I travelled to Yellowstone National Park. I wandered into the back country office and spoke with the ranger. She was super friendly and informative. One interesting fact she shared is that Yellowstone is almost 4,000 sq. miles and receives 5 million visitors a year. 99.9% of those visitors never travel more than 50 feet from the main road. This means that most of those visitors experience less than 1/10th of 1% of the actual park.
Why do I bring this up? Because this is how most worker's experience their organization. Stay in your lane, get that promotion, best case you get your boss's job. But how did that job come to be? Who setup the training that you took? Most people can't even describe where the money in their business comes from.
It is a tremendous advantage to explore your organization fully. Visit its other offices and learn what your colleagues do and why they do it. Especially as an engineer. You can literally write your own ticket. Last year I was bored and I started to break down our cloud spend. This took me on a little detour. That detour involved a team that was following a process I could not understand. Turns out they didn't understand it either. I little reorganization yielded a $385,000/yr cost optimization. It took me just a couple days. Chances are you swim in a sea of complacency too.
I've gotten in trouble before while exploring and then being accused of putting my nose where it shouldn't be. It can look like you're wasting your time looking for distractions, or trying to dig up dirt. Not everyone in all parts of your company is going to like you poking around. You also risk picking up new responsibilities if people catch wind that you might be offering help. This can be the start to a promotion and also a good way to just make your days longer for no additional compensation. Not all managers will respond to the leverage of cross department work you took on yourself, though they probably should.
That said, if you do it well, which is an art of it's own. I agree, the potential benefits outweigh the risks.
Agree 100% with this - I think in general people really like to talk about what they do, so if you come to them with an attitude of curiosity, they'll teach you a ton. I've had maybe a dozen people over my career ask me about what a PM does/how to become one, and I'm always happy to chat about it. In a few cases, I was able to get that person some involvement with the PM team (as an example, a couple were in customer support and became the support/PM liaison, who would present all the data on trends in customer issues to us biweekly).
But you do have those empire-building types who see everyone as trying to encroach on their turf. If you run into too many of those, I'd honestly suggesting looking for a new job - companies where a lot of people have that kind of attitude tend to be both not great to work at and also less than successful in the long run.
My friend got fired from his job for sticking his nose in other departments. Which is very strange because his boss told him to look at transferring into another department because he would have to transfer in the next six months or get fired. And the department he stuck his nose into offered him a lateral job. But because he failed to keep the bosses of each department apprised of where he was in the process, he trod on some toes and got fired before the lateral position could become official and it had to be an internal hire. Total mess.
the superficial way it played out isn't necessarily the reason, could have been on the chopping block already, and then whoever wanted him there found their excuse
I doubt WFH is so popular solely because all workplaces are toxic. A toxic workplace is one like that at American Radium in first half of 20th century, or the building of transcontinental railroad, or Hoover Dam, or Mt Rushmore.
If I had to compare the standard modern workplace (I've been at a few) with the building of the railroads, of course I’d prefer the standard. Sitting n AC pressing keys is better than being crushed by stones or heavy metal bars, all in scorching heat.
> My friend got fired from his job for sticking his nose in other departments.
This is way too little information to be meaningful.
Was he walking around talking to people in different departments about what they need, was he stealing paper from people's desks at night time when wandering around the building. Who knows.
I mean, I had hoped the context made it apparent by explaining that he messed up the politics. He actively talked with people in other departments about what they needed during the work day, tried to help them and later inquired about lateral transfers into their departments.
I had a teacher who was a ranger in yellowstone park. He would illustrate the danger of straying off the trail with this anecdote: Rangers are not allowed to wear polyester socks (or any socks made with synthetic fibers) because the geothermal activity in the park can change unexpectedly and yesterdays safe meadow could hide an unexpected layer of boiling mud without warning.
Unless you are one of the few people experienced with back-country trekking in active geothermal areas, stick to the roads and trails.
If you are unfortunate enough to be stranded in yellowstone, follow fresh game trails. They will be less likely to lead through boiling mud. On the other hand, the wildlife is unpredictable due to the massive population of stupid tourists.
Yellowstone is dangerous. Stay on the trails and roads unless you know what you are doing. And you probably don't know what you are doing.
I think this far more likely is influenced by your demeanor going into it. If you come off as arrogant or condescending people will rightfully be skeptical of your intentions. They'll assume you're trying to micro manage them and obviously you'll get pushback.
On the other hand if you come off as genuinely interested in what other people are doing with no ulterior motives, 95% of the time you'll get warm feedback. I think you'd be hard pressed to find someone that'd react confrontationally to a middle schooler asking about their job. Why? Because their intentions are innocent.
Asking "how can I be helpful?" is a huge unlock: almost everyone has too much to do and not enough time, and thus almost everyone will welcome help from someone else. (And if the way you're "poking your nose in other departments" is perceived as value-destructive instead of helpful, that is probably the root cause.)
Gotta say I've heard "how can I be helpful" once too often from people trying to poke their clueless noses in my business. Just asking about what I'm working on is totally fine though
Or more accurately ... I've heard "how can I be helpful" too often from one particular person who is invariably the opposite of helpful, and now if anyone else says it I'm instantly suspicious
Just an observation: decades ago in industrial companies of some size it was the practice to move newly hired managers around systematically for (say) the first 5 years so they could see how the whole company worked.
That only makes sense when people expect employees to stick around though, in today's market you would expect the vast majority of people to not finish the 5 year program yet alone show any benefits from it.
Perhaps that is the problem (at least with some sectors: a close friend's partner's daughter has worked as a civil engineer with a couple of employers for a couple or three decades now - she can show you the roads she planned and managed the building of)?
Also don't be afraid to play dumb if it's something you partially understand. Helpful people will teach you more and suspicious people will more often feed you BS.
I used to attempt this often as well. Had a few minor wins, but typically I was met with polite indifference, told it was their department. Which is fortunately better than active sabotage.
One group was even bewildered I was able to integrate a department client app with their ticket database. Reduced necessary clicks by 95% or so. They didn't think it was possible. Yes, this is the caliber of folks working at a big corporation.
This is a good counterpoint (while not necessarily discouraging cross pollination). I ask parallel teams that I work with how best I can help them, which leads me into learning a lot about the different facets of the business. My experience with approaching this with curiosity and empathy will yield a more welcoming environment to learn more about the things you are not familiar with yet as you are clearly not being threatening and actually looking to build a working relationship that both of you benifit from.
This also goes both ways. I also offer to help people to learn more about my side of the organization, going as far as being a mentor. A former coworker, with whom I am still friends with today, I met at a previous role where she was in marketing but wanted to know more about the development side, having had no prior experience. I was able to get her started in software engineering. Fast forward 6 years, she’s now the lead automations engineer for a marketing company.
Most people can't even describe where the money in their business comes from.
I find this quite remarkable, and does not match my experience.
Every company I've worked for, from startups to Fortune 500, it was very clear what products the engineers contributed to, and what that product portfolio revenue stream looked like, and what it meant to the business (right down to the product margins). For startups, pre-revenue, at least the "TAM" (total available market) that the product was targeting, and/or expected revenue projections were openly/regularly discussed.
I feel like I have to disagree, on the grounds that many companies mistakenly label indirect profit centers as 'cost centers' and end up cutting off their noses to spite their faces. They strangle R&D and get outclassed in the market. They strangle infrastructure and get nasty surprises that tarnish their reputation.
And then there's mistaking users for customers. If you're a McDonald's customer you might think their money comes from trading hamburgers for cash, and you'd be wrong on any number of fronts. If you're a McDonald's competitor, you would know that they make more money from fries, and way more money from selling soda (hence the discount for a meal). But if you're the McDonald's corporation, you know that you make most of your money from franchisees, who happen to sell burgers and fries and oceans of soda. You're providing logistics and real estate acumen for most of your money. The general public is their customer's customer.
I don't know if they still do but Burger King used to 'steal' McDonald's real estate acumen by building Burger Kings as close to the nearest McDonald's as they could manage. Let them get 10% or whatever higher profits by getting the correct corner lot in the right neighborhood instead of the incorrect lot in the right neighborhood, meanwhile we save tons of money on market research.
