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> All that horrible mess, it seems, because people didn't like to have to close tags.

The issue isn't that it's bad per-se. The issue is that it's cumbersome to write. When you want to setup and tweak a tool, it gets annoying very quickly having to deal with little errors because you misspelled a closing tag. Maybe you want to test enabling a setting? Typing out 4 characters is so much less friction than the 20 or more (including the < > : / characters) you'd need for an XML config.

I mean it wasn't just that.

* `<?xml ...` something line lost a percentage of people already, etc.

* Essentially XML was a markup language (SGML stripped down), while you can use markup to mark up key-value pairs, it just wasn't designed or optimized for that.

* To the contrary, it also did away with the nice SGML features for that instead of `<tag>value</tag>` one could write `<tag/value/` and the self-closing tags (like `<ol><li> ... <li></ol>` in HTML. For most particularly deep config files self closing tags would have been perfect.

* XML attributes vs substructure was just an awkward choice to give out. I.e. `<myConfig userId="asdf" host="asdfasdf" ...>` vs `<myConfig><userId>asdf</userId><host>asdfasdf</host></myConfig>`.

More so I get the feeling when looking at the XSL, XSLT, etc. mania that a similar pattern was at work as with UML: special interest groups and tooling providers driving the evolution of a standard with their interests in mind and not the interest of users or developers.

Overall XML could have been something like this `<myConfig / <userId/asdf/ <host/asdfasdf/` if it was SGML.

YAML and JSON succeeded because they had a clean and predictable, no-nonsense mapping between encoding and object-model after decoding. Probably we should all switch to an almost-yaml format that does away with the peculiarities, and the FANG companies would have the momentum to make that happen.

I personally would like for HJSON (https://hjson.github.io) to see more adoption, but that train has passed...

It’s more typing but it’s simple typing most people don’t even think about because it’s predictable (not to mention automatic in many editors). I’d take that over the frictional cost of thinking your YAML is done and then having to debug magic data conversion or realize that you left out one character causing something to be parsed completely differently.

Where XML falls down hard is tool usability. There’s still no standard formatter or good validation tool, and things like namespace support is a constant source of friction.

> I’d take that over the frictional cost of

You might but the rest of us didn't. At a visual level, YAML is really nice. The problem is when you actually want to use it for... well... anything.

On the flip side, XML is downright ugly to read and write, which makes it a no-go for configuration files that are written and modified by hand.

Look, I’m not saying XML is perfect but the worthy criticism is more substantial than closing tags. It’s a very easy convention to learn requiring little thought and I haven’t used an editor which didn’t automate that process since the turn of the century. That’s less cognitive load than having to remember a bunch of context-sensitive rules about YAML’s magic behavior - I’m thinking in particular of people I know who’ve burned hours only realize that they’d missed a character somewhere, forgot to escape one value, or had an indentation issue causing something to be ignored.

The criticisms I would make are more fundamental: the XML data model is different than the most popular data structures and the APIs in most languages are quite cumbersome and can lead to silent data loss (name spacing and selectors). Someone probably could have done an XML5 effort 15 years ago but by now I don’t see that happening.

If I had to rank the options for a configuration language, I’d probably go HCL, TOML, JSONC, JSON, YAML + Prettier + a YAML lint schema, YAML, XML. XML could rise up with better tools but so could a low-magic YAML variant.

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