying to make a point, but it escapes me. Can you be more direct?

I think you want a "peace" so that your business area can rebound.

Wow... I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

Apart from your absolutely incredible take on my character - my business area has really profited from the war:


"Woodside said that its revenue increased to $5.9bn in the September quarter, up 70 per cent from the previous quarter and a significant jump from the $1.6bn that the Perth-based company reported in the same quarter last year... ...Oil and gas companies have enjoyed a streak of record profits thanks to soaring energy prices caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine."

Some people have to go through hell for the rest of us to hope for a good new year. I hope you are able to make the best of it, and that we can greet each other in a peaceful setting one year from now.

"This struggle will define in what world our children and grandchildren will live, and then their children and grandchildren." - Zelensky

Slava Ukraini!


Always hard to wish for anyone's death... But I guess, even playing the "devils you know, devil's you don't" game, it's hard not to wish for Putin to _at least_ loose its job soon...

Good luck to everyone in between !

For Putin I'll make an exception. I've looked at lots of media from Ukraine and I have zero compassion with him, he knows full well what he's doing and not a day goes by or innocent people are murdered in his name.

And yet I still have to believe that, deep down - even if it's a manifestation of a deranged mind, and even if I wish there were people to reason with him - deep down, I hope he's not doing all this purely out of ego, but in _some_ form of twisted "it's what is best for my people" train of thought.

I understand that's giving him a lot of credit, but, hey, it's new year's eve, right ? We already got the "tyrant being held back by actual clown" narrative this year - why not have a "tyrant gets back to his senses", for once ?

Because mad dogs don't suddenly become good dogs, especially not when they are going to be in the same environment. Mad dogs get taken out back. Obviously that leaves the question who/what will replace him, it may well be worse rather than better. But that chance is one we will have to deal with sooner or later anyway so it might as well be sooner. Putin has done enough damage for one person.

A Happy New Year!

I'm always optimistic and I believe humans will do good thing. Looking forward to more advancement in AI, curing cancer, moving to more cleaner energy.

Going to watch some good ol star wars my girlfriend and enjoy my Macallan sherry oak 18

Norway entered the new year 27 minutes ago (though my particular little nook is squarely in the GMT zone, details, schmetails.)

Happy New Year to all - let's hope 2023 proves less eventful than 2022 was (for all the wrong reasons)

Re you at Svalbard or what?

Or Jan Mayen.

near as I can tell both of those don't follow gmt, only norwegian antarctric territories (Troll etc) do? but I may be wrong

Apologies for the confusion - what I was clumsily trying to bring across was that while all of Norway is in GMT+1, the westernmost parts ought really be in the same zone as the UK, seeing as we're at 6E or so.

Worse for the people up north, though - the town of Kirkenes right next to our border with Russia is actually east of Istanbul. They, too, are in GMT+1.

2022 has been brutal in tech layoffs. I hope 2023 will be better, and that most of those who got laid off find a new start somewhere else. And most importantly, I wish everyone takes better care of their mental health. Stay strong.

No wars. No pain. No humiliations. No poverty. No fear.

Happy? New Year.

I get to spend NYE removing everything from a flooded basement in preparation for someone to come in and give an estimate on the damage, not until Monday since the holidays.

Probably caused by the cold snap recently (got to -33 wind chill here), but it wasn't discovered for a few days, so it's already getting moldy down there, I have to wear a bunch of protection, and I have asthma, so I'm sure this is all great for it.

I'm sure it won't be cheap either. I've seen online the average cost for this stuff is $7500.

So 2023 is off to an amazing start for me.

Oh that so sucks. One of my colleagues had this happen a few months ago and he spent weeks on the cleanup. Best of luck to you!

Happy new year from Colombia. Hope you all are doing well. Looking forward for a new and great job, and wishing the best of luck and success for all of you who are in the same quest.

Feels good to be ahead of the US for a change . Happy new year

Happy New Year! IVF was a success (two years in the making, five years of trying) so there’s a chance of a littlesaurus running around. 2023 could hardly start any better. Crossing fingers that the first trimester goes ok.

I hope each of you have a very happy New Years’ celebration, and that all of our Ukrainian friends stay safe.

Deadmou5 came to St Louis, so I’ll be getting tipsy tonight to some EDM. :)

Oh wow, congratulations! That's such a long stretch, fantastic!

Thank you! Yeah, it’s a marathon. The IVF process itself was so cool too; I wrote a bit about it here: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34197670

There’s something satisfying about seeing technology make a tiny miracle happen.

Have a great night Jacques, and thanks for the wonderful conversations over the last decade!


Thank you! http://www.paulgraham.com/kids.html is definitely more meaningful now that it’s on the horizon. Still feels a bit surreal.

Have a good evening!

Happy new year from France everyone ! My New year résolution is to write my first demo to hopefully present it at Revision 2023 !

Do it!! Happy new year, I believe in you x

godspeed friend :) and happy new year

Happy new year from Barcelona!

And in case you missed a post from yesterday, here are some seasonal greetings made with EndBASIC: https://repl.endbasic.dev/?run=jmmv/flakes.bas :D

Happy new year. Wish you all a great and successful year, whatever this means most for you. HN is still a place where I can find useful information after all those years. Thanks to you, the contributors and commenters. Cheers!

Happy new year from Ghana. I hope we find the wisdom, courage and strength to deal with the challenges of this year better than we did last year ♥♥

Hacky New Year!

Have a wonderful 2023, HN!

Happy New Year from Appalachia. My resolution is to be more diplomatic, and to actually use the domain I bought when I quit drinking 2+ years ago.