This is exactly what I'm talking about. It can surprising why a business actually exists. It can be counterintuitive(i.e. the mcdonald's is actually a real estate company conundrum). Even the "Product Engineer" guy who can probably talk up a storm about the financials of what he is doing, but in a Fortune 500 business does he really understand how that rolls up to the company's strategy? Is it a side line, is the landscape in transition and this is a existential hail mary? At one point facebook made no money, then they made all their money from placement ads, last I checked they made it from video interstitials. Of their 50,000 employees how many really know the revenue breakdown and how it has changed over time
I used to work there. At one point, I guess the worker population got large enough that they calculated the odds of insider trading or leaking data got too big (I think they were right) and nearly everyone lost access to the dashboards that would give insight into that kind of question. Despite this, the FEC enforced trading windows persisted.
Really digging your insights. Do you have a blog or newsletter? I’d love to ask you to present to Product Managers at our org. Would you get in touch? @charlesw on twitter.
Every company I've worked for, from startups to Fortune 500, it was very clear what products the engineers contributed to, and what that product portfolio revenue stream looked like, and what it meant to the business (right down to the product margins).
This sounds quite remarkable to me, and definitely does not match my experience. I've found that most engineers have an incredibly vague notion - at best - of how their companies make money. And it is, IME, a vanishingly small set of engineers who would ever use terms like "product portfolio revenue stream", or "total addressable market", etc. And discussing revenue projections?!?? All I can say is, you've worked with some folks who do things very differently than the folks I've worked with!
I'd be a bit surprised if a sizable portion of engineers at a public company didn't have at least a rough notion of how their companies make money. It's right there in the quarterly and annual earnings reports. (And while reading SEC filings at a very detailed level is a skill you need to learn, the basics are pretty straightforward.) But maybe a lot of engineers just can't be bothered by any of that stuff. <shrug>
What is almost certainly true is that a lot of engineers as well as people in a lot of other groups can't conceive of why the company needs all those people in digital marketing or finance or partner management or ...
My experience (not specifically with engineers) is that very, very few people read the 10K, 10Q or other public statements of the company they work for.
A friend of mine used to be a management consultant for one of the big firms. On one memorable project she worked with senior executives of a large ($1b + revenue) non-tech company that had retained the consulting firm, to do an operational diagnostic. It became incredibly clear that many of these senior execs had never really read the company's financial statements in any detail, that they did not understand that the company was cash flow negative, and that they did not know that the company's debt load was increasing over time as it financed losses with bond issuances.
At the same time they were spending incredible amounts of money on luxurious office furniture and trappings.
Stories like this were common. Most managers knew their area, but did not learn about the business more broadly. (Could be selection bias with firms that hire management consultants!)
So, kudos to the engineers who read these and have a rough idea of their company's financial position and how the business works. It's not clear that this is the median experience.
It may be the case that those managers had no reason to care about the health of the company as long as they were able to extract personal short term value before it all blew up. I think that applies to most tech company employees over the last 15 years.
And admittedly the company I work for has monthly company meetings including quarterly ones that coincide with earnings. Certainly not everyone attends or watches the recording but they lay out results in a very digestible (and not tailored for external audiences) way.
> IME, a vanishingly small set of engineers who would ever use terms like "product portfolio revenue stream", or "total addressable market"
I'd agree they don't know those terms, but people do generally grasp the concepts.
People do present financials at all hands meetings. I've certainly discussed the revenue projections with people, because we all found them hopelessly optimistic. Flat line suddenly increases exponentially for no reason.
If you've worked in startups before and then go on to big companies, you will have learned those terms, so it just depends on where your fellow engineers are coming from.
Still doesn't match my experience. Even in the startups I've worked for, engineers did not concern themselves with those kinds of details. Maybe it's a factor of just how early in the lifecycle a startup is when engineers join. Perhaps somebody who is there "day 0", before the first round is even raised, or maybe just a seed round, has a different perspective than somebody who joins after a C round or what-have-you.
I don't think Microsoft could just make Windows and Office and survive this long. So if you're not on those teams your chances of actually making money directly instead of being expensive advertising dollars are negligible.
Similarly if you're not working on adtech at Google. Your job doesn't actually make money. If you think about it too much you might not be that happy with how your life is going.
I work at Google on user facing product. I’m aware that my job is to make people like going to our website enough that they make searches for things that are sometimes ads. It’s the same as writing for a sitcom on tv. My whole purpose is to attract people with entertainment so they can be suggested to engage in some commercial activity.
Maybe specifically for product engineers, but does that extend beyond the specific product that engineer is working on. Do you think a network engineer knee deep in a data center knows the margins on all the products? I don't work for a fortune 500 but our revenue scheme and capital structure are complex. I could not profess to understand it in its entirety. We receive revenue from our products, managed services and support, one-off revenue streams, channel/revenue sharing arrangements, consulting, and on and on. This is for a lowly $120 million a year business look at a F500 earning $6 billion and I think it becomes opaque pretty quickly.
I think the majority of employees in most business do not have much visibility into the financial machine that justifies their existence.
> Every company I've worked for, from startups to Fortune 500, it was very clear what products the engineers contributed to
I joined a company that was a privatised spin-off from a large civil service organization. A new CEO interviewed each department head, asking them how their accruals were doing this FY. A couple, allegedly, said 'Our what?' and were immediately shown the door.
The next CEO, by the way, asked 'how many engineers do we have?'. The inability to answer that also led to some corporate soul-searching and eventually some major re-orgs.
accruals: Larger companies especially do accounting on an accrual basis. So what most matters is when the service was delivered or the product sold--not when the cash was received. (Large companies care about cash flow too but cash is king at small companies.)
Basically what's being asked is "In what ways does our cash balance not reflect our income and expenses?" Perhaps more common would be ask about bookings but accruals is broader.
Is it asking for the discrepancy between cash and accrual accounting (which seems to be what you stated) or is it asking what they are booking in accrual revenue?
This is one of those annoying things where I can talk about either concept, but don't know the language that serves as a proof of competency.
It probably requires some context based on the metrics that matter to a specific business. I'm not sure someone would ask the question that way where I am. (Not in finance, so may be wrong, but have been at numerous business reviews.)
Purely from the outside, I'd guess that yes they're asking for the discrepancy. Maybe they're asking for accrual revenue but I'm not sure I've ever heard the term used that way. I would expect someone would ask for bookings if that's what they wanted. (Which can get even more complicated for multi-year subscription deals.)
ADDED: It's been a long time since I got my MBA but, with all the data in front of me, if someone asked me that question, I'd have to ask what they actually wanted and, if they fired me a result, so be it.
Sorta. They've presumably been accounted for in some manner but revenue hasn't been collected or expenses paid out. (Doubtless lots of other things related to investment income etc.)
> 99.9% of those visitors never travel more than 50 feet from the main road. This means that most of those visitors experience less than 1/10th of 1% of the actual park.
I'd say that's a win. We should be preserving as much as we can which really means most of us shouldn't be exploring more of the park which is mostly off trail.
I do get your point that people are coming to Yosemite and are not even taking advantage of the trails.
One point that should be made from this is that many people who are coming to the park don't really have the fitness, skills, and motivation to explore more of the trails in the park. Similarly, many people really aren't going to go explore at their companies because of skills, motivation, and time. Time is a major blocker for me because I can do more in areas outside of my focus but there are other life obligations and the need to rest to avoid burnout.
I don’t think the tradeoff really exists at most companies. Sure I could make our data departments life more difficult by pointing out they do a few dumb things but what is the outcome to me and my fellow engineers? I’ll at best get a pat on the back and have the data team be at least somewhat pissed off at me. Some random executive might get a bonus.. but why do I care?
Wow, there is so much dissent in the replies here. Here are the top three recurring themes of those:
> You'll make enemies poking your nose around.
And? You make another worker in another department angry, so what? Managers in other departments are very inviting (unless they're up to no good, in which you'll be doing the company's owners even bigger favors by exposing them) because they want to be seen as having work that's necessary to the business. The people who will see you as an enemy are at a dead end anyway and not likely to ever have any influence over you.
> Did you get any of that $385,000? Of course not.
