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Programming Zero Knowledge Proofs: From Zero to Hero (zkintro.com)
281 points by oskarth 4 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 164 comments

As someone with zero knowledge regarding Zero Knowledge Proofs in a programming context, can someone give me a basic explanation regarding the utility? I do understand the basic principle of ZKP’s, but as yet I’m failing to understand how this would be applied in industry.

For me, the most powerful use of ZKPs is proof of the output of general purpose computations of any kind.

You can run an arbitrarily large, arbitrary long program, and whatever the program outputs, you can make a tiny proof-signature that says "this is the output you'll get if you run this program yourself".

The proof-signatures are relatively small, and you can verify them on small devices in milliseconds.

Another computer can trust the claimed output without having to run the program itself, by verifying the proof-signature.

This scales to arbitrarily large computations, so for example if a supercomputer says "I ran a quadrillion petaflops of your program for 1 year, and the result was the picture attached to this signature", you actually can verify that the picture is correct, quickly and efficiently - without having to trust the supplier.

It's as good as if you re-ran the program yourself (up to cryptography-grade probabilities, which is good enough).

Or if the big computer says "this entire Debian distribution of binary files was indeed compiled with this version of GCC", you can quickly verify that all the binaries are exactly what they should be - without having to trust anyone.

The proof process is rather slow, but it has gotten a lot faster over the last few years, and will continue to.

I was amazed when I learned that it's possible to securely check an arbitrarily large computation's output or result without running it yourself.

It was so counter to my intuition: it seemed like you would have to trust whoever makes the claim, or run it yourself. But you don't!

(So amazed and intrigued that I had to learn how it's done, and now part of my work these days is optimising the proof process.)

> Or if the big computer says "this entire Debian distribution of binary files was indeed compiled with this version of GCC", you can quickly verify that all the binaries are exactly what they should be - without having to trust anyone.

> So amazed and intrigued that I had to learn how it's done

Any chance you could just illustrate this somehow with a basic example? I just don't see how you could possibly verify that a program is produced with GCC without going through approximately as much effort as it'd take to compile it.

As far as I understand, you can't just use any gcc binary as it exists today. The program needs to be represented as a specific, mathematical expression that is suitable for zero-knowledge proofs.

There are RISC-V based zero-knowledge virtual machines, to which a GCC version can be compiled. So this should be possible, although probably very slow, maybe a thousand times slower than a normal GCC execution.

Risc Zero runs at about 500hz on high-end desktop hardware. They're working on speed ups though. (Source: their presentation in Brussels in July)

That was 500 KHz, and the latest versions are at 1MHz, so still 1000 times slower than a 1Ghz machine, but it’s easy to parallelize the workload, so it’s really mostly a cost of computation issue.

Ah thanks, that's what I meant

Link to risc zero, looks like a fascinating project https://www.risczero.com/

Is anyone actually using this to cache the artifacts of a compiler? Do you have a link? Like a proof of concept compiler that can produce both a binary and a proof that it was compiled correctly.

A toy example: suppose we have some sudoku. You want to show publicly (maybe in a HN comment) that you know the solution, without revealing the solution itself, because then anybody would know it and be able to post that they know it. A zero-knowledge proof enables this. You could also post a hash of the solution, but then you need to know the solution already to verify a submission. (It would also enable others to copy your answers without really knowing the solution, though that can be fixed using a technique that zero-knowledge proofs also use, a blinding factor).

More useful cases include decoupling payment information from users, to preserve their privacy. You can prove that somebody paid for the action you want to perform, without identifying the payer. For example to offer cloud storage without knowing which data belongs to which user, so when there is a data breach or law enforcement order, the answer to "tell me everything you know about user X" is their payment history, but not which data is theirs.

One place I wish there was zero knowledge proofs involved, or even any kind of cryptography, is when you perform credit assessment for loans outside your bank: an external loan provide peeks at your full bank account history to assess whether you’re eligible. They don’t need to know where I buy my socks, or even how much money I have. Only that I have a big enough deposit and a steady enough cashflow.

This isnt a cryptographic problem really. The loan checker is already trusting your bank to give them the correct information, it's only a matter of anonymization (e.g., they could return merchant types instead of merchant names etc.,.) but theres no real incentive for this.

> theres no real incentive for this


People who need the privacy can set up isolated bank accounts and legal entities.

Less cryptography, your accountant will even understand.

Where you spend can have an impact on a decision… e.g. you may have the income and savings but if you’re regularly spending on gambling that can be a red flag.

You can prove that too with zk!

How could this look like?

If the loan assessment criteria are objective, they can be quantified.

The basic concept here is: ZKP lets you prove arbitrary statements.

Instead of:

  Here is entire bank history, you decide.
You can say:

  Had a fixed income above $X for 12 months.
  Had a surplus of $X after fixed expenses in the last 3 months.
  Did not buy anything irregular above $1000 in the last 3 months.
"Did not gamble" is a moral judgement. Who knows, maybe I'm buying gum at the local casino, is that gambling? Maybe I'm tossing a coin every night after work as to whether I should drive in the opposite lane, is that not gambling? You can only objectively measure financially risky behavior in statistical terms.

Think of a ZK proof as a program that can take both public and private knowledge as input, and produce public and private knowledge as output.

This is what seems magical to me: A program with secret input. You can't run the program to verify that my execution of the program is correct, but you can verify a proof that I ran the program with input you didn't have.

The way private knowledge works is through cryptographic commitments.

For example, the bank may start by giving you a signed, structured document with your transactions.

You can then feed their signature and the document to your program, and produce any derivation.

You can use the MCCs of each tx, then generating a zk-proof that shows none of the MCCs in your account match restricted categories.

This requires cooperation from the "bank", ideally providing Merkle trees to make sure no tx is missing in the proof like it would be for a blockchain-based solution.

this is the example often cited as usecase for zkTLS protocols, which are protocols that use additional trust assumptions to notarize a connection you have with a TLS protected host, and then you can prove the notarization (i.e. a signature over the TLS transcript) in ZK as well as any parsing over request/response data.

So if we imagine a very rudimentary social hierarchy with a government on top, then thousands of corporations below, and then millions of people below corporations, this feature protects people in a case when government is malicious, but every single corporation is benevolent. Now if the government is not malicious, but corporations are, even part of them, it will allow them to basically take any payment and refuse service or do any other variants of abuse, costing time or money (think how it is bad today, and make it worse). And there is nothing to be done with it, because payment chain information is broken. Which is very useful for criminals who would want to run some business unaccountable and outside of the law system, and not very "useful" for the regular people.

Should be very useful for e-ID authentication in the age of AI? Prove that you're a human with an electronic id without telling the asker who you are.

can this also be used in a session replay software? as in if someone from other team is trying to debug an app issue while watching a replay of the issue capture via DOM but is stuck because some PII data is not visible then can we implement this from user end ? like an OTP to access the PII but only on users consent?

I come from a traditional finance background. One underappreciated possible role for ZKP is in compliance.

Eg Goldman Sachs could encode all their compliance rules in a program, and publish a proof that their books pass the check by that program, without revealing anything about their accounting.

More crypto focussed: suppose you build a 'better FTX'. You could publish a proof that you ain't hiding an Alameda, ie that everyone who should have been liquidated actually got liquidated, and doesn't get special treatment.

In a banking context, you could in theory also run your know-your-customer (KYC) rules against customer provided data, store the proof, and delete the original data. That way, you still have proof that your customers don't have ties to North Korea or Russia, but you can't be compelled by anyone to reveal the data later (nor accidentally leak that data, etc).

