>Your lack of being informed about the facts on the ground in the Russian occupied territories
It is a bit hard to be well informed, since there are no "approved" journalists reporting from these territories. The only Western journalists there that I know of (Anne-Laure Bonnel, Anna Lipp and the rather hack-ish Patrick Lancaster) are not given much exposure on the mainstream channels. If you have not heard what they have to say, I suggest you correct that before warmongering any further.
Oh right, so all of the news coming out of Ukraine that you don't like and that contradicts the story that you'd like to be true is what we should believe. And you are quoting Orwell? Seriously. The thousands of people murdered, raped, tortured and mutilated for life are just making this up but you have the high ground.
A couple of comments ago you were talking about news from "Russian occupied territories", and I was replying to that. The journalists I mentioned were not significant because they are the fountains of truth, but because they report from the occupied territories, rather than from Ukraine itself... where this just happened:
It is a bit hard to be well informed, since there are no "approved" journalists reporting from these territories. The only Western journalists there that I know of (Anne-Laure Bonnel, Anna Lipp and the rather hack-ish Patrick Lancaster) are not given much exposure on the mainstream channels. If you have not heard what they have to say, I suggest you correct that before warmongering any further.