It would be nice to get a piece of that cost savings. My previous role was largely in finops, so this is near to my heart. Companies should give incentives for any proactive cost reductions and revenue generators. But that's not the point - you did the right thing by fixing something that was broken because you were genuinely curious.
> I don't have time for all that.
You have to make time to learn your company just like you have to make time to work out, learn new skills, network with people, and grow your wealth and family. Learning the inner workings of your company does pay off just like the others, maybe even more so than some of them.
FWIW @SassyGrapefruit I commend your efforts. You're the type of person I want on my team.
>The people who will see you as an enemy are at a dead end anyway and not likely to ever have any influence over you.
That's more idealistic than my experience. I've seen team leads with a very strong sense of ownership. Also, if their mistake is responsible for a 6-figure overspend, it's better for them for it to remain hidden than to be revealed by someone else (especially a non-expert).
1. On a long enough time line those people will weed themselves out.
2. It's a good thing for team leads to own their work, but if they're not comfortable with people poking around then they seem to be hiding something, and in that case I'll default back to the first point.
> I little reorganization yielded a $385,000/yr cost optimization.
And your reward for that was? Were you rewarded? Did they give you 30K as a bonus? Or was it just the weasel words of "this will be considered favourably at performance review time."
I am aware of about a 50K a year in cloud waste. But in my org, I know I won't get anything for reporting it as I am not going for a promo (promos pay a lot less than job hopping where I am), so it is not worth it to even write a ticket for it.
I don't know how your company works but at mine we have a profit target associated with our annual bonus. By eliminating that waste I am helping to ensure we hit that target so I get paid. Imagine if I let it slip and we missed our target by $200,000 that would be dollars coming right out my pocket.
It's an effort vs benefit calculation. Can you say how much of that savings will translate to dollars in your pocket? In most large companies, we can't. And when you're in a company making tens of billions, a saving of $200K is rounding error.
Then there's the psychology of it: If enough other people work extra long hours to get those savings, they're not getting a larger bonus than me who isn't. When you scale this kind of reward incentive, what you'll get is most employees not bothering - they'll get the bonus anyway.
Value per hour might be a little low there, but they have certainly done more to align incentives with employees than my employers have. I do get bonus, but it is a fixed percentage based on getting above "meets expectations."
I'm curious, would you say any of your motivation and feeling of reward in your job comes from doing a good job, or helping your organization achieve it's goals? Or does your motivation and reward (what gets you out of bed, what makes your job tolerable or enjoyable) come mostly/only from maximizing your paycheck? Or other things?
In the chain below you are kind of talking past each other.
So let me try to clarify what the other posters are saying to you.
It's not that pay is the only thing that makes a job tolerable or enjoyable. It's the fact that compensation/rewards do not necessarily follow nor reflect the work done.
So in the above cases, you do more work outside your intended role and find some kind of optimization that saves the company 250k/yr. And you make say $80k/yr. You have now provided almost 3x your salary in terms of economic value to your company but if they do not provide an economic reward for this effort, it acts as a demotivator. Though there could be other things that make the job tolerable or enjoyable, you potentially now are dealing with a poisoned pill. Nothing can counter that poison of being rewarded for such improvement than a good job, what else have you done for us today?
The problem someone like me has with your query is the (somewhat arbitrary) separation of "job" with "rest of life".
I seek non-monetary rewards. I like doing interesting and/or meaningful work. But I define what that means to me, and short of starting my own business, it is rare that an existing job will give me more interesting work than what I can do in my spare time.
Hence, the incentive is to maximize my spare time. Sure, I could look for an interesting project at work, but once you factor in all the organizational constraints (will not have much autonomy, must make money, etc), it's not even half as interesting as my own projects in my spare time.
For me I hate bosses, performance reviews, meetings, etc. I'm cantankerous and angry but I have always had a knack for finding and solving major problems on my own.
From my experience if you have a track record of doing a good job working autonomously and you can demonstrate that you contribute directly to the business's financial interests people just leave you alone and if they don't there is a good chance the boss's of those people will tell them "just leave him alone". Be someone's golden goose and in most organizations you can do whatever you want.
Hm, I'm not sure how that answered my question? Although I see you are not the GP poster, I'm interested in your answer too, sure.
I figure people are motivated by different factors at work, in different proportions.
I could guess what you meant by that sentence, but I might get it wrong, and then where would we be.
But ok, are you meaning that sentance to suggest that what gets you going in the morning, what makes your job tolerable or pleasurable to you, is exclusively maximizing your income, and that you think this is the way everyone should be, because... uh... I'm still not sure how to relate that to your sentence/question/rhetorical question, honestly. Like, if your organization is interested in helping you achieve your goals, then are you motivated by something other than maximizing your income? Or still just by maximizing your income, either way? Are you telling us that your goals at a job consist of maximizing your income, and that's it? And this is true either way, regardless of whether the organization is interested in helping you achieve that?
My income is a reflection of the value I bring to a company. If I do something extremely valuable without getting a raise or a bonus or a promotion then the company is not valuing me enough and I should look elsewhere.
If I work for a for-profit company you can't expect me to do extra work for free. If I wanted that type of life I would have gotte a job in another kind kf venture
So, I'm curious, what aspects of your job would you say are what makes a job tolerable or pleasurable to you? Just maximizing your income, or are there other things? Getting along with coworkers? Enjoying solving programming puzzles? Anything?
Or is this a stupid question, because all jobs are equally intolerable to you, they all suck the same, there is nothing that makes one more tolerable or even pleasurable than another, at least not enough to matter, in your experience?
I'm just taking guesses.
I'm also curious how long you've been working in this field.
Right, I understand that you want to earn as much money as possible, and if you don't feel you are being compensated adequately, you will go somewhere else.
That probably describes many, most, or all people, but isn't an answer to the question I was curious about.
I am not sure why you are refusing to answer to my question while still engaging in the discussion, but I guess I should take it as an answer that, in fact, no, nothing at your job contributes to whether you find it more or less tolerable or even enjoyable than another, except how much you get paid?
I am also curious, although I assume you won't answer, whether you'd say you generally "like" your jobs or "hate" them, or just don't even think of them in those terms, or what. And still curious how many jobs you've had, and how long you've been working in the field.
None of my motivation comes from doing a good job as defined as "increasing company profit."
I care about two things:
1. My own pile of cash. I will work until I die, as I like the technical puzzles. But I also want the ability to casually walk away at any time.
2. The technical puzzles. I care about the code and doing fun things with it. Whether it goes to prod? I do not care. Whether it brings in new revenue? I do not care. I will push interesting new tech I want to learn and find some reason to make a case for it, even if it is not a sincere case.
I feel that you are conflating the GPs point. The things that make your job tolerable or enjoyable don't matter if you don't feel like you are being fairly rewarded, and vice versa.
Even if these optimizations and improvements are enjoyable, why would I spend my precious energy and focus on them if I'm not going to be rewarded appropriately? I would rather save my energy and focus for things I care more about.
Reward is also part of the enjoyment. If you are not being acknowledged and rewarded for impactful work it lessens the enjoyment of doing such tasks.
It's fun being a sysadmin sometimes. I tripped over a similar cost savings and instead of opening up a ticket I just spent 30 sweeping up the unneeded resources.
Later I ran the numbers and realized this alone covered about half my total cost to the company. You don't often get feedback that direct about your impact on the bottom line.
It really is strange that the people doing the actual work don't automatically get most/all of the profits. If 10 of my friends were to dig, plant, and maintain a garden and then I gave them only them a small portion of its fruits and kept the rest for myself they would rightly be very upset with me.
You're literally describing business. That's how all businesses work. The gardeners get the market rate for being a gardener regardless of whether they're working on a residential masterpiece or somewhere mundane
Ok? I'm not sure what your point is. I said that it's strange and clearly unfair and something that's rational to criticize and want to change. Not that it doesn't exist.
If you provided the tools, land, plants, etc (I.e. the ability to create a garden in the first place) then you could argue it's fair that you keep most of the profits.
"Providing land" really doesn't fundamentally even mean anything, humans didn't create the surface of the Earth. Providing means making or doing something, like making a meal or providing medical care; "providing" land just means someone marked off a square on the Earth and so generously offers not to shoot others for making use of it. (Thinking about it - there would probably be a fiction of "providing" atmosphere and sunlight too, if there was an easy way of gatekeeping it like land area.)