Of course, for that latter application, you need a sharp lawyer to make sure that storing the proof instead of the original data is enough for your KYC obligations.

If you want to go further, you could have your customers run the KYC rules locally, so that their data never leaves their premises.

(For all these applications, you still have to have a mechanism that connects the real world to the inputs of the programs whose execution you are proving.

So eg Goldman Sachs would still need an auditor that checks that the assets and obligations they have in their balance sheet actually exist, but the auditor does not otherwise need to make judgement calls or apply any rules.)

I am building in the mortgage origination space and have these sorts of enhancements on the drawing board... you hit the nail on the head that the bottleneck will be in QC and legal review, as 3rd-parties (especially regulators) may want to manually see the data you used to reach the conclusions you did. Although I'm still digging. You'd be interested in what we're creating btw, it's a crypto-based mechanism that enables instant digital mortgage origination, we should chat!

Sounds interesting! I have an email address in my profile.

The way I always explain it to newcomers now is to start from digital signatures.

Digital signatures are useful, we all know that, now imagine if you could sign not only data, but also computation result. As in “I ran this code with these inputs and it produced that output”.

If you imagine that this would work, and it takes less time to verify that signature than running the program myself, you have a succinct proof.

If in addition you can hide some of the inputs you used, then you have a zero knowledge proof.

So ZKPs are “stronger” signatures as they can sign more than data. Sometimes a signature is enough, sometimes you need more. Sometimes you need privacy so you verify a signature inside a ZKP :D

Good (non-blockchain) use cases include:

- verifiable, auditable, anonymous online voting

- anonymous signatures, authenticating that a whistleblower complaint comes from a real employee, without knowing who the employee is

- verifying your personal data without making it public. E.g. verifying that you're over 18, either black, disabled or low-income, revealing no other identifying information about yourself. This would require collaboration from the government and "compatible" ID cards.

- Blacklist handling, letting you comment anonymously on line, verifying that none of your previous comments have been banned for abuse.

The most common example in the talks I've been to have been for verifying anonymous voting amongst a group that you want to verify is valid to vote in the process. ZKPs allow for doing this without needing a central authority to attest to the person's credentials.

But it is early days and I think there's going to be many more use cases in the future around data privacy. Take an example of credit bureaus. What if instead of a lender sending over all the personally identifiable information needed to do a lookup it could instead send a ZKP to prove it knows enough information about an individual to be authorized to retrieve their record, meaning instead of sending SSN, DOB, Address, Phone, Name, they could instead just send enough specific values in the hash of a combo of some of those fields to prove that the full hash is known but without exposing the full hash itself (along with the existing shared secret to have authorization do lookup a value in the credit bureau in the first place).

I can see applications in multiplayer gamedev - imagine being able to run the whole game simulation on a clients machine and have them assert back to you that they killed 7 goblins, looted a rare sword from a chest, and died 3 times - and you could just trust them.

Your server costs would only need to be for the metaprogression/persistence related stuff that could be done relatively infrequently based on updates from the client.

I agree. Exploring this in game worlds came up in a job interview a few years ago :)

ZK proofs are potentially a transformative tool for real-tine distributed systems in general, not just games. They potentially improve laency ("ping"), by changing the communication patterns in a distributed consensus system. That's great for games and other real-time systems.

It would be amazing to have a single authoritative server in an mmo for the EU, USA, Asia, Oceania etc regions and only have bad latency if you were actually directly interacting with people from far away.

In theory that sounds awesome and I love the idea of ZKP. However, they have quite some overhead that defeats such applications, I think.

Yeah prover time is the big challenge rn

Imagine you are Goldman Sachs and a client wants to make a 100mm USD wire transfer to one of their accounts at Citibank. How does citibank know that the account at GS has the money to cover this transfer?

Right now, the way this works is essentially through a lot of trust and some guarantees by the fed. This has some downsides: because you need a lot of confirmations, it makes transfers take longer. Also, small players can't really get in on this system, so some regional banks are at a disadvantage.

How do you make this safer and more robust? GS obviously can't send info on all of its clients accounts and balances to Citi. You could imagine a protocol where the client/GS sends Citi a zkp to prove that the client has the money (as long as all inputs are agreed upon).

Of course, you don't really need zkps. You could also have the fed keep a database on all money in all accounts (like they do in Brazil), so that the bank only has to ask the central bank to give you an ok. But that is a whole lot of power in the hands of a central authority, as well as a single point of failure, which is something banking systems should avoid imo

> How does citibank know that the account at GS has the money to cover this transfer?

At the moment this is all handled with Swift, and I’m not sure you what you gain from adding ZKPs. Depending on the transaction you might send a Swift MT799 with a pre-advice letter, a proof of funds letter, or a blocked funds letter. Again depending on what you’re doing you might need a MT760 to send a bank guarantee or some sort of letter of credit, and finally a MT103 to initiate the actual transfer of funds.

At this point your counter party risk lies with the banking institution itself, and their willingness and ability to complete the transactions they have legally committed to, rather than the account holder, and this risk doesn’t go away with the addition of ZKPs.

But Swift is just a messaging protocol, right? It doesn't handle trust at all - like you said, you need an awful lot of documents for a single transfer.

I think what could be gained with a zkp protocol would be timeliness. Not needing to confirm if the client has funds in the other institution manually or from trusting their in house APIs would be pretty nice.

The Brazilian central bank has a system that does essentially that, and wires here (even for very large sums) take seconds to fill, instead of the usual 2 days for US interbank wires.

Swift is a messaging system, but it absolutely does manage trust. Swift messages can be used to transmit contracts and other financial obligations which are nonrepudiatable.

When using Swift, the financial institution crafts the content of the messages, some of which describe the state of their systems (like an account balance). So as a counterparty, you are trusting the institution, the jurisdiction the institution is based in, and the laws and enforcement in that jurisdiction.

If you introduce ZKPs, perhaps you could take the human out of the message authoring for some message types, but those messages would still be based on the state of systems controlled by that institution, and really a lot of the “trust” involved with Swift transaction is the trust that an institution will meet its future obligations (something ZKPs don’t help with at all). So the end result is that as a counterparty, you would still be trusting… the institution, the jurisdiction the institution is based in, and the laws and enforcement in that jurisdiction.

There are other payment systems that don’t have the same features that Swift has (like the ability to send bank guarantees, or proof of funds letters, etc…) like ACH and SEPA. But if those things are needed, you’ll just use Swift, or a different system entirely.

The delay in processing Swift transactions is also a feature not a bug for large institutions. If I send you a Swift payment for $100, unless one of us is on a watch list or something, it’ll just go through without any additional input required from either of us. But if I wanted to send you $1,000,000,000, at that level the banks want the opportunity to scrutinise the transaction for AML and anti-terrorism reasons. There is no definition of what a transaction that is involved in money laundering or financing terrorism looks like, so these checks cannot be automated in any way. If you want your transaction to go through, you have to answer whatever questions the bank officers ask, provide any material they ask for, and this can include literally anything they deem necessary. If the transaction is successfully completed it is not because you met some statutorily defined requirements, or somehow proved you weren’t money laundering or financing terrorism, it is because you convinced the appropriate bank officer that the risk of them being implicated in money laundering or financing terrorism was small enough to be acceptable in relation to processing your transaction. So ZKPs can’t help you here either.

