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Jack Dorsey: Let's Reconsider Our "Users" (jacks.tumblr.com)
142 points by hornokplease on Oct 17, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 99 comments

'Customer' is a misleading term if the person in question does not pay for the product. Given the abundance of free products (both past and present), 'User' has become the norm.

Customer is however a convenient term for a payment processor, where everyone is either a merchant (customer) or payer (customer's customer).

I worked on the enterprise side of the fence (SGI, NetApp, VMware) from 1998 to 2009. We always called them "users" there, too, even though they paid us gobs of money. We do this for the same reason manufacturers of hammers call their customers "customers" when they're buying and selling hammers, but call them "users" when they're using the tool, however they came to possess it. Software is a tool; the people using it are users.

"Customer" emphasizes the transactional side of the relationship. If your check bounces, or you pirated your copy, etc., you're no longer a "customer".

People who use Twitter are paying for the product, just inadvertently.

I think there's a deeper issue at work here that something like App.net addresses.

There is a complete disconnect between buyer and seller. When someone is using Twitter, they are paying for it by selling their data, but this is just implied.

I think that the industry could solve a whole bunch of issues by:

1.) Charging for their service.

2.) Paying people for their data.

It could be that both balance each other out. It could be some other mechanism. Maybe you earn money, maybe you hold on to your data and you just pay for the full cost of using a service.

Whatever the solution, I think we should start using the term 'customer' and making explicit what is already implied when we're using a 'free' service.

Explicitly paying people for their usage data will overtly change their usage habits because they'll be aware of the fact that everything they do will be sold off to advertisers. A good portion of the value of usage data is that it's not "tainted" by the fact that users are conscious about the tracking in the first place.

I guarantee over 99% of Facebook's billion+ users have no idea that's really how Facebook is making their money. Sure, they might see the ads, but they don't know how those ads really work.

As for calling users "customers" because their data is being sold, well, no, that's not an accurate name for them per the definition of "customer":



A person or organization that buys goods or services from a store or other business.

A person or thing of a specified kind that one has to deal with: "a tough customer".

The label "customer" implies a conscious action of making a purchase. Twitter users are not actively purchasing anything, they're just creating usage data that makes money on the back end.

People should be aware of the fact that what they do will be sold to advertisers. I'm not going to go as far as to support legislature that enforces this awareness, but I wouldn't be surprised if in the next couple of decades that this idea is thrown around by lawmakers.

I wouldn't be surprised if lawmakers set to make it so everyone had the right to make sure their information was not sold to advertisers.

I'm personally under the impression that regulation causes more problems than it solves in the majority of situations so I'm hoping that the industry self-regulates and companies like Facebook and Twitter allow me to pay for their services and opt-out of their business of selling my private information to others.

I'm not really sure why you defined "customer" for me. I never said that Facebook and Twitter users are currently customers, but that they should be.

It is dishonest to have the business taking place "on the back end" of things and to purposefully hide such transactions from people.

I also find it arrogant to think that it is advantageous to shield such financial complexity from people because they don't want to think about it or won't understand it.

So if Facebook and Twitter want to continue to be dishonest and arrogant companies, by all means, let them continue, but I think it will be part of their ultimate demise, either from increased consumer awareness on topics such as information privacy and digital identity, or from legislation.

Just look at FB, Twitter, Tumblr. We are customers to them because we're clicking on ads, interacting with the site, and driving traffic. If those sites were a store, and we walked in and looked around, would we be considered customers or users? Customers.

Not quite... we don't give Facebook or Twitter money - their advertisers do. So, their customers are the advertisers. What are they selling? Us - our eyes and attention.

So, we are using the site, but we don't directly give them money to do so. Instead, they get money by putting ads in our faces while we use the site.

Now, the Facebook/Twitter user can be a customer in this scenario, just not of Facebook or Twitter. We (typically) are customers of the advertisers who want us to buy a car or sugar water or a widget.

So, the store analogy isn't quite apt for this... instead you could think of it more like a TV network. They don't call the people who watch their shows customers or users, but rather "viewers". TV network's customers are the businesses that buy time to air their commercials.

Customer also means something very different from user when you're building line of business software. A "user" works for the business. A "customer" is the user's customer, not your customer.

In certain circumstances (for example; sites with a free service level) it's more like a "Potential Customer".

Unless it's something like Facebook, the it's "the products we sell to advertisers."