In a broader context, if you mean preparation of an area for development by landscaping it and running utilities and roads to it, that's done by other workers, not owners.
The owners aren't providing tools and plants either, those are being assembled, grown, and transported by other workers, who again should be receiving most/all of the profit. Obviously you need other workers to organize all of this which requires both finesse and significant self-responsibility, much like a heart surgeon or a civil engineer, but much like heart surgeons and civil engineers I don't see a reason for them to make more than 5-20x as much as the person with the easiest job.
I get why, as the organizing of the work is a critical task for any of that to happen. This is no small task to be fair, as you may notice in how few community gardens exist. Employees also get enormous risk reduction.
But in most of the work world, I get the same pay whether the crops I grow are bountiful and valuable or scarce and full of worms. I certainly don't get more converting a wormy field into a bountiful one.
>That detour involved a team that was following a process I could not understand. Turns out they didn't understand it either. I little reorganization yielded a $385,000/yr cost optimization. It took me just a couple days. Chances are you swim in a sea of complacency too.
Hold on a sec, are you saying you found dead weight and then got leadership to terminate their employment?
> Last year I was bored and I started to break down our cloud spend
I read it thinking they meant to their cloud platform bills.
But you bring up a good hypothetical regardless. This is why people are not necessarily overjoyed to have folks from other teams sniffing around... if they think you are looking for "inefficiencies" all the more so. Getting laid off isn't the only threat, making their job a lot harder/more unpleasant is also one. Or just being blamed for being bad at their jobs.
To the organizations bottom line, and perhaps to your bosses, it's all the same either way. Hey, you saved money. To your co-workers, obviously not.
You've got to build up trust, that you're looking to make their job more pleasant, not more unpleasant, or non-existent.
It's not clear, and I read it that way at first, too. But the op was looking at cloud computing costs so I'd bet that he just reduced cloud costs.
It seems like a bit of a stretch that he got anyone fired, but much more likely that they just scaled back on cloud services for that particular project.
If that's the case then the people who told them to "stay in their lane" had a legitimate reason to be defensive. Was it better for the business? Who knows since we are only getting one side of the story from someone patting themselves on the back.
But yes, I would say behaving like an interloper in your org and getting people fired because you deviate from your actual job is highly problematic. After the news gets out about that behavior you can better believe they are going to get stonewalled in their actual role.
"It is a tremendous advantage to explore your organization fully."
This hasn't been my experience. I've moved around a lot and have exposure to many aspects of the business and how things operate. I'm 10 years in and still a midlevel. Being more linear would have resulted in faster promotions.
"You can literally write your own ticket."
Not in many large orgs. Poking your nose in other areas is a good way to get your hand slapped.
It depends on the organization's hierarchy. In flat structures, this is treated as a good thing, encouraged and will lead to promotions. In a strictly hierarchical organization, this may backfire. Other managers will not be supportive and your manager will be annoyed with your behaviour, leading instead to detailed task assignment and micro-management.
back in the day when I was first starting out I had to do the odd audit (eg listing network ports or checking computer inventory numbers in offices - v boring)
one of the best things I did (which was dependant on how much spare time I had), was to ask the people I visited, what do you do? I tried to make sure I asked a mixture of low to high ranking people
The responses was amazing, with some people giving up loads of their time up to explain their jobs. I even made some good friends ouside the computer dept
> It is a tremendous advantage to explore your organization fully.
No, generally speaking it's really not.
That takes time and effort away from the job you're actually getting evaluated on, and if your workplace is at all competitive (as most are), it's an incredibly easy way to waste your time and not get promoted.
Is it interesting? Sure. Is it to your advantage in that workplace? Almost never.
The main situation where it's a smart thing to do is when you intend to start your own company (or franchise in certain industries) and you're trying to learn as many best practices as possible. But then you're treating your employment as school, rather than looking for reward or promotion within.
You can also start by making sure you're in all the meetings with other teams where your project and their project meet. Ask pointed questions in those meetings to gain understanding. Be friendly and courteous and helpful and they'll make sure you are in those meetings from now on. From there you'll get invited to other meetings that may be only slightly adjacent to your project. Again, be friendly, courteous and helpful. You will eventually get known for being someone with understanding and you'll find yourself in some rather important meetings after that.
The thing is...
Pushing outside your lane is VERY often discouraged. The manager sees that any time outside of your lane is less time in "your managers" lane, where you help buml his KPIs/goals.
>It is a tremendous advantage to explore your organization fully. Visit its other offices and learn what your colleagues do and why they do it. Especially as an engineer. You can literally write your own ticket. Last year I was bored and I started to break down our cloud spend. This took me on a little detour. That detour involved a team that was following a process I could not understand. Turns out they didn't understand it either. I little reorganization yielded a $385,000/yr cost optimization. It took me just a couple days. Chances are you swim in a sea of complacency too.
If you work in a corporation, this is a surefire way to create enemies inside the organization. No one likes a random employee from another team to poke into what they're doing and tell them what they're doing wrong.
Ah, the days when you didn't have a manger asking for status updates daily on your deliverables that are vaguely defined. Having time to investigate interesting detours
I get it. But sometimes there are people focused on their 1% and see you as part of that.
Hang on. I am not sure which side of the argument we are on now.
Yes I love interesting detours - and frankly they almost always result in something useful - however converting that something useful into something that is used by the organisation is a different kettle of fish - that requires an organisation that is willing to see its failures and change on a significant level - which if were true probably would mean I could not spot the low hanging fruit.
Not sure where I am going except to say the Schumpter is probably right and that it's incredibly hard to move jobs thus any signalling via job market is muted.
I have a backlog of tickets and limited time for my family and personal life and interests. This isn't happening unless my manager is willing to lower my other workload.
Corporate finance doesn't work that way. If someone sets something up that costs $500K a year and it can be done for $150K a year. $150K is the baseline thats how much it should have cost in the first place. Otherwise why wouldn't I set it up to cost $10million a year then retract to $150K then say "Oh gee I saved you millions of dollars you owe me!" We as employees have a responsibility to our organizations to ensure they are trim and healthy. It's how we grow and achieve bigger things.
I have been rewarded in the past and am confident I will rewarded in the future. The individuals that set it up kooky will be retrained to avoid that situation in the future. I feel bad for all the jaded folks they must live very depressing existences.
Your passive aggressive remark at the end made me laugh. Enjoy your life working as hard as you can for billionaires and being rewarded peanuts. That's the only depressing existence in this discussion.
I don't know man. The attitude comes off as defeatist to me. I think most people with this outlook are engaging in self-sabotage. It's easier than putting themselves out there and risking failure.
They don't try then claim "even I did try what would it get me? making some richy richer, no thanks". Ok so what the alternative? I'm just not willing to sit around complaining. Right now I don't feel like I'm being grifted and if I did I would quit.
I would put it even more simply: just knowing Engineering isn't enough if you want to excel past a certain point, unless you're going to go extremely deep and become a subject matter expert in something (storage, hardware, etc). That is something most people are not going to do, because it requires dedication and to be extremely intelligent.
Instead, you can go very far by understanding a job one "hop" from your own - sales, marketing, finance, you name it. People who can understand the domain and translate that into code are worth 10x more than people who need to be told what to do and have it spelled out to them. If you haven't actually had butt-in-seat time understanding that domain, you probably know less of it than you think you do as well.
I see plenty of people who assume they could do the job of a sales engineer, marketer, whatever. I'm confident that many people are smart enough to do so, but having the capability does not mean having the knowledge to do a job well. Learn that knowledge.
This is one of the reasons a good ERP tech is often someone who started in business and shifted into consultant role.
Areas where domain specific knowledge outweighs the technical aspects, you need to be cross functional.
And overall - the biggest take away for me is that Computer Science is probably not the right degree for most people. Understanding object notation or algorithms, in my experience is interesting but much less useful than understanding business terms or learning use cases.
A CS degree is useful for, well, computer science and less so for most software development business use cases. It seems counterintuitive at first but makes more sense the more experience you get over different business roles.