This should not be down-voted

“I do understand the basic principle of ZKPs, but as yet I’m failing to understand…”

Sounds you indeed have zero knowledge of zero-knowledge proofs. Congratulations!

If you want, I could prove to you that I know what zero-knowledge proofs are and how they’d be applied in industry, but you’d be no closer to understanding it. I would do it in a specific way that would basically impart zero knowledge to you, beyond the fact that I know what I’m talking about. Interested? :)

Examples of things you can do with ZKPs:

- Anonymous credentials (this is what Signal does) - maintain an encrypted blob representing a group chat (members list etc all stay encrypted and Signal cannot tell who is in a group chat). A normal client can provide a zkp that they are in a particular group chat (the decrypted blob contains this member for example) and have a message delivered to other group members. Both the client and the recipient can keep their identities encrypted and the zkp proves the membership of the plaintext client / recipient.

- Encrypt some metadata of a message sent to someone. You can build a ZKP that the plaintext behind the encrypted metadata satsifies some properties such as recipient is not in some blacklist (and so on). All this can be done by maintaining privacy because the metadata stays encrypted.

- Given an electronic medical record, you can prove that the record contains a vaccine without sending the record over the wire to some other party.

Lots more such ideas exist.

zkVMs are a good place to start playing with things.

in your first example, how does Signal route messages in that model?

sender specifies recipient but the signal server cannot tell a group-chat message from a non-group chat message.

so in this world signal still knows I'm sending to N recipients? Or is the fanout happening in a different way?

I guess I'm wondering if Signal still basically has enough info to make good guesses at group existence.

Yeah I think you are correct that the protocol isn't safe from traffic analysis.

It is currently possible to use ZKP's to set up via a central authority a digital cash system where the bank notes are all anonymous and all transfers are anonymous.

The central authority in this scenario cannot discriminate between transactions - any function that would compare two or more transactions cannot glean any useful information that would allow to discriminate. And and security of the anonymity of past transactions will be reducible to the security of the cryptographic hash function used (the next best thing to Information-theoretic security). As for forging money, depending on what ZKP approach is used even a quantum computer will be insufficient.

The central authority can still print money and can obviously shut the entire system down.

It is interesting to ponder whether or not some government will decide to take such a step and surrender all control (except for the nuclear option) over how their currency is used. It will certainly boost demand for the currency.

Do you have any recommended references on this subject? Seems like this sort of system would be able to obfuscate a lot of metadata that can be used to deanonymize activity. Very interesting.

Tornado Cash does this. And you can find articles on how it functions online. You can even read the smart contract that directly implements it.

Roughly: you have 2 secrets that you hash together and the central authority adds the result you disclosed to a list (either to print money or as part of a transaction to transfer money). To spend a note you reveal the hash of one of the secrets (to be added to a list of nullifiers to prevent double spend) and you do ZKP to demonstrate that you possess both of the secrets to *some* note from the public hash list and that the nullifier for that note is what you claim it is. Central authority rejects if nullifier is present in the list.

There are some other approaches to such a system, I believe the Tornado Cash one is the most elegant though it limits you to a discrete number of note denominations.

Note that the proof system Tornado Cash uses is not secure to a quantum computer and such a device will allow to "print money" - in reality, drain the smart contract.

This is a great explainer from one of the pioneers in this space, in case you weren't already familiar with it: https://www.wired.com/video/watch/5-levels-zero-knowledge-pr...

ZKPs are used for private balances in Solana. Someone can send you a million PYUSD using confidential transfers and your public balance remains 100 dollars.

Judging by job openings mention ZKP it's mostly used in some "crypto" BS.

Blockchain development has spurred research that’s more broadly applicable in a number of cases and ZK proofs are one of the more exciting ones!

If you wanna do it in a flexible way that is very easy to use and essentially the future of ZK, use Powdr [1]. Just write your code in rust nostd and be done with it. It's a compiler, basically. Once you use it, you'll never go back to hand-massaging polynomials. It'd be like writing assembly. Sure, some can do it, and it can be fun, but why do it if there are compilers out there to do the heavy lifting for you? :)

[1] https://github.com/powdr-labs/powdr

You sound like you are routinely doing zero knowledge proofs. To me it sounds like a very niche thing. What kind of application area needs knowledge proofs on the regular? Finance?

How about verification speed? The article mentions that avoiding trusted setup would result is sliver verification speed. Could it also increase proof size?

For Rust, there is also Sunscreen.


Another demonstration of Zero-Knowledge Proofs:

A paper-tech protocol for validating Sudoku solutions without revealing the solution:


So with ZK-proofs we may never be 100% sure something is true or not? Is it possible that this may be too computational expensive to have certainty at given (or above) level?

You don't necessary get 100% certainty but the probability of success increases exponentially with each new run.

Thus you can get very fast to a probability smaller than you quantum tunnelling through a wall

Yea it's the same as a hash collision, maybe they managed to type some other message that hashes to the same thing but it's very unlikely.

You can also use multiple different types of ZK proofs for the same data, same as using multiple hashing algorithms, for more certainty.

> we may never be 100% sure

Right, but we may be 99.9999999999% sure.

It’s the same thing as regular cryptography, I can’t be 100% sure that you signed this message but I can get arbitrarily close, and prohibitively expensive to fake

That's very cool! Here's another cool application for nuclear arms control, https://www.nature.com/articles/nature13457

> We can take a digital identity card and prove that we are over 18 years old > Without revealing anything else, like your full name or address

If you are in this articles audience you would simply state the producer of the ID card signs a statement that the person is over 18. No ZKP needed.

The article like many others would be improved with a better example.

I don't think a simple signature is sufficient if you want to maintain privacy with both the party you are trying to convince that you are over 18 and the party that signs the statement saying you are over 18.

If the signer keeps a copy of the signature and who they made it for, someone who gets a hold of that and the records of party you used the signature at they can find out who you are.

There are ZKP based protocols that allow for age verification where even if the party that attests to you age keeps records they do not find out where you are using that attestation, and the party you use the attesting with only finds out that you are above their age threshold and what attesting party you used.

I think that this can be done without ZKP if instead of simple signatures we use blind signatures.

The party that attests to your age would still not know where you were using that attestation using regular digital signatures.

And yes, as previously mentioned the party you are testing to does not know your birthdate or any other information.

There is zero need for zkp with either of these

I am also puzzled by this example of utility. It would be easy for the identity provider to separately sign all properties, assign each a unique identifier, and then return them to the users to use the signed identity properties as needed.

Yes, though with ZKP you could prove arbitrary logic on the properties, even those that the provider didn't think of nor wants to support.

Eg you could prove that 'either your age is a prime number or that you have green eyes and live in New York'.

So the problem could be expressed as:

* The actors are: Individuals I_1, ..., I_n, businesses B_1, ..., B_m, and a central authority A.

* An individual I_j wants to prove to business B_k that A attests that DateOfBirth(I_j) >= 20060902, and that I_j is in possession of a private key, where A attests that it has verified the linkage of the corresponding public key to I_j.

* I_j doesn't want to provide any information about I_j's identity except for the DateOfBirth(I_j) >= 20060902 to B_k. That means, for example, I_j doesn't want to reveal to B_k their ordinal j, nor a single public key that is used everywhere. This means, for example, B_k shouldn't be able to collude with B_{k+1} to combine facts separately provided to the two businesses and build a profile of I_j.

* I_j also doesn't want A to be able to collect information about the fact they provided information to B_k specifically.