Naivete and cynicism are not mutually exclusive. "If you're not paying, you're not the customer, you're the product," is a wonderful example of naive cynicism. It imagines that the only participants in a business transaction with full human agency are buyers and sellers; and that if you are neither buyer nor seller, well, the seller and buyer must view you as the not-quite-human product! This meme explains nothing, and reflects a completely broken view of Facebook's business goals. Its cynicism makes it no less naive.

Suppose, for the sake of discussion, that Facebook were a perfectly mercenary, ruthless organization, straight out of HN's collective imagination: it cares nothing about the people using its software, and eats, sleeps, and breathes nothing but monetization. (This view is itself another instance of naive cynicism, but let's grant it to get on with things.) Facebook is still critically reliant on non-paying users continuing to use it; without them, no possible road to monetization exists. Those users are a party to the transaction; they come willingly, and Facebook has no army to compel them to come again tomorrow. Viewing users as inanimate "product" that can be manufactured and sold would be stupid; the "product" is not something that Facebook produced, bought, manufactured, or otherwise has any proprietary claim over.

This relationship is actually pretty close to the relationship that print media have to their readers; your subscription pays for approximately 0% of their revenue; advertisers make newspapers and magazines work. It's also close to broadcast television, where you literally contribute no money to the revenue of the businesses producing programming. It doesn't follow that television studios should view you as inanimate "product"; indeed, television studios work very hard to produce something that real people enjoy, because without those people freely choosing to watch they are out of business.

A much more sensible aphorism would be: "If you're not paying, you're not the customer, you're the audience." This has greater explanatory power, for the behavior of free web service, advertisers, and the audience, which is a willing party to this entire transaction, as the "product" soundbite obscures.

Wouldn't it be refreshing if Zuck started talkin about all of us as simply 'the product'? I think there's something to this whole removing abstractions stuff.

"Subscriber" or "Account Holder" are alternate phrases which don't necessarily imply a financial relationship.

or client. Really anything that is more appropriate and less general than user. The context of your business should dictate the term you should use.

If you don't pay for the product, you are the product.

I don't pay for air, but i am not the product of the plants.

how about just 'person'

Because it's not just people. Maybe organizations, machines, et al. And maybe not one per real life unit.

You've gotta tell 'em! <strike>SOYLENT GREEN</strike> Users / Customers IS PEOPLE! We gotta stop them! Somehow! Listen! Listen to me… PLEASE!!!

call it what it is. isn't that what a good domain model is all about.

- if you have a 'real life unit' call them a person

- if you have an organization, call it an organization (although organization's are made up of people and ultimately it's people in the organizations that will be accessing your application, so you're back at person there too)

- if you have a machine, call it a machine

And if you have a thing that can be used by a person, an organization, or machine, what do you call it?

- Agent - Entity - User - Principal

It's fairly alarming to read company dictats like this one. I hate to think that anyone could have some split second change of mind about the use of a particular word and then try to force it on the rest of the culture, top-down.

Yes, there's some sense in which "user" connotes a detachment from the people who use the programs you create, but I hopefully Square isn't such a centralised culture that the CEO gets to decide on it in isolation from "the team".

Since when are start-ups a Democracy? Are only bottom up decisions allowed or must everything happen organically? I don't think a decision like this needs a company wide referendum. I actually think it would be a waste of time and resources and create an unnecessary distraction.

I find it refreshing Square is open enough to listen to its newest board member and allow them to make an immediate impact. While small this change may not have come from the current culture that is more tech heavy and take the term user for granted.

> Since when are start-ups a Democracy?


OK, admittedly a little dramatic to make the point that one thing that can slow down a startup (which should be fast by definition) from their real goal is involving everyone in every decision. It was in response to a board meeting, not quite in isolation as was stated.

What's alarming about establishing communication best practices from the top? Having everybody use the same lingo for talking about product development is essential. This decision will help the engineering culture become inherently more empathetic to towards their end users.

Now you know why people hate working at Twitter.

Mind you, this was prompted by a question from Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks. You know, the company that endlessly confuses people with the words Tall, Grande, and Venti :-)

But while an industry outsider may be unfamiliar with the term "user," I've never worked anywhere where we didn't have the highest appreciation for, and commitment to, the people who use our software. The term does not have any negative connotation to it, and there's not an industry-wide problem here to fix.

I imagine Schultz has probably heard some derogatory comments about "Starbucks users". For companies that provide a service (as opposed to a product), it probably sounds more innocuous, to the point where you wouldn't question it.

Edit: to be clear, I'm referring to someone saying "users" in the sense of "drug users". "McDonald's users" is another one I hear occasionally.

