- anonymous signatures, authenticating that a whistleblower complaint comes from a real employee, without knowing who the employee is
- verifying your personal data without making it public. E.g. verifying that you're over 18, either black, disabled or low-income, revealing no other identifying information about yourself. This would require collaboration from the government and "compatible" ID cards.
- Blacklist handling, letting you comment anonymously on line, verifying that none of your previous comments have been banned for abuse.
- verifiable, auditable, anonymous online voting
- anonymous signatures, authenticating that a whistleblower complaint comes from a real employee, without knowing who the employee is
- verifying your personal data without making it public. E.g. verifying that you're over 18, either black, disabled or low-income, revealing no other identifying information about yourself. This would require collaboration from the government and "compatible" ID cards.
- Blacklist handling, letting you comment anonymously on line, verifying that none of your previous comments have been banned for abuse.