With a ZKP, it is possible for a solution like:

* I_j generates a keypair P_1 (private) / p_1 (public) and proves their identity out-of-band to A. A gives them a certificate C_1 typing p_1 to their ordinal j and their date of birth.

* I_j generates a new keypair P_2/p_2 just for dealing with B_k.

* I_j generates a signed certificate C_2 using P_1, tying p_2 to their ordinal j.

* I_j generates a ZKP that there exists a (private input) certificate C_1 signed by A's public key, and that certificate meets the constraint DateOfBirth(I_j) >= 20060902, and there exists a (private input) public key p_1 which is referenced in C_1, and there exists a (private input) certificate C_2 signed by p_1, and that certificate references (public input) public key p_2, and sends the ZKP to B_k.

Now instead you could imagine a solution where A generates certificates for I_j, but that has some downsides:

* The properties to be signed might vary over time. The date of birth cutoff certainly would, and different businesses might want different properties.

* Just one certificate per property isn't enough, because the certificate identifies which public key it relates to. That allows B_k and B_{k+1} to work out they have the same customer I_j. With the ZKP solution, the customer gives a different public key to each. You could work around this by having A provide lots of certificates upfront (inefficient), or by generating certificates on demand (but the A is needed to be involved online in the transaction, and it risks leaking information to A).

So the ZKP solution is, in many ways, simpler in that it removes a lot of constraints while implementing the desired properties, but there are other workarounds if you don't have it.

A more complex way they are currently used is for proving arbitrary computation.

One of the most obvious flaws of blockchains is that every node needs to re-run every transaction to know that the block is valid, leading to the same computation being run thousands of times.

Instead of having to do this there are new Layer2 chains like Polygon zkEVM or zkSync that post a compressed blob of transaction data and a ZK proof that all transactions in that data are valid according to the rules of the EVM. This makes the chain 1000x more efficient as the computation only needs to be run once and verified 999 times.

The proving is still slow and expensive which is why this isn't fully rolled out, but it's getting faster very quickly with both software improvements and custom ASICs for proving.

> If you are in this articles audience you would simply state the producer of the ID card signs a statement that the person is over 18. No ZKP needed.

> The article like many others would be improved with a better example.

It's easy to make this example better:

Assume there are 50 different providers of ID cards, and Alice wants to convince Bob that she's over 18 years old.

Bob trusts all 50 issuers, but Alice doesn't want to reveal who her issuer is.

So here Alice could indeed get the supplier of her ID card to sign such a statement (and perhaps already have one prepared). For ZKP, you can also assume that the ID card issuers are not co-operating (nor do they care about each other), and that different Bobs might trust different sets of providers, and that the sets of trusted providers might change over time.

> Bob trusts all 50 issuers, but Alice doesn't want to reveal who her issuer is.

So, just a form of certificate chaining? With the same old challenges that come up if Bob learns that one of the issuers was compromised for some period of time?

Sorry, what is certificate chaining in this context?

ZKP allows you to run arbitrary logic, without the id providers having to anticipate what you are trying to do nor having to cooperate. Eg you could prove that 'either your age is a prime number or that you have green eyes and live in New York'.

> Sorry, what is certificate chaining in this context?

crypto people need to learn crypto.

Let me be more blunt: I don't think certificate chaining is a useful concept in this context, but I wanted to be more polite about my objection and give you a chance to explain your idea. Better?

I think the goal of this is that you can prove, so that your counter party does not need to rely on trust

there are standards for "verifiable credentials" and "verifiable presentations" so that digital IDs can be issued and displayed (using a model analogous to web pki/SSL certs), done in a decentralized and privacy-preserving way without ZKPs

Actually this is only partially true (have implemented verifiable credientials and ZK on top).

VCs will allow you to verifiably specify your date of birth or maybe your passport number.

What ZK does is allows a third party to ask questions like "is the date of birth of this person prior to 2-Sep-2006" (ie, are they over 18) or "is this person a passport holder for country X" and the ZKP system can say yes or no without disclosing the actual birthdate or the passport number.

It's is a real improvement in privacy, although I'm unconvinced it is worth the incredible inconvenience of implementing it.

> without disclosing the actual birthdate

What prevents the birthdate from being gleaned through a simple binary search? Or, if it's specifically an "over 18 today?" query based on some decentralized timestamp source, what prevents the query from just being repeated every day until the result changes (assuming it returns "under 18" at first)?

Just because someone asks, doesn't mean one must answer.

"Be liberal in what you receive, and strict in what you send."

The protocol would have to specify an authorized inquiry field or use validity by time, using a global consensus (current bitcoin block + challenges that take bitcoin_blocks block production rate on average to solve)

The holder of the credential would have to present it log(N) times. If someone asks to scan your id a bunch of times, wouldn't you find it suspicious?

Different 'someone's could conceivably collude to whittle down the result of the search, fingerprinting users via separate means to align the results. Or, less conspiratorially, one could present an apparently-poorly-designed interface where the credential is only valid for the current login session, then wait for a few cycles of the user clearing their browser cookies.

Perhaps a very explicit prompt "This service wants to know if you're > X years old!" might give up the trick, but then users would have to be trained not to click through it within milliseconds, which is never the most viable solution.

Neat, thanks! IIUC some credential standards like ISO 18013-5 (mDL) hack around this by allowing you to expose `is_over_X` claims for age gating

What did you implement VCs and ZK for?

> What did you implement VCs and ZK for?

It was a crypto/blockchain/decentralized ID thing.

A signature is a zkp. So your example is also a good example :)

A signature is a PoK, but not ZK.

I was not clear enough, thanks. Whether it is a pok or zk depends on the chosen signature scheme. In any case, zk signature schemes exist and are implied by the existence of one way functions and publicly verifiable nizk

> zk signature schemes exist and are implied by the existence of one way functions and publicly verifiable nizk.

Almost. The result is from CRYPTO89 paper of Bellare and Goldwasser. They derive a signature scheme from a nizk. It is not known whether you can get a nizk from a signature scheme. Moreover, no signature scheme can be a ZK: https://crypto.stackexchange.com/questions/35177/is-using-di...

What does everyone think about the 'trusted' setup part of zero-knowledge proofs? Is this a deal breaker for some use-cases or can this phase be done without worrying that the entire process has been hijacked... As has been a core goal of many ah... 'security' councils in the past.

Only some kinds of ZKPs have that drawback; others don’t. There are many examples of such systems with transparent setup that are used in practice.

Even for some ZKP scheme that do require trusted setup, you can perform the setup in a multi-party way that allows anybody to contribute randomness, and as long as even one person is honest, the whole thing is private.

The multiparty setup is better than a singular-party setup, but it burdens its deployment. How can users be confident of at least one party they can trust whose preferences vary? Further, how can deployment be made so that a malicious party does not sabotage the setup process or is sabotaged by the organiser or network failures? In other words, who would need to be blamed? Doing these things properly makes the process’s deployment significantly more expensive than centralised deployment. Hence, I don’t see them bearing any practical relevance, as any authority that organises their deployment would also be subject to cost optimisation due to human nature and as security can’t be quantified, it suffers first.

There are zero-knowledge proofs that don’t require a trusted setup phase. A plain old logarithmic equality proof is a very powerful tool, making it possible to ensure correct reencryption shuffle, decryption or encoding. They don’t get the same appeal as generic ZKP systems that get all the hype, which deters practically-minded people from getting familiar with the mechanisms and opportunities. At least, that was my experience when getting into ZKP.