Ever notice that if you ask for a large at Starbucks, the barista will confirm: "Venti?"

It wouldn't surprise me if this were a designed response from Starbucks, encouraging their customers to develop and internalize the Starbucks dialect.

well, a problem that I had when I was a barista (at a different coffee chain, back in 2001), was that we didn't have three sizes, we had four. So if somebody asked for a medium, I would get confused and say "well, we have two mediums", and if someone asked for a large I would have to ask "did you want the one that would reasonably be called large or did you want the one that is actually the largest that we have?". Whenever I tried to standardize "small, medium, large, extra-large" or "tiny, small, medium, large", then always half of the people would end up the wrong thing and get upset. It was lose-lose.

So now when I go to a cafe I say "I'd like a twelve ounce coffee", so I don't have to try to translate that through their local notion of whether that's "small" or "medium" or "tall"

"No, large."

'User' only seems depersonalizing because of familiarity. Use 'customer' as habitually, and it too will eventually seem generic. And then, expect posts about how 'customer' compresses our understanding of these people to an economically reductionist relationship. (The 'euphemistic treadmill' is a related concept.)

Ultimately, an attitude can make up for the word choice. For example, if you say 'user' with the same reverence as do the software agents in the original 'Tron' movie, you'll be paying the users way more respect than 'customer' grants.

To some extent I'd agree, but these patterns are already deeply ingrained into corporate-speak external to any particular startup culture. Language such as "user issue" versus "customer feedback" is generally an indicator of importance. Perhaps not very meaningful (depending on your perspective), but important nonetheless.

Wow that was reactive and heavy handed. The answer isn't to stop using the word user. The word user has it place. Certian conversations need a generic term for the people who "Use" your software where other conversations need a more specific word for the people who use your software such as "Cupcake business owner", "Deli Cashier", etc.

User is not a bad word. However, its not the right word to use to describe some one who uses your software at times (Sometimes you want a more detailed word), and sometimes "user" is the right word (You are talking big idea, vision, less detail). eg. "How many users are hitting our server right now?" "We have 20,000 people submitting tweets, and 1,200,000 people reading tweets."

Heartwarming. I predict in short order the phrase "customer" will take on all of the negative connotations normally associated with the phrase "user".

Reminds me of this ancedote: http://www.ted.com/talks/mark_forsyth_what_s_a_snollygoster_...

When forming the US Government they had to name the new position. Some wanted it to be regal and powerful, others wanted to keep it humble so the leader wouldn't let the power get to his head. Originally the title President was the lowest and most humble title they could think of for the head of state in the new United States. You only presided over a meeting. Now due to it labeling the position of power the connotation has changed and everyone wants to be President.

Yup. I used to live in DC, where the public transit system insists on calling its riders "customers". We all found it stilted and patronizing.

Your attitude toward your users/customers/whatever matters. The word you call them, not so much.

The word "customer" already has negative connotations. For example, see Jay-Z's song, "You're Only a Customer," where the hook exclaims:

You're only a customer (uh)

Walkin' in the presence of hustlers

You spend money all night long

"All night long."

Thousands of people, referred to in documents as "customers", are alleged to be directly funding the suspicious private activities of a Jack Dorsey and his co-conspirators at a little-known pseudobank called Square.

Users. Sounds like a bunch of junkies or gigolos, doesn't it?

The people who visit web sites aren't "users," click-throughs, hits, numbers on a spreadsheet, or some other form of dehumanizing jargon. They're your husband, your mom, your friend, the guy who sits in the cube next to you. They're real PEOPLE, just like you and me.

That's why we think a successful site is one that makes real people's lives easier; One that makes them say, "This site worked for me." So we've made it our mission to ensure this kind of experience at the sites we build. At 37signals we don't see users, we see people.


. . . just as relevant in this bullshit bubble as it was in the last.

I love "getting real" and all the entire philosophy that 37signals brings, but how does this vitriolic comment even make sense? How are you supposed to talk about the people you are designing software for without a generic term? I guess you could say "this happens when the 'person' clicks that" "I think that this menu is more 'person' friendly than that one", but then you're just replacing one generic term with another, and really, what's the point. Claiming some sort of moral high ground based on the usage of generic vocabulary is ridiculous.

It sounds like you are in agreement with OP.

It is a little surprising to see something voted to the top that isn't a criticism of the OP, but there's not much to argue with in the email.

"Buyer" or "seller" is interesting since it makes a functional distinction.