So how much more is someone “worth” who can understand the different parts than someone who made their career knowing how to play the promotion/leetCode/system design/behavioral interview game at any of the large tech companies and position themselves to show “scope” and “impact” by getting on the prime projects?
It’s a much more straightforward path and one I would recommend to anyone starting their career today.
I didn’t take that path. But seeing people who did have it much easier. No I’m not complaining. I’m good with where I am
Even in those companies at the higher level you need additional skills to figure out impact and opportunities (opportunity sizing, XFN alignment, communication, good writing, etc.). Interviewing mainly gets your foot in the door.
There are some genius ICs who can just code and not be concerned about these things, but more often the higher levels are people who are good at their skill along with business, data analysis, product and communication skills.
I agree with this completely and honestly didn’t think about this.
In my department in BigTech (consulting) your first paragraph is expected from an L5.
Good written and verbal communication skills and being able to work with customers is the expectation of an L4/new college grad.
Now that I think about it, I don’t think I have met an L5 SDE that I would let have anything to do with my customers directly. But I’m equally sure they wouldn’t let anyone in my department push code to core services (even though I have found a bug in the code of a core service and worked with an SDE to fix it).
Well, in my opinion, it remains to be seen whether big tech compensation for this style of work is sustainable long-term. Of course, if you're already pulling 800k/y in TC at Google/Amazon/whatever, great, you did wonderfully. If you're a brand new engineer starting your career, are there going to be a lot of those 800k jobs that offer you free daycare, dry cleaning, lunch and massages? I wouldn't bet on it. I say this as someone that has also not taken this path, but have nothing but respect for people who make a great living that have.
Otherwise, I think this is exactly how big companies succeed - they build career paths, tools and workflows to bring context to large groups of smart people to get them moving in the same direction. Ultimately there still have to be people to create the bridge, but the lever you get is massive when you have 1000s of talented engineers. You can't expect them all to understand how $x works, but you can pepper teams with extremely smart and talented experts and professional managers who collectively get them working on the impactful parts of the problem.
TL;DR there isn't a linear path, my advice is mainly for people thinking about how to be able to build value. If you can do that, you'll always be able to get a job.
I spent most of my career on the “enterprise dev” side of the bimodal distribution of tech compensation. I only landed on the BigTech side by doing a slight pivot (cloud consulting).
I don’t see the day coming anytime soon that the divide narrows where it does make sense to be on the “enterprise dev” side (where most developers are) over the $BigTech side.
I’m objectively good enough at all of the areas that the article lists - I have to be to succeed in true “consulting” (as opposed to staff augmentation). But that wouldn’t have mattered unless I jumped ship to the $BigTech side.
Most outside consulting companies aren’t paying their top employees what I make as a mid level employee at my current job.
I have one or two connections I could probably leverage on the enterprise dev side that would allow me to make more if I jumped ship. But that’s only because I have $BigTech experience on my resume.
I’m not disagreeing with you. Even before working at $BigTech, I could throw my resume up in the air and get a job as a developer without doing the leetCode monkey dance because I had the skills you listed and I spoke directly to CxOs and Directors at small companies based on my network.
I haven’t done a coding interview in over a decade.
I imagine if you are really good at the other job the software can teach people a lot. You can force patterns where they should exist (do things in the right order) and not force them where they shouldn't be.
I think with less skilled labor the developer knows even less than they think.
Say the job is stacking boxes, you have an order 4 hours worth of heavy boxes and 4 hours worth of light ones. In software one is tempted to think there are 2 ways of doing the job. First order 1 then 2 or first 2 then 1. Push this button when order 1 is done!
It might not be humanly possible to stack heavy boxes non stop for 4 hours but it is definitely a bad idea. Thanks to the new software it's going to take 6 hours and cut the "resting" time (time doing light boxes) in half.
I see a stronger argument in a similar vein: "instead of spreading your knowledge thin, focus on your improving your ability in the domain you're paid to be good at."
But I'd counter that this doesn't mean you must permanently focus on one domain. On the contrary, every area of focus has a learning curve. And as many jaded HN commentors will point out, being exceptionally good at CS does not translate to being paid well, or being good at your job.
Naturally, even if you don't care to learn about Sales, Design or Product in the course of your Software Engineering career, you will still have to learn more than just pure Maths and CS. Simple skills: estimations, task breakdowns. More complicated skills: interfacing with other teams, juggling priorities, assigning work and pipelining tasks between teammates on 2+ person projects. And obviously, negotiating for compensation is entirely-unrelated to your work yet very impactful on your salary.
P.S. Nobody wants experts, people just want someone who can get the job done. Often times the hardest problems in an organization are not technical problems--they are communication problems. Having an understanding of multiple domains helps you bridge that gap and communicate at eye-level with other stakeholders.
"Nobody wants experts, people just want someone who can get the job done."
Yet most of the time they select for those people who can get it done by looking for expert qualifications on resumes.
"Having an understanding of multiple domains helps you bridge that gap and communicate at eye-level with other stakeholders."
At least my experience in finance is that the blocker isn't communicating but rather bias. I once had some questions about a story related to an accrual. The title was for a daily accrual yet the acceptance criteria was for a monthly accrual with a daily snapshot. I brought this up and the PO told me "build it the way I say". Three weeks later I was showing my code to a consultant and he was like "why is it working this way". I told him. So then the PO listened to him after we wasted a sprint on the initial implementation.
I'm pretty sure I am. I've even had a manager tell me in a 1-on-1 "not everyone has the potential to be more than a mid level". Here I am 10 years into my career and still a midlevel.
With what you've said, it makes sense to feel that way. I would encourage finding ways to think about it/express it, one that doesn't make it a character flaw.
Can you phrase it in a less absolute/intrinsic way, though? "I am a dumb dumb" isn't a solvable problem.
I encourage you not to personalize this (Using "I am"). You may not be a mediocre software engineer, but that does not equal YOU being a dumb dumb.
That's a false equivalence. I'm sure there are areas where you are not a dumb dumb.
I understand what you're attempting here, but invaliding someone's feelings, even if they aren't true, doesn't work and isn't helpful. All it does is make a person not trust their feelings (at best) instead of calibrating their feelings and understanding where they come from.
Instead, accept that they feel some way. And encourage them not to let those feelings hold them back (also, avoid "but"s those also minimize or invalidate feelings).
For example, even if someone is suicidal, psychologists are trained to listen and accept their feelings.
Then help them understand why they feel that way and if other interpretations or actions can make extreme thoughts and feelings more manageable or understandable.
Depressed/suicidal people have the most accurate grasp of reality. Self-delusion and protection from self-harm are built-in into the psyche, so it's not that their feelings are inaccurate, but that unrealistic optimism is the only way humans (and other animals) can cope with reality.
This is a great article, and my only issue with it and my only issue with it is that I think it's too limited. This isn't just a tech thing - the world we live in is one where having more context in a professional environment is almost always useful.
If you spend time learning about how HR functions, it'll help you understand how things like promotions work. Spend time with marketing, and you'll learn lessons about human interaction (what gets someone's attention, how to write copy in a way that people understand, etc.). Spend time with sales, and you'll learn about relationship building. None of those things are unique to tech.
I'd even go beyond work-related stuff and say this attitude is universally positive. Spend time with contractors, and you'll learn stuff that'll help when you own a house. Spend time with teachers, and you'll learn things that'll help with raising kids. Spend time with doctors, and you'll learn what minor-seeming medical issues are worth taking to the doc and what might seem bad but doesn't warrant a doctor trip.
I'm probably biased because I'm a PM at an early-stage startup, which requires a very generalist skillset, and I love to learn stuff about other people's jobs.
>the world we live in is one where having more context in a professional environment is almost always useful
THIS. My career pivoted in a new direction simply because I asked a question to a co-worker [0]. The core qualities of curiosity and empathy leads to riches of mind, friendship and wallet. Some reminders I try to adhere to:
- Believing that seeking opportunities to help others is universally positive since trust blooms from the soils of good intentions. And trust opens up possibilities.
- Asking just one more question.
- Finding that extra minute to hear one more story
> With an umbrella of ignorance as my shield, I asked what was her mission.