There are logarithmic-sized proofs with transparent setup for arbitrary computation. These are much better for practically-minded people than ZKPs for ad-hoc computations because you don’t have to be a cryptographer to figure out how to use them

ZK STARKS can be done without a trusted setup, they are slightly different from ZK SNARKS.

I believe it's possible to do a trusted setup with many hundreds or thousands of anonymous people too, someone would need to get every single contribution to recreate the trusted setup.

I wrote ZKPs off as hype ~2 years ago - is it a legit concept outside blockchain marketing? Someone help me understand how it's different from hashes and access tokens?

> "Zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs) are a method for one party to cryptographically prove to another that they possess knowledge about a piece of information without revealing the actual underlying information."

So, like this?

1. An app needs to confirm a user login is correct

2. But the app can't know the user's password because it's a secret

3. So the app instead checks for a hash which only the correct password would translate into

4. Now the user can enter their password, and the app can verify the password is correct without actually knowing it

What am I missing?

It’s all just bytes and hashes and alike at the bottom. Absolutely nothing magical. It is the abstractions over them that makes them esoteric, not the fundamental building blocks.

As to why your example isn’t zero-knowledge proof of knowledge of a password, it’s because hash of the same password is always the same thing. So what if someone copies the hashed password and passes it as their own? You say, sign something? But I can reuse the signature. You say, sign a random challenge? Okay, but what if, on the other side, the verifier (ie. the app) adaptively picks a challenge instead of randomly sampling it? … Continue this line of thought, and once you have the correct solution, simplify it and remove the unnecessary parts (eg. Signing something is too strong of a requirement) and you get something called Zero-Knowledge proof of knowledge out of an honest-verifier sigma protocol.

As for ZK proofs that are not proofs of knowledge, then the easiest way to think of it is an encrypted data structure like a database. Imagine the client wants to check whether an element is in some set on a server, where the server has an “encrypted” form of a set and can’t see what’s in it. How can the server check membership of an element and convince the client? That’s done with a ZK proof. You say what about Fully Homomorphic encryption? That’s also technically ZK… what’s not a ZK? For anything that you can’t write a simulator. What’s a simulator? Pick a cryptography textbook.

No, this is more like this. Here is my ZKP to verify you are older than 18. Please pass it your ID card and give me result. I’ll verify result and prove you are above 18. On top of that the proof output would contain your photo from the document so I can visually compare it with your face.

In the end all I know is you are older than 18. I don’t know your driver license number or SSN, I don’t know your name. I know nothing but the fact that your are older than 18.

Same thing. In my example the function only knows whether the provided hash equals the one on file. Yours is essentially the same - is the provided DOB < the one on file (presumably, today's date 18 years ago). No other data is known about the person in either case.

This is also accomplished by just properly scoping the function. Considering the widespread availability of solutions to this well-known* problem, I wonder why anyone would "use ZKPs" - and what does that even mean? What npm should I install - and why?

* where my ACME Challenge fans at

The hash check is binary, you can only check if a password is correct or not. The ZK proof can prove anything, like that the password has enough special symbols and numbers that it's secure.

There's no way to check that someone's age is old enough with just a hash unless you break the hash.

The most common but painful way to write ZK circuits is with Circom. Better more modern ways are with Noir or using SP1 which can prove arbitrary rust code.

> ZK proof can prove anything

Apparently not, isn't it designed specifically such that it's scoped to a particular "proof"?

You guys always say "without it linking you to your identity" as if identity is built into JavaScript or something. How does using a password hash inherently leak my PII? What problem does ZKP solve?

Using conventional development you can also do the trivial stuff you mentioned like running password through regexp.

What do you mean scoped to a particular proof? There are different proof types like there are different hashing algorithms, they can all prove any data just like sha256 and md5 can hash any data.

How do you verify the password meets certain requirements sever side without getting that user data? Client side input can't always be trusted as anyone can modify that regex check.

Here's a project doing passport verification for services without needing to send them a photo of your passport: https://github.com/zk-passport/openpassport

With something like TLS notary you can prove anything signed by a https certificate, so you can prove there are enough funds in your bank to get a mortgage without revealing how much money you have.

Re: scoped

In response to your comment The ZK proof can prove anything, like that the password has enough special symbols and numbers - you definitely do not need "ZKPs" to do this trivial task.


> There's no way to check that someone's age is old enough with just a hash

Yeah you can, you log them in then link them to that userData with an identifier - typically an email address or unique user ID. You can easily write the login API to know nothing but hashes, or you can write it to respond with - to use your example that user's age - if the password is correct (without ever actually knowing the password).

Re: Passport verification

Anybody can verify any document with enough identifying information about the document and a registry to match it up to. You don't need a private/public key library wrapped around any functions to accomplish that, but the government probably requires the photo for a reason. Maybe you can verify the document, but a lot of services are going to require photo identification regardless of what your library can do without a photo. Again trying to find what problem this solves. Would have been way cooler if you said it verified faces with passport photos - that's the hardest part.

> you definitely do not need "ZKPs" to do this trivial task.

You haven't provided an alternative way though? If you're looking for more complicated things they can do see: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41430157

> Yeah you can, you log them in then link them to that userData with an identifier - typically an email address or unique user ID. You can easily write the login API to know nothing but hashes, or you can write it to respond with - to use your example that user's age - if the password is correct (without ever actually knowing the password).

This doesn't make sense, how do you verify someones age without getting their birthday? Hashes are binary yes/no checks, not range checks.

> Anybody can verify any document with enough identifying information about the document and a registry to match it up to.

So your alternate solution is that every government in the world runs an API you can check a passport against? Instead of them just providing a known public key they signed the passport with? Sounds way over complicated compared to a ZK proof.

> Re: Validating passwords > You haven't provided an alternative way though?

Check if it has numbers: \d

Check if it has symbols: \W

Check if it's 6-64 chars long: {6,64}

> This doesn't make sense

Promise you it's how it works.

> Hashes are binary yes/no checks

Nope, just means encrypted text.

> every government in the world runs an API

Hilarious you think a decentralized approach where every participant has a copy of an append-only ledger is simpler than a central server with SQL database. The argument for decentralization was never that it was simpler - it's of course way simpler in many ways to have a single source of truth. If you mean using that passport library on a regular server, then you also have to run an API or nobody can use it.

- Do you not understand that client side checks are insecure?

- As you're still not getting it, how about this: This is a sha256 hash of my birthday, write a function that returns if I'm over 21: `1028d7ea22cbbcb17c4926b08b591506227d7b0e32ce6ce76122461e551a5ab2`

- Nothing I've mentioned needs an append only log, where are you even getting that from? A ZK proof is created from only the data stored on the passport chip.

Everybody understands that - the underlying point is there's no need for "ZKP" to validate or hash anything.

And for the sake of this kindergarten discussion the hash is computed client-side - that's the whole point, so the server doesn't know your password. The hash is checked on the server side.

Your ZKP has no use case - most of you guys aren't web developers (that much is obvious) and don't realize these problems and solutions are trivial.

You are just talking about password hashing.

To address edits:

> when to encrypt

It depends on what you want to do, if it's user login over HTTPS you can pass a plaintext password to the server and hash/compare on the server only. It would still be secure because the plaintext is never saved in a db (only the hash is), and was TLS encrypted in transport.


