A lack of anonymity never stopped Penny Arcade from printing Dick Wolves t-shirts. Every time I see someone quote Penny Arcade, I think to myself "These are the guys who made a bad taste rape joke, then decided to print t-shirts celebrating rape jokes".
You clearly have never read the comic in question and have jumped on the band wagon. In no way was it a rape joke. Please show me how it was a joke about rape? I'm not a penny arcade fan but people who say that the original strip is a "rape joke" are the ones responsible for why the dickwolves saga will never be put behind us. You are perpetuating a myth that the original comic was a rape joke and in doing so are empowering rape culture.
After. The live drawing was before they removed the merch from the store back in 2011.
Krahulik repeated (he'd already made the sentiment clear back in 2011) that his main regret had been the merch being pulled at Prime 2013, early this september.
I don't know about that. The Dick Wolves debacle was the Penny Arcade guys reacting to those who hate rape jokes and not only continuing the joke, but making things hostile for those who spoke out against this sort of behaviour.
Both stories are about someone or some people who are marginalised by a larger group. I think it's very relevant.
The problem is people who equate rape jokes (which are ok, if tasteless) and rape culture (which is not okay, and must be stopped).
The dickwolves thing was well done specifically because it was a joke (not a rape joke, even) that happened to use the word rape that caused a massive freakout among those who don't understand the actual problem and instead wish to attack the symptoms.
Rape jokes are not a positive identifier for those who perpetuate rape culture.
> making things hostile for those who spoke out against this sort of behaviour.
Maybe that kind of knee-jerk reaction deserves a little hostility? I mean, I get that PA crossed the line and got carried away, but I can't really be offended by somebody mocking the social justice blogosphere. Because, quite frankly, they're jerks. They're generally right, but they're jerks.
> I don't see the relevance of this comment to the story at all.
“don't see” or “don't want to see”? This is highly relevant: the original discussion is about how people behave horribly when there are no consequences for doing so. As long as the Penny Arcade fan-base insulates them from criticism by dismissing it and attacking anyone who speaks up, they might not be anonymous but share the same basic ability to avoid significant consequences from their actions.
>These are the guys who made a bad taste rape joke
I like how people just keep gradually dragging that whole thing further and further away from the truth. A rape joke is a joke about rape. They made a joke about quests in MMOGs that happened to mention rape. It even mentioned rape in a "it is the most horrible thing imaginable" context.
Even the reaction wasn't about "yay, rape" - it was about PA butting heads with the internet feminist community. And the internet feminist community are, to put it bluntly, massive jackasses. They're right more often than not, but that doesn't mean they aren't huge dicks. It's a funny feeling to so thoroughly loathe people that I broadly agree with.
So Mike Krahulik picking a fight with them? The whole "Dickwolves" thing? I don't really blame him for it. The problem is that Krahulik didn't really pay attention to the collateral damage he was doing. While his actions were intending to mock the social-justice-warrior blogosphere (which, quite frankly, deserves mockery) some of his fans were using it to celebrate rape (not cool). In the end, he was far more stubborn than he should've been, and he did a lot of damage to his own reputation and crossed the line a fair bit. It was never about rape for him, it was about picking a fight. The problem is that he's a bit immature (like, quite frankly, most folks are) and didn't think about the larger context of his actions.
Your words were "These are the guys who made a bad taste rape joke". But now you admit that is not true, and you are upset at their response to the histrionic reaction to the comic. You said something false about someone you don't like, by accident? Did you slip and hit the keyboard and that particular combination of characters was produced by pure co-incidence?
I wasn't deliberately lying. I said "no", because IMO the joke was in bad taste. I wasn't particularly upset about it though, I could see the context for the initial strip however while I didn't think it was funny or particularly clever, I didn't really find it appalling or upsetting in any way.
You can say something is in poor taste and not get outraged you know. Go watch Meet the Feebles sometime. Or Clerks.
Hence my "Go away troll" comment.
Interesting though that my simple "No" got voted down. I put it down to cognitive dissonance.
Edit: Wow, almost 10(!) years ago.