I really like that line. When I was early in my career, I wanted to sound smarter than I was, so I tried to avoid asking dumb questions to experts. Now that I'm an expert in some things, I realize how ridiculous that was - the experts would've clearly known I was not an expert and weren't going to be impressed by the depth of my knowledge.
When people come and ask me things with humility, I'm almost always happy to explain, and in my experience that's true of most people (especially the smartest/most knowledgable).
I have the feeling that I'm missing something here. Reading the headline, I expected a real, genuine and directly applicable advantage for a software engineer. But I couldn't find it.
While it leads to an interesting life for sure, I don't see how the writer's suggestions (or your suggestions) make for an unfair advantage for any particular role in tech.
Your examples also don't map to a direct advantage in a tech career. If you'd say that it helps indirectly and in intangible ways, then perhaps, yes. But in interviews I did, the lessons from your examples would not have helped. (I'm an iOS software engineer, by the way).
Well, I'd get rid of the word "unfair" - that's not actually true.
But putting that aside, I would guess that maybe you're in a very large company? I think the more siloed and specific your role is, the less helpful this sort of thing would be. I work at a ~20 person startup, and an engineer who can think with a product mindset, talk directly to customers and write good user-facing documentation is much more valuable than someone who can just write code to spec. At a 20,000 person company, that's likely not the case.
As a barely competent Dev who just became senior by actively helping out people who looked like they were struggling in the org slack, I firmly disagree.
It's led to friendships with many many people (and their managers) and a broader understanding of lots of things and is definitely the key to my own career progression.
Yes, what you say is true for sure. I think the emphasis on specialization has been net negative in terms of general life ROI but net positive in terms of career/job -at-scale ROI. There's far more positivity to come when you adopt a mindset/attitude like you mention, it bleeds towards everything else. There was societal shift with this and something more should learn.
I think it's the reason why the "Joel on Software" blog is still relevant even 20 years later, because it's a tech blog that is at his heart about business, and it's crossover with software engineering.
Like, in this discussion about TDD[1], you can feel business consideration being the source of pragmatism in Joel Spolsky & Jeff Atwood thinking, and as a result avoid dogmatism based on purism.
I've also had the luck of working with a CEO who had business sense, salesmanship, industry knowledge (for Luxury & Fashion), and understanding of the technical limitations and possibilities.
This resulted in smarter technical choices for our product, because it gave a laser focus on what are the important things in our product, and even more importantly what are the features that looked sensible from an engineering point of view, but really had no added value in a business sense, and thus not worth the effort.
Some of the things I've been most recognised for in my career have been very technically unsophisticated. They rely on the intersection between the technical understanding of the system and the business understanding. The customer understanding or technical understanding required is not very high, so it's the kind of thing I could do as an engineer with a decent customer purpose understanding, or a sufficiently empowered higher tier tech support person could do if they had the time to read our internal user documentation rather than be pressured for ticket close time, or a sufficiently technical sales person who could use our BI tools. It doesn't require deep knowledge of JVM internals or years of customer facing interactions, but if you're totally siloed in one area you wouldn't solve it.
I work in live entertainment - theater, concerts, corporate shows, theme parks, etc. While my job is multidisciplinary, covering tech areas such as lighting, sound, video, projection, etc, to be REALLY good at the job requires a much broader scope.
My physical and electronic inboxes are full of marketing mail from a slew of industries; IT, medical, construction, industrial controls, business, and so on. Why? Because in the entertainment industries we are regularly called upon to solve problems that require out-of-the-box solutions. The more exposed you are to other industries and the tools they have, the more you can think "oh I remember seeing Gadget X that the Y industry uses, I think maybe we can adapt that to our purposes."
I don't do it nearly as often as I'd like, but attending random trade shows can be a goldmine for learning about alternate solutions, there's a LOT of industry specific solutions out that you would have no idea about and would never think to search for.
I think that learning about other roles is a way to significantly mitigate the luck inherently involved in getting "on the right team to show scope and impact".
To be honest, it's very direct and practical advice.
I'd also add that you have to find a way to enjoy what you're doing or none of those points make sense, but being too passionate/involved can also be a mistake if you forget to be smart around the politics and marketing of career advancement.
I don’t know anything about SV or big tech hiring so I’m sure it’s reasonable hiring advice, I don’t know. That said, boy it sounds like a recipe for burnout.
Oh it very much is. I’m 49 and joined BigTech at 46. I recognized that a year in and decided not to play the game.
I found out the minimum I had to do to stay at a mid level role working remotely and actively took myself off of that treadmill and used the extra money to reduce my expenses and save so at anytime I could afford to hop.
Then you joined big tech at the peak of the pandemic boom, when it was completely fair game to for recruiters to be poaching even foreigners due to the outsized growth outlooks. You should be aware that the economic environment has basically taken a 180 since then, and your experience might be very different from someone joining the workforce today with no work experience.
To counter the "cram LC" thing, the issue is that there are plenty of new grads doing exactly that who don't even get past ATS screening. You just don't hear about it much because places like cscq are echo chambers w/ high degrees of survivorship bias and there's qualitative levels of difference to "cramming leetcode" that can't really be captured in online discussions.
Ultimately the generalization seems to be "don't pigeonhole yourself, set yourself apart in some way", which is, IMHO, not exactly a super insightful revelation. That has always been the "smart" way to play the game.
My title is not “software engineer”. I pivoted into “cloud consulting” to get into BigTech. I fell into that role because I do have the combination of skills that the article author spoke of - and I’m an MBA drop out.
But my route was very circuitous and I would never recommend it.
As someone who considers himself a student of organizational behavior and being on the inside informs my viewpoint.
Being that I’m billable. There is a direct line between my work and revenue I generate.
Many of us went through circuitous routes. My title is SWE at a big tech company and I interview SWE candidates, so I think I'm relatively close to how the sausage is made in terms of the pipeline through which most engineering candidates go through to get into big tech.
Personally I think "grind LC" is a very common meme perpetuated by folks on the candidate side, but it lacks a lot of context in terms of how modern big tech interviews are actually done. Focusing exclusively on code, for example, is IMHO, a counter productive way of hyper-focusing. I personally didn't even know what leetcode was when I joined my big tech company, for example. I did well in the loops because they evaluated various other things that I could demonstrate thanks to previous open source work (e.g. community building).
What you're basically seem to be saying is that you fell into big tech thanks to a fortuitously aligned set of previous experiences, as many of us did. But that's the exact opposite of grinding LC as a newbie. Grinding LC is one way of hyper-focusing, and going by the numbers, it's no longer necessarily sufficient to land a big tech job.
I have only been involved in software engineering interviews at BigTech for senior devs in the System Design round (because doing System Design is part of my $DayJob). Just to explain my perspective.
When I was in the real world and when I interviewed at my current job, I practiced being able to explain my experience in STAR format based on my “career document”.
In the real world, all of my “interviews” were mostly just my talking to CxOs and directors at small companies. My loop for my current job was all behavioral after the initial screening and even that was more system design than anything else.
If you know there is going to be a coding interview, wouldn’t it behoove you to practice that too - or “grind leetcode?”
I did DS&A back as part of my job during the first decade of my career bit twiddling in C across multiple architectures and later on maintaining a custom compiler toolchain. But I would definitely have to practice to be interview ready at this point. The coding part of my job has gotten a lot easier during the last decade. It’s been about knowing what to write and getting buy in
I mean, sure, the more you do the merrier. But that goes back to what I was saying: if "unfair advantage" means extracurriculars in high school to get into an ivy league + the ivy league degree to get spotted by recruiters + internships in STAR format on resumes + grinding leetcode + etc etc to increase your chances as much as possible, is any of that really a clever life hack as the "grind LC" meme implies, or is it merely just going way above and beyond what everyone else is able to/willing to put up with in the traditional career path?
If anything, it sounds more like going through a non-traditional career to build up the "street smarts" is the shortcut to big tech riches, given that the alternative is to try to stand out from a sea of millions of resumes all listing C++ and python internships/roles, potentially never landing big tech at all.
OAs aren't super widespread in "elite" companies for a variety of reasons.