But "Customer" or "user" is just a word choice without an inherent distinction. The way either word is used is very heavily dependent on corporate culture. If a company uses "user" in an cold, impersonal way, it's guaranteed they'll use "customer" in exactly the same way.

"Users" is a powerful word. It reflects the things that matter to those who use the tools we create: usefulness, usability, and most of all -- the simple fact that what we create is used by people to do something.

To eliminate the word "user", I have to say "the people formerly known as users but who will now be known as the people who use our app." I cannot call them "people", because our users are a specific subset of people... they are people in context that matters, deeply. The context of using something we made.

I have always agreed with those who say that if you have a problem with employees dissing users, the problem does not live in the word "users". If they don't think of users as people, fix that first. I am more concerned that the word customer puts the focus on people-who-pay vs. people-who-use.

I think the problem is precisely the opposite: not enough people think of their customers as users. For example, we tell our authors to think of their readers as users, not just readers. They're not buying our books to be exposed to our prose... They're trying to use what's in there to do something they care about.

It's a lot more useful to take this advice as, "Reconsider the ways in which you talk about people who use your product or service."

It's not "call them customers" or "call them buyers/sellers"; just think about what makes sense, what evokes the right thoughts, and use that word instead. If 'users' works for you, then keep doing that.

I don't think there's anything necessarily wrong with the term "user." It's a top-level generic term that could be broken down to better describe those who use your service. In Square's case, that's "buyers" and "sellers" who are both "customers" of the Square platform.

It seems obvious, but I understand what Dorsey's getting at. I've struggled with finding appropriately specific identifiers, and when in doubt just lumped everyone together as "users."

Context matters. Square happens to be one of those paid services whose categories of "users" are pretty easy to identify and name. Like you guys mentioned in your comments, redefining specific terms for "users" of free services and search engines isn't quite as simple. I would suggest "freeloaders" or "browsers" but that would take us in the wrong direction :)

I'm content being labeled a "user" for now.

Customer abstracts people as well. Why not just call people... people?

Kind of interesting that the CEO of Twitter and Square has the time to think and write blog posts about referring to people as "users" or "customers" internally. Must be a tough and time-consuming job.

User makes me think it's about using the product.

Customer makes me think it's about paying for the product.

Users are my friends. Customers are my clients.

The user is not necessarily the customer, or the buyer.

In a company, the buyer or customer may be a manager but the user the members of his team.

In a consumer product, the buyer or customer may be a middle-aged man but the user his 12 years old daughter.

Words have meanings, and randomly inverting them will only cause more confusion. When you sell a product it's important to know who is the custmomer and who is the user. If they're not the same person they will have different goals and needs, and it is important to understand them.

Most definitely.

Youtube has video uploaders, commenters, raters.

Games have players, coaches, referees, bots.

Forums have admins, moderators, posters, subscribers, lurkers.

Torrents have seeders, leechers.

Sure, Amazon has customers mostly, and some advertisers.

New terms are ubiquitous from convention, not from reasoning.

While I agree with the general idea, "customer" implies a specific sort of relation (one where consideration is knowingly and directly exchanged for a good or service). Twitter's customers, for example, are advertisers. What do you call all those people who use Twitter as a personal communication platform?

Calling those people customers may perhaps cause subtle shifts in Twitter's behavior such that it would be more aligned with those people's interests, but it wouldn't be accurate!

It's funny to see this on the same day as Olia Lialina's article "Turing Complete User"


which argues that speaking of "users" is a mark of respect for their intelligence and autonomy, and that the computer industry is going astray by failing to speak of them.

Companies that throw the word "users" around a lot tend to not spend a lot of time actually understanding the people using their product.

Every time I've been responsible for a product, the first thing I've done is make sure we have accurate personas with actual names. Who are the real people using our product? Why are the using it? What makes them happy or sad about it?

I've found that, when presented with good personas, engineering becomes more empathetic for the people using the product, and, as a result, make products that are better for those people (as opposed to better for the engineers, which tends to happen when engineers aren't empathizing with their users).

And I also don't think "users" is a word that needs to be excised from software producer's vocabulary. There are times when you need a word that describes your customers, partners, etc. If you aren't careful, any word you choose there will become too generic.

Frequenters of free sites are paying with their time and attention. If you don't return value for time and attention to these customers, they will move on.

If you don't consider yourself a servant of your customers, and work to please them, your contempt is going to come out instead. I got tired of being used by Facebook. I don't feel that anyone has my back at Facebook. I moved on.

