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XML is ok when both the reader and writer are machines, but you still want a text-based format (otherwise I'd just use protobuf) or when maybe you occasinally want to edit by hand but not often.

I think it's the same reason why, although HTML is a great standard, lots of us like writing in Markdown and having something convert that to HTML, despite all the problems when you try and push Markdown further than it was intended.

YAML, as I see it, is trying to be to XML configurations what Markdown is to HTML, with the added bonus of an attempt at a tag/reference system to store object graphs that are not trees. Back in the day of XML-based Spring config files, we had <bean> and <ref bean=...> but as far as I know that's implemented on the Spring layer, it's not a generic property of XML, whereas YAML tries to abstract that into the format itself.

> YAML, as I see it, is trying to be to XML configurations what Markdown is to HTML

Yes, that's probably a good analogy. The big difference though is that if some Markdown fails to parse, nothing really bad happens, while a YAML file that fails to parse can bring a whole system down.

Also, Markdown is a famously ambiguous format; it trades precision for ease of write, and that's fine, mostly.

But in a configuration file, ambiguity is really the opposite of what you want.

I worked with hand editing XML files in the past, and I didn't really have an issue with simple XML files. I actually prefer XML in some cases.

I see your point if you need to edit a complex XML with multiple namespaces mixed together, but a plain XML file can be just as readable as JSON.

Some JSON files can be really hard to edit by hand too. At my current workplace I often have to deal with nested JSON files, where a JSON contains values that are also JSON, but encoded and escaped so that it is difficult to edit.

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