(My issue was binging, not full blown alcoholism, but I tended to do that around stangers and it's bad to be drinking alone if for no other reason than calories -- same reason I don't keep chips in my house, heh, so why not keep the streak going I figure? But maybe should make part of it to move to a state where weed is legal -- PA's medical card system is extremely messed up, rife with corruption, abuse, and mismanagement to the point it's effectively unregulated due to the lack of federal oversight inherent to such as thing paired with bleating to "call the police if you sense a scam" -- police who act out even when under a federal consent decree in my city of birth.)

Edit: I guess the above was not diplomatic. I'll try harder in the new year :-)

Strength to you, that is a tough one. My dad was a full-on alcoholic and could never kick the habit so I'm all for you managing that particular demon. Best of luck and I hope at the end of 2023 you can look back at a major accomplishment in that domain.

Sorry your dad went through that. I found out the other day someone I occasionally helped out during COVID died. He'd go in and out of detox, and beg for change in between -- I'd mistaken him for an homicide detective I knew of who fit his description, and decided to just play along with the ruse at first since there had been a murder nearby... then later found out it wasn't an act or a sting, he was just very down on his luck and would politely ask people for money so he could walk down to the state store and buy booze.

I found out he died when the guy who used to beat up the other homeless got back out of prison and showed up outside my PO box once again. I gave up on calling USPIS for that kind of thing long ago, and just handle things on my own, the police are absolutely useless unless there's a body lying on the street, and even then it better be a pretty white girl before anyone puts up a poster...

To swing it back to the drinking: it was more about anxiety to be honest. When I was young I'd eat a bunch of donuts at funeral luncheons or whatever, in a bar it was a bunch of Guiness -- I worry that stuff like AA gives people a license to go hog wild if they slip up a bit, I've met people with eating disorders who similarly freak out if they mess up some metric... it's not good to put people into all or nothing thinking, it makes them chase losses.

Anyways, my resolution was to be more diplomatic, and I'm already breaking that, so sorry -- I'm off to try and finish some writing. (Writing code just gets me into trouble, heh.)

Best wishes to you in 2023.

- Greg

Happy new year. May we both get within touching distance of our dreams/grass.

Happy new year HN! You all have been an amazing source of inspiration. Thank you!

Ask HN: What is your new year's resolution?

https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34192647 1 day ago

As of now, over 400 comments.

Happy New Year! I hope 2023 will be a better year than 2022.

Happy new year everyone, may your brain grows forever.

Happy New Year. Let’s be better in every way possible.

Happy New Year from SoCal!

2022 saw my net worth decrease by 90 percent as my newly ipo’d company's stock tumbled.

Hoping the new year brings some better results!

Happy New Year from NorCal.

+1 for better results.

Happy new year 2023. Here's wishing everyone success in their endeavors and peace, harmony in the world.

Happy new years (in 6 hours!). Cheers from CT.

Happy new year everyone! I am gonna build a lot this year and will make my app stockselect.ai popular! Wish me luck

You are neither late nor did you miss it here in the US, so I’ll be back in 8.5 hours (I’m on PST) :)

I hope by then I'll be catching some z's so enjoy the party!

I got caught up so I’m late myself but happy new year!

Happy new year from Sydney HN. Thanks for all the lessons and cool discussions over the years.

Happy earth-rotated-around-the-sun-another-time day.

Let's see if the Boston Harbor fireworks are any good.

Happy New Year. Cheers, to the impending collapse of the russian federation.

2023 is gonna be my Year of Art. If you CGP Grey, You know what I mean.

Great theme. Mine is Year of Self Control. Good luck with it :)

Happy New Years all, effective for me 5 hours and 15 minutes from now!

Set the bar low this year so should be much better. Happy new year!

Happy New Year from New Orleans, Louisiana. French Quarter is lit.

Happy new year, may it be different than 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022.

Different is way too ambiguous.

Happy new year 2023 to all techies from London the UK.

Happy new Year all and greetings from Switzerland

Happy New Year from Sweden. Now goodnight world

Feliz año nuevo, que tus proyectos se cumplan

Happy new year!

Happy New Year's from New Orleans!

It is already A-12 but Happy New Year.

Happy new year HN from central Europe!

Happy new year! May it be a good one!

Happy new year from central Europe!

Happy new year from estonia!

Happy new year from France!

Happy new year from Sweden!

Happy new year from Poland!

Happy newyear from Belgium!

Happy New Year one and all

Happy New Years from QC!

Happy New 0x7E7 Year!

Happy New Hangover.

Happy 1672531200 :)

Happy new year HN!

Happy New Year and keep in mind what happened 2023 years ago.

I would not be surprised if the counting one day will be reset to the invention of the computer. That would make us now 87 AC (anno computeri) assuming we count the invention from 1936.

I propose we use 64 bit signed numbers for that purpose just to drive everbody completely crazy.

Either that or go back to the big bang and solve all those conversion problems in one go.

well, the binary system is underrated as a general purpose tool. you could start by teaching kids that with five fingers you cannot only count to five but e.g. to 31...

Ah, good old year 4,294,967,295.

What happened 2023 years ago?

Anno Domini

We call it that, but Jesus was born somewhere around 5 BC

I know this is very HN, but I thought it was about 6AD - there is some evidence of Herod running a census around then IIRR. (And no Joseph and Mary would not have had to travel for the census - that woukd defeat the point of a census ... It seems that is just a way to get Jesus born in Bethlehem as opposed to out of the way nowhere Nazareth).

Wikipedia says between 4 and 6 BC, based on a few different reasons


pics or it didn't happen

Happy new year~~

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!


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