By contrast there are a few sites that bend over backwards to delight me, their customer, whether or not they charge me money or make money from me. Customer service sets great sites apart from sites not worth my time.

Often, especially in BTB offerings, it makes a lot of sense to differentiate "customer" from "user." Take for example: the decision-maker who signs the deal and writes the check never actually uses the product, instead has staff which does so. Differentiating the customer from the user is very important in this context: you have to make and keep both happy. The customer will consider net impact to bottom line, high-level capabilities generally present in the market place, and the general temperature of the users before buying. They will expect that you have a certain list of capabilities which everyone else is selling them, even if their users will hardly, if ever, use that feature. The day-to-day users of the product, however, will have less abstract problems - they have real tasks to achieve every day, and will care much more about the specific capabilities and how they're implemented.

Sure, we could call them "decision-making" customer and "product-using" customer, but semantics driving psychology work the other way around as well : sales is customer-driven, and development and support are user-driven. Same end result is achieved, while using natural language for the target audience.

Today I completed a feature on our site nitrotype.com where "users" can report other "users" with offensive Display Names (mostly kids play, and they love their offensive names...). The link said "Report User". Based on this, I am changing it to "Report Player".

This is subtle, but it actually feels better to me. Building it as "user" wasn't even a thought, but in truth to a player playing a game, it is an odd abstract term in the context.

I thought that it was odd that he dislikes "user" because it is impersonal (he wouldn't call his mom one), but then he chose replacements that are nearly as impersonal (I'm sure he wouldn't call his mom a buyer or a seller either). "Customer" is going to get very confusing if they start using it for people who aren't actually paying for anything. So while I see his point, I don't think he's improved the situation.

Recently, in building apps, I've changed how I do accounts. Previously everyone was a "user" and permissions got managed by ACL (yes, yes, I know not the best security model..).

Now I give each type of user their own model. So... "customer", "employee", "admin" for example.

This is interesting because when you write code it is instantly apparent who is the focus of an action. It also helps model how the accounts interact with each other.

I like the sentiment, but I'm not a fan of linguistic prescriptivism. Words mean what they mean, not what the dictionary says they mean.

Personally I'm thrilled when people use my product. I've never thought of the term user having a negative connotation when referring to software users. Is that really a vestige of hacker culture?

Dorsey's post gives me an uneasy feeling. Because everyone receiving the memo knows on some level that it's BS. It's couched in the terms of showing respect for users as people. But the subtext is simply that we need to act as if we respect the people using our product because they provide money.

The whole exalting of the customer in modern marketing speak is emblematic of a lack of respect for people as fellow human beings. It's kind of a perversion of the cliche "the customer is always right. Obviously the customer is not always right, that's why the frickin' expression exists! It's an acknowledgment of the asymmetry that exists in buyer/seller transactions. You're not supposed to believe it, just act like you do.

I'm a user, have been since 1993, when they handed me that first hit of email username/password.

Never gonna stop.

At both Everlane (http://everlane.com) and Dev Bootcamp (http://devbootcamp.com) we made a conscious decision early on not to call our customers "users."

It's a surprisingly hard habit to break, but it's important. Being specific clarifies your priorities and adds a level of responsibility.

At DBC, our students are our customers, for example. Treating them like customers acknowledges that they're paying us a lot of money to change their lives. When you're saying "student" and "customer" all day it's easier to focus on what the real problems are.

I don't think it's a big issue. I agree with this blog post from 2004:

> We think "users" is exactly the right word. It makes the USER the important thing. The one who cares about USEability and USEfullness, two words we really like. We don't care if we make fans. We aren't even motivated to create customers. We believe that if you can do things in such a way that you help people become passionate users, the rest takes care of itself.


No, "user" is a great word if you're talking about what it's like to use the product, and how to improve the experience of using it. A word like "buyer" or "seller" might be better in some cases, but risk being to narrow, because a seller for instance will occasionally have other goals in the app then just doing a sale.

Similarly, "user" is probably not a great word when you're talking about business, because your customers do more than just use the app.

I don't mind being both a user and a customer and an individual, depending on who's talking about me in what context.

This almost seems like a dismissal of your users. As he says, square has two types of user: buyer and seller. Only the seller is really square's customer, by the traditional definition of that word. By dropping the term user, and only talking about customers, it seems like the buyer might end up getting neglected.

When your boss asks you a question like "how does this impact the customer", you tend to only think about the people who pay you money, not the other strange definitions of customer that jack might have invented.

I've felt this way about being called a "consumer" for a long time and have avoided businesses that label me as such. I say this is a good call.

