Part of growing up means realizing that cryptocrap is cryptocrap.
> examples like confirming someone is of age
When where are the companies that do that? Can I replace my Washington driving license with a ZKP that I can show to police officers or to enter a pub?
There are really no practical examples of the actual usages. Just hand-waving. And moreover, all the examples you provided make no sense. They are far better achieved using classic asymmetric systems.
On the contrary, your sentiment reads less like wisdom and more like hardheadedness. I am glad there are plenty of others here who do not share such a narrow-minded sentiment.
The venn-diagram between cryptocurrency and ZKPs is not a circle, or really even close. They're a mathematical concept first and foremost, and thanks to crypto dumping tons of money into the scaling problem, now much more easily worked with in code across any application. So much for all cryptocrap being, well, cryptocrap!
Your example is terribly contrived. No, you won't replace your drivers license with a ZKP. But a service might validate that you're of age, or meet some other criteria, without you(or they) revealing actual information about yourself.
All of the examples I gave(none of which are my own, but from other commenters who are I'm sure happy to discuss further) require the context of established trust. "Classic asymmetric systems" have problems with this.
I think you both 1) didn't read the article 2) went into the comments assuming it's about cryptocurrency and brought your baggage on that subject with you. The article mentions them in an offhand way, ZKPs are independent of anything cryptocurrency related.
The general takeaway is that you can prove you know something without revealing what it is, or how you know!
If you can't think of the possibilities that unlocks beyond the examples others have already discussed(none of which were crypto related), that's a limitation on your end.
And you still have to do that with ZKPs. Otherwise, I can just "borrow" my buddy's license and get into a pub. Unless the ZKP will interface with a biometric authentication system and do something like facial recognition.
And even then, it hand-waves away the issues with revoked licenses. How do you do license revocation with ZKPs?
> examples like confirming someone is of age
When where are the companies that do that? Can I replace my Washington driving license with a ZKP that I can show to police officers or to enter a pub?
There are really no practical examples of the actual usages. Just hand-waving. And moreover, all the examples you provided make no sense. They are far better achieved using classic asymmetric systems.