> This is a sha256 hash of my birthday, write a function that returns if I'm over 21: `1028d7ea22cbbcb17c4926b08b591506227d7b0e32ce6ce76122461e551a5ab2`

You hash the point of access like a password or key, not the data itself. When the access is granted, you return the data. sha256 is never meant to be decrypted. It would be like this:

    interface User {
      id: sha256;
      name: string;
      age: number;

    const users: User[] = fetchUsers();

    const isOver21 = plaintextId => users[encrypt(plaintextId)]?.age >= 21;
If your requirement is to actually to decrypt the sha256 you misunderstand the purpose of one-way encryption. That said - if you really wanted such a system, for such a finite list of dates (365 x 21 = 7665) you can easily maintain an array of the valid 7,665 sha256's on any given day. If it doesn't match a sha256 on file, that birthdate is not a person over 21.

    const validHashes: BirthdateHashSha256[] = seedHashesForToday();
    const isOver21 = hash => validHashes.includes(hash);

Lol, well yea if you throw away the zero knowledge part or trust the client to tell the truth of course you don't need zero knowledge proofs. Its not zero knowledge though (you just gave the server the info) and/or isn't proving anything.

This is the situation zero knowledge proofs are used in:

- The client doesn't trust the server and doesn't want to give it any info (that's the zero knowledge part)

- The server doesn't trust the client (that's the proof part)

If you break them of course the problem is much easier to solve.

If the client trusts the server they can give it a scan of their passport.

If the server trusts the client to run that code then you don't need a proof, you may as well just have a popup that says "are you over 21?"

A rainbow table is just breaking the hash and then you may as well not have it, in the real world the client would add a salt so this isn't possible.

>It depends on what you want to do, if it's user login over HTTPS you can pass a plaintext password to the server and hash/compare on the server only. It would still be secure because the plaintext is never saved in a db (only the hash is), and was TLS encrypted in transport.

:) if I get a penny every time someone logs sensitive information in plain text to some log file without realizing they did.

If I had a penny for every straw man argument. Who said anything about writing plaintext passwords to files - you just made that up?

Also you might not understand web dev 101. Every website including this one that uses HTTPS sends encrypted data, the password you enter in a text input is in plaintext. For the backend - as I said above, the server hashes it and saves the hash, never the plaintext password.

That's how it works - nobody said anything about "log files".

The previous article[1] goes a bit into the difference from a simple has function.

It was very long-winded, so I haven't fully read it yet.

The key difference seems to be that a simple has function has a single argument. To verify the output you need the input value. While a ZKP function has two arguments, and one of them is not needed to verify the output.

Not sure if it makes much sense in a direct login scheme, but the alternative scenarios sound more interesting. For example, proving to an adult website you're over 18 without revealing your identity to that website.

[1]: https://zkintro.com/articles/friendly-introduction-to-zero-k...

I can also enter a password without revealing my identity, how is it fundamentally different?

If I use an authentication provider, am I now "using ZKPs" because I can log people in without knowing who they are?

Or if I use any identity verification provider (example: Clear), am I using ZKPs since my app doesn't actually see your identity? We just get the OK from Clear?

Like I said, I'm not sure the simple password scenario is a very good example, because the app doesn't really care about the details of the secret itself, ie your password. Only that it's the same as you presented when you signed up.

I found the Sudoku example more illustrative, where you want to share your knowledge of the solution without sharing the solution itself. In that case, others do indeed care about the details of your knowledge.

You can't just provide a hash of the solved board and say "lol solved it", as only those who had also already solved it could verify your statement. Maybe I don't trust those others who claim they also solved it, how can I verify that indeed you solved it? You could tell me the solution but then you'd ruin the puzzle for me, which is no good.

So as I understand it, the point of ZKP is that they allow you to share proof of your Sudoku solution to me, in a way where I can be certain you do indeed have the right solution, without me learning what exactly the solution is.

> You can't just provide a hash of the solved board

Wait, why not? You could represent the Sudoku board as matrices, here's an example of one block:


      [9, 5, 7]

      [4, 8, 3]

      [6, 1, 2]

(same idea for 9x9)

Imagine a "Sudoku Online" where we all have our own private boards, but we have a shared public chat like an online game. Any of us can click "Check Solution" which hashes our Suduku board and sends it to the chat. A message might look like:

    *magicalhippo is checking a hash... f3ghziiv × Failed*

    *bschmidt1 is checking a hash... 242eef7z × Failed*

    *magicalhippo is checking a hash... zzw4zq3x  Passed*
All players see the hash activity in the public chat, but none of us can see each others' boards - we only have insight to whether or not the solution was valid.

The validity check could run on a central trusted server, like where the game is hosted, or in a peer-to-peer setup a condition of passing could be that a peer machine must validate it. So no client can validate their own hash. It could even be in an "Unverified" state until some threshold % of players have validated it - could do anything you want, but I don't see how "ZKPs" offer any solutions.

Most of the libraries are either utils that have like generateUUID functions in them, or they're private/public key libraries that let you wrap functions in an additional encrypted layer. Haven't seen a goto ZKP npm yet or heard anything about what it improves/solves.

I've also found that it's hard to sort out the blockchain hype from the interesting stuff, but trust me, ZK proofs are amazing and have applications way beyond blockchain. They're a new primitive in a space that's being called "programmable cryptography". Some other interesting building blocks in this space are secure multi-party computation (MPC) and fully homomorphic encryption (FHE).

Forgive my simplified/contrived examples but you can do a whole lot more with zero knowledge proofs than you can do with just hashes and access tokens, stuff that has nothing to do with blockchain.

For example:

1. An individual receives a contract via email and needs to confirm that it contains a specific clause ("The client agrees to pay $10,000 within 30 days").

2. However, they don’t want to reveal the rest of the contract to the verifier.

3. The individual uses a ZKP that proves two things:

  a. The contract is digitally signed by the specific email domain of the sender (e.g., @example.com).
  b. The contract contains the specific clause matching a regular expression pattern (e.g., The client agrees to pay \d+\ within \d+ days).
4. The verifier receives the proof, checks its validity, and confirms both the signature and the presence of the clause, all without seeing the full document.

Here's another one:

1. A passenger needs to prove to a ride-sharing app that they are within a specific pickup zone to request a ride.

2. The passenger doesn’t want to broadcast their exact location due to privacy concerns. They're using a device that can attest to the authenticity of their location.

3. The passenger uses a ZKP that proves:

  a) Their current location is within the allowed pickup area.
  b) Their mobile device has provided an attestation that their given location wasn't spoofed.
4. The ride-sharing app verifies the proof, allowing the ride request, while the passenger’s precise location remains private.

5. The rider can choose to share their exact location with a nearby driver when the time comes, but doesn't need to broadcast their exact location to all drivers.

And yet another one:

A user wants to prove that their edited photo originated from an actual physical camera capable of signing images.

For each consecutive edit, the editing software creates a proof that the input image is either an original signed image or comes with a ZK proof that it's derived from a sequence of edits originating from a signed input image. ZK proofs can be combined in such that we can turn a large number of proofs with dependencies on one another into a single, quickly verifiable proof. So in the end you can quickly verify that a heavily edited image does indeed originate from a trusted camera.

If people are interested in trying ZKPs you can write programs in noname[1] in the noname playground[2] and have them compiled down to circuit and also prove/verify them. It's mostly a demo but the language is actively being developed and there's a list of easy tasks to pick up on in the main repo.

[1]: https://github.com/zksecurity/noname

[2]: https://noname-playground.xyz/

I recommend the moon math manual, it's a good way to learn this.

Can I prove that I'm a part of an org and use this as SSO?