One is that sourcing recruiters are not equipped to handle technical screening logistics. They can't tell, for example, if a solution works but has O(n^2) complexity, or if the candidate failed because the tool was being stupid in some way or the question was phrased ambiguously.
Another is that OAs can be gamed much more easily than face-to-face phone screen sessions (see, for example, reports of indian "study" groups).
Another issue is that the evaluation criteria for OAs is often so coarse that it does not provide a reasonable level of filtering, compared to having a combo of a good sourcing team + an engineer "guarding the gate" so to speak via the phone screen session. An engineer's technical screening skill is considered non-automatable enough that companies would fly them into school fairs to vet internship candidates.
Teams may not even trust OAs that they didn't devise themselves, nor have the actual inclination to develop/maintain their own OAs.
OAs also tend to gravitate towards trivia-style quizzes that are often associated w/ "lesser" companies.
There may also be concerns about being respectful of candidates' time.
My impression came from the lack of discernment with the BigTech recruiters I encountered over the past few years. I thought they would give anyone a chance to do at least the initial screening for an SWE role that applied.
- my very light LinkedIn profile showed nothing but a history of working at no name companies and doing CRUD work before 2020 yet I had recruiters reach out to me from Facebook, Apple, Google, MS and I believe Netflix
- I’ve had two internal recruiters reach out to me about “exciting opportunities at Amazon” while my LinkedIn profile clearly showed I worked at AWS.
- I’ve had a recruiter from Facebook reach out to me about a senior engineer position repeatedly even though my LinkedIn byline doesn’t say anything about my being a current software engineer (“cloud consultant specializing in application modernization”)
- I’ve had a recruiter from Google reach out to me about an “engineering manager” position even though I have never managed anyone in my life.
I can't speak for every company, but the impression I get is that recruiters at the FAANGs of the world seem to search for various coarse rubrics that may or may not correlate with whatever they are looking for, be it a high number of years of experience as a potential correlation to seniority or certain keywords as correlation for expertise in some subject matter. "Cloud" and derivative keywords are probably the ones landing your linkedin profile in the search results of these recruiters.
Not everyone is getting recruiter spam because not all keywords are created equal and not all profiles look promising, but those of us who do get spammed, get a fair amount of it.
The Amazon recruiter spam in particular is bad enough to be a running joke.
AI might make this advice outdated, if AI is able to handle a decent chunk of common coding tasks then the people who understand business impact and where to focus efforts will be the most valuable engineers, not the leetcode grinders. Google's huge issue with launching stuff nobody wants and then shutting it down is a prime example of what happens when you keep rewarding algorithm/CS specialists over engineers who dedicated time to other things
This is all solid advice but seems to be unrelated to gaining an unfair advantage.
I interpret "unfair advantage" to be more about employability and how valuable you are in the field (starting with inside the business you are in) and not about putting more money in your pocket.
My value to my last company - - a 60 person startup where I was a senior software engineer /the de facto “cloud architect” - was much greater than it is at the second largest employer in the US.
But, if your goal is to exchange your labor for as much money as you can, you optimize for what can get you the highest compensation based on your skillset and path dependencies - family obligations, desires, etc
There's nothing wrong with this list, but if you also (7) Get into a position where Sales & Marketing look at you as someone valuable, you'll end up far more successful than you would otherwise.
This is why I think remote work will have as serious negative consequence for career growth and "generalist" thinking in tech.
Working in an office allowed me to meet people from related teams. When I worked in operations, I met the network team, the call center team, the server teams, the datacenter teams. In infosec running firewalls, I met the SOC, IAM, audit and governance people. Not only in meetings, but they were approachable. We would banter about common gripes, we would talk about how each other's work impacted the other. And we learned from each other! It made me a better security professional.
Doing that remotely is really tough. I think young people coming into tech to remote jobs will miss that low-friction learning opportunity.
The PowerShell Podcast had Doug Finke on back in mid February of this year, he made a great point at the end of the discussion.
Don't be afraid to drive in another lane. Take the opportunity when you see it.
In a previous life, I had a management who told me to, "stay in my lane" and this led to a series of events where I ultimately left. Anybody who tries to keep you down or limit you ability to learn and think needs to be avoided. Those who foster this type of growth need to be held close.
As a manager who told folks that maybe they should consider what their main lane is: There's nothing wrong with learning a different lane. There's a lot wrong with showing up in a different lane as if you had all the answers.
Our industry is prone to the latter. By all means, explore other lanes, but don't be that guy. By all means, learn, but please do this from a place of curiosity and humility.
Ask people who live in that lane how you can grow. Volunteer for the scut work until you deeply understand it. Be a partner to the people who spent a lot of time growing in that lane, not an antagonist. (I'm sure PP is aware of that, I'm using the generic 'you', not the personal)
> As a manager who told folks that maybe they should consider what their main lane is: There's nothing wrong with learning a different lane. There's a lot wrong with showing up in a different lane as if you had all the answers.
Also beware of neglecting to fulfil the responsibilities and expectations of the lane you are ultimately being evaluated in, especially earlier in your career. I've given the (common) advice to junior engineers to become the team expert in one thing relevant to the team (something akin to this was even in the SDE1-2 promotion rubric at Amazon), but occasionally that advice needs tempered by subsequent advice on not tunnel-visioning on that one thing (and/or choosing a more relevant thing).
Broadly agree with the article and the general advice here though!
Why is this an 'unfair' advantage? It's just being curious and learning more about other roles so that you'll be more effective in your job. You may or may not come out ahead, depending on the organization or on whether or not your boss figures it out and as a result will drown you with work so that you'll stay in your lane.
Do you want a real unfair advantage? Befriend your management chain. That is truly an unfair advantage.
Learn the role you want, not the role you are in. If you want to be a manger, then yeah learn how to manage and talk to the different roles you need to interact with as a manager. If you want to code in a basement with no need to talk to other roles then become an expert on some software engineering domain so that you can get more technical roles.
Consume content? Roles? What kind of marketing speak is this? I just can’t even get inspired to click a link to this content, and consume it. It sounds so bland and dull. Hellish 1984-esque corporate neospeak.
Nah I already decided not to click. It’s constructive criticism, take it or leave it. I just can’t even imagine a more bland, tired phrase than “consume content.”
I don't think that's necessarily true. The article even mentions just talking to people about their role (that's not content), and then highlights why content consumption might be more efficient.
You could also learn about a role by observation - but that feels even more inefficient.
Absolutely. As a developer (in an English speaking country) I tell people my job is to translate from English into Nerd. I sometimes further qualify that as "translate from <business or role> into nerd". Some of this has been codified into things like Domain Driven Design, but to me is just part of being a good developer: listen and understand the business, communicate well, and solve people's problems with code if you have to.
Many colleagues of mine have expressed frustration that domain expertise is under-rewarded. Knowing IT and the organization should get one a double knowledge bonus, but most agree it doesn't in practice; they are still perceived as a replaceable cog.
Part of it is that IT people don't know how to sell their successes. Companies are use to blowhards showing off their alleged grand deeds such that if somebody doesn't, nobody notices. It's why Magic Johnson got a statue long before Kareem, despite being the very top scorer ever (until LeBron). Note that Magic is not a "blowhard", but has more charisma.
I currently binge on realtor training videos. Cold calling, raw procrastination, it's got it all. I don't think I'd ever want to do it but it's a great place to learn motivation.
Yep - the most useful conference I have ever been as a product designer for a job portal was when I convinced my boss to send me to RecSys (recommender systems) instead of another designer conference.
I learned a lot, but I was also able to filter and connect many of the recommender technologies to the actual user needs, which sometimes even their authors were unaware of.
I wish role rotation was a common thing in tech. Learning what our teammates need, what they do, and how they work makes it so much easier to work together and make each others’ lives easier. So many ideas we work on are low ROI and caused by lack of visibility outside of our little silos at the IC level.
Honestly I don't think you need to go as far as starting to read all of that content, besides of the labels that might be identical, two EMs in the same org might be doing very different things, let alone in different organizations.
But do ask, listen and be curious and empathetic of other's work.
I largely agree with the advice, it gives you more context on the root of the problem when other specialities & you get a better idea of their priorities and what they value in their specialty.
It’s also more interesting than you realise sometimes.
