This is the problem though! And why people don't feel as much sympathy as you would like. Agreeing to those terms was not a risk-neutral thing. And now the feds have eliminated the downside of that risk, leaving only the upside. And I'm glad you were able to get a venture debt line and I'm glad your deposits are going to be whole, because I really like your business. But this kind of thing creates perverse incentives.
Edit to add: In sensitivity to your point about insufficient empathy, I want to say that I have felt personally very worried for everyone waiting to hear about their paychecks, and about whether businesses I admire would be ruined by this mistake that was not their own. I (unsurprisingly as a commenter here) have a lot of attachments to people affected by this, and I've been very nervous about everybody. But I just also feel like we should be able to take a step back from our own personal feelings and look at this dispassionately and ask: Is this actually good, broadly?
Edit to add: In sensitivity to your point about insufficient empathy, I want to say that I have felt personally very worried for everyone waiting to hear about their paychecks, and about whether businesses I admire would be ruined by this mistake that was not their own. I (unsurprisingly as a commenter here) have a lot of attachments to people affected by this, and I've been very nervous about everybody. But I just also feel like we should be able to take a step back from our own personal feelings and look at this dispassionately and ask: Is this actually good, broadly?