Yes, but in that specific example you could also simply use a signature, as the fact that you are part of a single org reveals all information.

If you were part of multiple orgs and just want to prove you're part of any of them without revealing which in particular, then a ZKP can help.

Yea you can prove you're some set of users without revealing which one.

This is useful in the case of whistle blowing you can prove you do work at a company, or say a US Senator can show the government is up to no good and prove they are a senator without revealing who they are.

The language they use looks surpisiningly like Verilog.

Are there any real uses of ZKP outside of blockcrap?

Any time I get someone to explain a real world use case they explain the concept of password hashing. Also, the only people who ever talk about "ZKPs" are these obviously non-technical crypto founders - it's possible they think it's a new thing when it's something we deal with everyday as developers.

I can't get anyone to explain how it's different than a password hash other than in these elaborate hypothetical scenarios that don't relate to technology.

Instead of asking your id police office pass you a circuit. You present your ID to the circuit and pass results to the officer. The officer then verifies you are not a criminal without ever looking at your documents.

This is the same fundamental thing as the password hash example. I can verify you without ever seeing your password, the policeman can verify you without ever seeing your documents - same exact concept.

My question is then: What is unique to ZKPs? Are the ZKP folks just asking us to start calling these techniques "ZKPs"?

When I use Clear for IDV is that a ZKP? Just like your example, they show the ID to Clear, but I never see the ID.

Hashing is a limited variant of ZKP which can answer one exact question. With ZKP you can also check if password has certain length, special characters, etc., without ever seen the password itself.

Clear is not ZKP because Clear servers learn all data from your documents. With ZKP Clear would only know that you hold an ID with details matching the ticket you also hold. This is just 1 bit of information instead of many.

Re: Hashing - The point of one-way encryption is that it can't be decrypted. A plaintext password has 1 job, to be read, not saved - yet you want to encrypt it as if it will be saved, but because it's one-way encrypted now it can't be read. What problem did you solve? You created a problem (that you now need ZKP to solve...)

Anyway, the ZKP concept is not about decrypting hashes at all, but looking at peripheral data to prove something (Alibaba Cave - Victor only knows Peggy knew the password because he had access to some other data - the path she took). "checking length etc." only if those hints are already available to the system in some way. And because of this approach, why would you need the hash? Just don't use passwords at all in the case of ZKP right? Simply rely on the other identifying data that you have access to, that you use anyway. Also - how secure is this loose profiling technique compared to email-backed passwords over HTTPS?

I imagine few product use cases allow for a server to trust all the clients with encryption, while not trusting itself - but there are some use cases like when the server is not the source of truth - file system service, or peer-to-peer stuff like ledgers: If the server's purpose is just to maintain a shared ledger and all the clients in the network are trusted.

But in the case we're talking about, of a service that authenticates clients, you're saying you can't trust the authenticator when that is kinda the point of authentication - they don't trust you, or rather - the server cannot tell for sure that any incoming connection is who they say they are, even if it has "zero knowledge" like their IP address and a face scan (your brother in the same house might pass). The point of a username and password is that you want the server to not trust any connecting clients unless they have this specific data precisely.

So I wouldn't use it for auth.

How will the circuit determine that you are actually you? How will it make a query to the police database to look for warrants?

The ID would need to have some government digital signature for the ZK circuit to work. The proof would be "this digital ID that has this valid government signature shows XYZ".

The verifier would need the government public key and then can see "This ID that has been signed by the governments private key shows XYZ"

And the next question is: why bother? We have well-established protocols for the ID card: a police scanner creates a nonce and sends it to the card, the card signs it with its private key, and provides a certificate signed by the government.

The police scanner then verifies the signature and checks that the certificate is correctly signed by the government's public key.

No need for ZKP.

You think peoples licenses / passports are little computers with API's built into them that return arbitrary information on demand? Over the internet?

> You think peoples licenses / passports are little computers with API's built into them that return arbitrary information on demand?

Literally yes, in some places. Passports have a chip in them, and licenses in some countries as well.

> Over the internet?

Tunneling private information over untrusted networks is literally how you're seeing this message.

Yea the chip gives the information written on the device. It doesn't answer arbitrary questions about the data.

The whole point of ZK proofs is the zero knowledge part. If you don't care about the person being able to see the information of course there's no need for them.

First you described exactly the concept of password hashing, now you're describing something else entirely:

> It doesn't answer arbitrary questions about the data.

Why would you need a "ZKP" to prevent anyone from "asking arbitrary questions" you simply don't build that functionality.

When I create a web server and allow people to login through an endpoint, they can't ask arbitrary questions about user data either - how would that functionality even exist without me writing it? Typically the server doesn't even know passwords. It simply compares a hash - the hash is computed client-side and the server never sees the real password.

Any peripheral user data you want to return is up to you. Identity is not "built in" to conventional programming languages.

Furthermore, none of the ZKP libraries on npm do anything. Most of them are utility libraries with functions like "generateUUID" and "leftPad". The ones from providers like Cloudflare (their least popular stuff) are just private/public key encryption libraries that they call "ZKP".

I didn't mention hashes anywhere in this thread, you were the one claiming you can prove someone's age just based on a hash of it (and still haven't shown how other than breaking the hash with a rainbow table).

I posted this earlier (and it's in the article...) but will reiterate again: ZK proofs are used when the prover (server) and verifier (client) don't trust each other and don't want to give each other data on each other. If you trust the server you can just give it a copy of your passport, if the server trusts the client they can just show a checkbox asking if they're old enough.

I linked to a working library earlier, it's here https://github.com/zk-passport/openpassport

Circuit returns a photo form your document as an output and the officer compares it to your face.

The circuit won’t query DB but rather return your name or maybe a hash that can be used to query the database.

There's several already shown in the comments.

I'm asking about real actual examples, not handwaving.

They are useful from a mathematical point of view. (And explore the relationship between P and NP, for example.) Not sure if that counts as a 'real use' to you. See also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PCP_theorem

At the moment, producing a zero knowledge proof has roughly a million-fold overhead compared to running a program directly. So there aren't many applications where that's acceptable. So I am very grateful that the blockchain people are more than happy to throw money at the math here. Very generous of them.

In principle, you can use ZKP for privacy preserving compliance work in real (ie traditional) finance.

To quote myself (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41422250):

> Eg Goldman Sachs could encode all their compliance rules in a program, and publish a proof that their books pass the check by that program, without revealing anything about their accounting.

> In a banking context, you could in theory also run your know-your-customer (KYC) rules against customer provided data, store the proof, and delete the original data. That way, you still have proof that your customers don't have ties to North Korea or Russia, but you can't be compelled by anyone to reveal the data later (nor accidentally leak that data, etc).

> Of course, for that latter application, you need a sharp lawyer to make sure that storing the proof instead of the original data is enough for your KYC obligations.

> If you want to go further, you could have your customers run the KYC rules locally, so that their data never leaves their premises.

> (For all these applications, you still have to have a mechanism that connects the real world to the inputs of the programs whose execution you are proving.

> So eg Goldman Sachs would still need an auditor that checks that the assets and obligations they have in their balance sheet actually exist, but the auditor does not otherwise need to make judgement calls or apply any rules.)

Again, this is exactly the cryptocrap-derived nonsense I meant.

"Goldman Sachs could..." but they do NOT. Like they don't use blockcrap for interbank settlements, asset tracking, notary, etc.

So basically, no actual uses so far. And it's not even clear _why_ I would want to use ZKP.