But for a bit I got hung up on the “unfair” part of the title… I was telling myself “this doesn’t mean what unfair means! there’s nothing unfair about this, it’s perfectly reasonable! What they really mean is it’s a low hanging fruit and of great advantage for ppl to do this!!”
Then it occurred to me, in spite of that — I still understood what they meant. So is my criticism really true? I mean they effectively communicated the point that it is of great advantage. I guess this is just a colloquial meaning of the word unfair.
And with that, I’ve made peace with click bait headlines
“Unfair” is clickbait. If you merely wanted to be concise, you could write “distinct” or perhaps “significant” instead. (“Large” or “big” would both work OK, but wouldn’t sound as cool.)
I have done this quite a bit. I am originally a Lead Data Scientist that got a bit into product and recently I became an Engineering manager for a fully cross-functional team that also has Data Science in it.
It works out great and I have never been able to build Data Science products so easily and meaningfully before as I am in this role.
At the same time when I interview for Data Science manager roles the companies tend to pass saying that I am not focused on Data Science anymore and most Engineering Managers don't manage Data Science because these teams sit in a bit of a silo usually. It's a double edged sword.
Bonus points if you take a one or two year detour to do another function. Let your org know it isn't meant to be a one way trip and you are doing it to gain perspective to make in an easier sell.
I developed a knack for this in practice (thanks HN and 2010's Twitter!) and formalized it on paper just days before I heard an interview with the author David Epstein regarding his then-newly-released book which gave my instinct a better name: RANGE.
Merely consuming content for other roles hardly builds range on its own. But It DOES help solve a related problem: it helps you learn about what to learn to begin to see/think/empathize with others in those roles.
Consume this content. Consume that content. Stop consuming so much content. Create content... haha... Disclaimer: I only consumed the title on this post's content.
Many workplaces are collections of fiefdoms, ruled by managers who constantly jostle for prestige and budgets. They jealously prevent their workers from helping each other across department lines, or even fraternizing. If you are in one of the rare non-toxic places, stay there even if you don't make too much money, or move purely for the money without expecting anything else.
Some companies have this baked into their DNA, and I'm very fortunate to have worked for a couple of them in the past 10 years. There have been a lot of benefits to this, but the one that sticks with me the most is the appreciation other teams show when you empathize with their problems.
That's been my MO for years, and it's been mostly fruitful. Where it hasn't been that (which is rare, as usually one should have the skill of accreting stuff into a systemic whole), it's been interesting (because i like learning new things anyway)
It is hard to find good content on other verticals though. I saw ask for something like HN for different other industriesmany times here, but never saw any relevant answer
I don't "consume content". I read, watch, and listen to a wide variety of things, though, and highly recommend that practice.
My apologies. "Consume content" has become a pet peeve of mine. It's a dehumanizing and overly reductionist phrase, and isn't even technically correct (the best kind of correct).
I will grant you that "consume" is awkward. I often say "I read -- well -- I listened to [The Sandlot]" and "consume" is too awkward to use colloquially as "I consumed [The Sandlot]".
That said... Unless you've got an overtly superior alternative, time to move on and join the fray. It's simply a concise way to say "read / watched / listened" when context of which media doesn't matter.
I have a visceral reaction when I see people referred to as consumers. It's rude and distasteful beyond belief on par with calling them biomass waste producers, useful drones, useless eaters, or some sort of contagion. How about, in most cases, you know, CUSTOMERS? Or in this case listeners.
Your context is backwards. The context is me not the thing.
You're thinking "Book + Me = Book + Me" but in the context of me it's...
Me + Food = Me with more nutrients.
Me + Book = Me with more knowledge.
In that context, post-consumption, the state of the book becomes irrelevant (destroyed or not, it doesn't matter, I still got what I wanted from it). I absorbed the knowledge (or nutrients). Brought it into my body and made it part of me.
Not that it matters much, but under your interpretation, the better wording would be "ingesting". And interestingly, that word doesn't have the same problem as "consuming", which is that content peddlers devalue the reader by implying they are consuming their merchandise.
That said, I believe OP is offended at being referred to in an impersonal way. As such, I don't believe there's much to be done for him beyond "don't refer to people by their actions", which is impractical.
"I ingested [The Sandlot]" or "We had 50,000 ingesters of [The Sandlot] this week!"
are, to my mind, faaaaaairly equivalent to
"I consumed [The Sandlot]" or "We had 50,000 consumers of [The Sandlot] this week!"
Not terribly compelling but... "ingest" has a gut association whilst "consume" has a head connotation... so... there's that.
However, there is a fun distinction between the two. "Consuming" a book, to me, just implies you read it. "Digesting" and "ingesting" have implications of /rumination/.
> It's simply a concise way to say "read / watched / listened" when context of which media doesn't matter.
It's barely tolerable when used in that sense, but typically it's not used in that sense. The problem is the widespread abuse of the term. When I first started hearing it used, it was weird but didn't irritate me because it was usually used in the sense you're saying here. But then it started being used all over the place, even when speaking of a single sort of media.
I'm not saying this is right, but it has become a bit of a "red flag" word to me these days, indicating to me that the the piece where it's being used is not of great quality.
You're letting something irritate you that's not wrong.
It's like getting mad when someone says "I had noodles for lunch" when you know perfectly well they had /spaghetti/, and if they'd said /spaghetti/ you could get irate because they actually had /ragu/ spaghetti (meat in the spaghetti sauce).
Using the abstract word it still "fine" if that's the level the speaker wants to give.
I don't think that analogy captures my problem with those words. My problem, really, is that they devalue what they refer to. "Consumer" devalues people, and "content" devalues creative effort.
I think it would devalue the ragu Bolognese spaghetti from the context of the chef! "They called my beautiful creation 'noodles!' My life is a sham! quickly commits seppuku" :-)
I like to imagine some group of pedants sitting in a cliche smoky room ruminating on this, going through all these permutations and arguing why each word wasn't good enough (e.g. "you needn't have learned!") until they finally ended up with the eureka of 'consume' which was then hackneyed by business folk and thus led to irritating our buddy JohnFen here.
Don't worry about me. I'm fine. All that happens is that I think less of the work that talks that way. My reaction is of little impact to anyone in the end.
I mention it here, though, because the number of people who find that language problematic seems to be on the rise, and that may inform how authors write.
I also have a natural aversion to this phrase for some reason. "Content" to me evokes endless clickbait, YouTube video review spam, listicles, submarine articles, etc. When I see someone comment on something along the lines of "this is great content"-what I really hear is "this is recognisable as high-effort / professionally produced in a marketing context", it says nothing to the substance of the thing, what novel ideas it contributes, and so on. I also recognise that this is a very reductive way of looking at the world so I don't take it too seriously.
when discussing diet and exercise with your dietician/trainer - you will calculate calories intake and expenditure, instead of describing what you had for dinner.
The goal of consuming content is not to enjoy listening to other people, enjoy reading, or enjoy writing/talking.
The goal of consuming content is to absorb and internalize information, and broaden knowledge base.
To me, the usage of the term "consume content" is perfectly fine
I agree with you in principle, but just like with emojis in business environment, I have accepted it is here to stay. There is too much variation in what is offered and content captures it all. It does not make it any less annoying, but I understand why it caught on.
"Read/Watch/Listen" are what you think you are doing. "Consume" is what the people who want to make money from you think (Entrepreneurs, Media executives, bloggers etc).
I agree, but for a different reason. I think the really unfair advantage comes when you start producing content for other roles. That's when you'll find out if you really know what you are talking about!
Why do I bring this up? Because this is how most worker's experience their organization. Stay in your lane, get that promotion, best case you get your boss's job. But how did that job come to be? Who setup the training that you took? Most people can't even describe where the money in their business comes from.
It is a tremendous advantage to explore your organization fully. Visit its other offices and learn what your colleagues do and why they do it. Especially as an engineer. You can literally write your own ticket. Last year I was bored and I started to break down our cloud spend. This took me on a little detour. That detour involved a team that was following a process I could not understand. Turns out they didn't understand it either. I little reorganization yielded a $385,000/yr cost optimization. It took me just a couple days. Chances are you swim in a sea of complacency too.