ZKPs have only become cheap and easy enough to do in the last few years, so of course Goldman Sachs doesn't use them yet. They'll be using them in a decade, for now look at startups. https://github.com/zk-passport/openpassport is one that is working today, worldcoin ID verification is another.

> They'll be using them in a decade

No, they won't.

> worldcoin ID verification is another.

In other words: cryptocrap.

> They'll be using them in a decade, [...]

I'm not so sure. That would only make sense, if the lawyers and regulators are on board.

I carefully gave examples of where ZKP can be useful outside of blockchains.

> Like they don't use blockcrap for interbank settlements, asset tracking, notary, etc.

Yes. So far the only way to track real world assets on a blockchain is to have a trusted third party (or third parties) that connect whatever your blockchain says to the real world.

But if you have that trusted third party, you might as well have them run the database that keeps track of who owns what. No need for a blockchain.

ZKP is different in the sense that it's one of only a few things to come out of the 'crypto' world that has at least a _chance_ of being useful in the real world. One day. Perhaps.

(Cryptography in general is enormously useful. Have a look at HTTPS for one example. When I just say 'crypto' I mean specifically everything to do with the blockchain ecosystem. So far the only real applications of crypto / blockchains that I've seen are gambling (generously called 'speculation' or 'investment') and ransomware payments. Cryptocurrencies aren't even good for buying drugs on the black market so far.)

In any case, ZKP is still very immature. But we are very fortunate that the crypto-people are generously funding this area of essentially pure mathematics research.

I'm confused, did you read the other comments?


This must be a mistake or misunderstanding, because "blockcrap" is hardly mentioned in contrast with examples like confirming someone is of age, meets certain insurance requirements or has certain financial status without revealing anything about them. No blockchain is needed in any of these examples.

Part of growing up means realizing that cryptocrap is cryptocrap.

> examples like confirming someone is of age

When where are the companies that do that? Can I replace my Washington driving license with a ZKP that I can show to police officers or to enter a pub?

There are really no practical examples of the actual usages. Just hand-waving. And moreover, all the examples you provided make no sense. They are far better achieved using classic asymmetric systems.

> Part of growing up

On the contrary, your sentiment reads less like wisdom and more like hardheadedness. I am glad there are plenty of others here who do not share such a narrow-minded sentiment.

The venn-diagram between cryptocurrency and ZKPs is not a circle, or really even close. They're a mathematical concept first and foremost, and thanks to crypto dumping tons of money into the scaling problem, now much more easily worked with in code across any application. So much for all cryptocrap being, well, cryptocrap!

Your example is terribly contrived. No, you won't replace your drivers license with a ZKP. But a service might validate that you're of age, or meet some other criteria, without you(or they) revealing actual information about yourself.

All of the examples I gave(none of which are my own, but from other commenters who are I'm sure happy to discuss further) require the context of established trust. "Classic asymmetric systems" have problems with this.

Can you show me ANY actual practical use for cryptocrap outside of illegal transactions?

Like: "Company XYZ uses ABC to provide asset tracking, and it's now used by 99% of the DEF sector".

> The venn-diagram between cryptocurrency and ZKPs is not a circle, or really even close.

Then it should be treated as such, instead of trying to claim that it has practical applications.

I think you both 1) didn't read the article 2) went into the comments assuming it's about cryptocurrency and brought your baggage on that subject with you. The article mentions them in an offhand way, ZKPs are independent of anything cryptocurrency related.

Can you provide a single example of their actual use outside of cryptocrap?

The general takeaway is that you can prove you know something without revealing what it is, or how you know!

If you can't think of the possibilities that unlocks beyond the examples others have already discussed(none of which were crypto related), that's a limitation on your end.

> The general takeaway is that you can prove you know something without revealing what it is, or how you know!

And? Why is it better than good old PKI?

This is in complement to PKI - you still have to divulge what or how you know something with PKI in the examples given.

And you still have to do that with ZKPs. Otherwise, I can just "borrow" my buddy's license and get into a pub. Unless the ZKP will interface with a biometric authentication system and do something like facial recognition.

And even then, it hand-waves away the issues with revoked licenses. How do you do license revocation with ZKPs?


> I've created a simple demo program to illustrate the concept of a human passport, inspired by World ID. It uses a zero-knowledge virtual machine (zkVM) to verify certain properties of a password without actually seeing the password itself.

Why would I need it in practice?

I'm not sure what you're referring to specifically.

If you're asking why we need zero-knowledge proofs (ZKP) in a human passport system: Imagine you have 6 billion to give away, and all lives worldwide should get their fair share. How could you do this? Giving money to authorities like governments and trusting them? In the context of 'alllivesmatter.world', I propose the DUKI system. Here's how it works:

- Each person has a human passport (they should never have more than one)

- They can directly claim this money on the blockchain using the DUKI system

- This ensures that each unique person gets their share only once at each period

To achieve this and prevent multiple claims per person without considering privacy, we could use national security IDs, but these IDs need to be genuine, assuming that every human gets and only gets one. However, using these IDs directly would compromise privacy. So instead, we let authorities prove that using ZKP:

- A valid national ID was used in creating the passport

- Each national ID is used only once in the system

This way, we preserve privacy while still ensuring the integrity of the distribution process. Other service that focus on real people could also utilize on this. It just like currently wallet as an entry to web3 world, with only one key difference: that wallet represents a unique human in the world.

> - Each person has a human passport (they should never have more than one)

I have 4 passports, all valid. With slightly different name spellings, from 3 different countries.

That kind of real-world complexity is always hand-waved by cryptopushers in the: "Imagine Goldman Sachs..." pitches.

Thank you for highlighting the complexities around multiple passports and identity. Let me clarify the vision for a "human passport" concept:

1. The "human passport" I'm envisioning differs from traditional passports. Perhaps we could reuse the name WorldID that Worldcoin is developing, which uses biometric data like iris codes to ensure uniqueness. This approach is already working to some degree. Ideally, I just wish that it became a standard, with more implementations and also keep the iris-data at the device level, leaving countries with no excuse to refuse adoption. The goal is to have a standardized, cross-verifiable iris data system, rather than relying on a single authority to guarantee against forgery.

2. The varying name spellings on your different passports wouldn't be relevant to this system. Names are too variable to be components of a unique ID for each human. Instead, I imagine using something more like a social security number, that authorities issuing passports guarantee you never used twice at the same period. The ID thing is just a quick way to locate your public passport. The uniqueness check doesn't depend on this ID. It can be derived using your own private data to access your "human passport" released in public, which is generated using zero-knowledge proofs, and preserving privacy. Its uniqueness relies on authorities, also relies on some biometric data for example iris-data one-way features, etc., so even if you try to trick the system and create multiple IDs, you'd probably get caught.

3. This isn't just a vision - WorldID is already in use with millions of users. I just wish for wider adoption and for countries to have no excuse not to adapt it as a worldwide standard. The human passport vision isn't about pushing crypto tech; it's about considering how to make 'all lives matter worldwide' from another perspective.

Because you can enforce password policies without the password ever leaving the (untrusted) client in clear text. I.e. the server only sees the hash and still knows it's dealing with a strong PW.

A client-side script can do that. What is the attack model? A client maliciously changing the client script to supply a weak password?

They don't want to know. They just want you to reconfirm their own bias in different words.

This is one of these technologies that is indistinguishable from magic.

Doesn't this open up the way for proof of proofs as well? Maybe math is just the science that describes magic. It is indistinguishable from magic because it is magic.

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