I've always felt the term was neutral. You could put a user on a pedestal, or condescend to them.

In any case, I don't think using "customer" as a replacement is necessarily enlightened or inspired. There's got to be a more creative term.

But then, that might just give rise to another esoteric buzzword, and I'd rather not have that either.

I'm just going to stick with "user".

Big +1. Users as a term radically homogenizes people you're supposed to be building for. I came to the same conclusion a couple years ago: http://corvusconsulting.ca/2010/08/no-more-users/

I've stopped calling my customers "users" since I heard Jeff Veen say, back at an Adaptive Path seminar in 2004, "there are only two businesses that call its customers 'users'."

It pithily drove the point home for me: I had never been designing for users, but people.

Drug dealers don't call their customers "users". They call them customers. Only the general public in 1950 whitebread suburbia calls drug customers "users".

We generally mean, or want, "participants" or "members." I'm certain the coinage above isn't Veen's and predates 2004. Just recently, I looked for a source and could not find the canonical. I'd been working on this:


"“The only people who refer to their clients as ‘users’ are drug dealers and technologists.” ... We still refer to “visitors,” “audience,” “consumers” when what we say we want are participants. ... We distinguish “creators” from ”consumers.” It’s a disconnect. While it’s just labeling, it has a great deal of bearing on our attitude toward the community."

Making a decision based on your gut reaction to a pithy quip is a very bad idea. Pithiness is a rhetorical technique, and hides misinformation as often as it emphasizes insight.

Pithy quips emphasize cleverness of expression. The cleverness dazzles, and seduces the listener into agreement—but if you actually stand back and look at what they mean, they often fall down badly. Many very clever quips are shallow, meaningless, or just wrong, but they sound profound.

People very often don't bother with the "thinking about it" step though, and the result is that pithiness helps spread a lot of silly notions.

What were those two businesses?

Drug-dealing and software.

On the social network I run, I call them members. I think it's a lot nicer than users. I also sometimes refer to them as musicians (since it's a site for musicians).

If I called them customers, they'd think I were trying to sell them something... which I'm not.

Before I go any further, I would like to make it known I really like Jack Dorsey as a person and entrepreneur. He is a smart visionary who possess's the same kind of entrepreneurial spirit that many of us here possess as well but this is one of the silliest things I have ever read.

Why does it matter what you call the people that use your services? They are users of the service. You are providing a service for users. For example: John Doe goes to a store and they use Square, John pays for his product via the merchant using Square — John is a customer, the retailer is a user of the Square service. It's not like John (the customer) is paying Square directly just for the privilege of being able to pay for his particular item via a credit card.

The word users works, lets not over-think this. As long as you are providing exceptional services and exceptional support you could call us cretins for all I care.

Pick something that describes the activity. At Shopify we refer to our users as Merchants. They have their own Customers. We also have Partners with partner accounts which further branch into Affiliates, Designers, Developers.

I think it's completely contextual. We call our users 'members' at Fotoblur, since we're a community. When I was in college working as a waiter one restaurant insisted we never call customers 'customers' but 'guests.'

Some people are both customer and user. Some are only one of those. There is a database modeling pattern for that. And then there is an infinity of roles - customer and user are just two of those.

Did the term user ever exist in this context before? Thinking about it it seems right when talking inside baseball, but not when writing copy for your business.

Whether it's customer or user, the experience better rock! Less time on semantics and more on great products that people want to use.

At least he isn't calling their users "consumers". Dammit I hate that word and whichever MBA put it into the standard lexicon.

> If I ever say the word “user” again, immediately charge me $140.

$140... 140 characters. Subtle jab at Twitter?

He created Twitter, so I don't think it was either subtle or a jab.

I was under some sort of vague impression that he was estranged from twitter. Googling seems to indicate that was wrong.

So not "subtle jab", rather "pseudo-subtle nod".

One customer could have multiple users.

Agents might be more accurate.

Why are we talking about this?


It's a reflection on how software developers can inadvertently distance themselves from the ones who care the most about their software most, their customers.

The terminology and historical use of the word 'user' doesn't give enough weight to the fact that their 'users' are actually customers. Referring to their customers properly shows more respect for their customers while setting the expectations from their developers when building services.

Customers is just one small category of users.

Youtube has video uploaders, commenters, raters.

Games have players, coaches, referees, bots.

Forums have admins, moderators, posters, subscribers, lurkers.

Torrents have seeders, leechers.

None of these are customers.

Sure, Amazon has customers mostly, and some advertisers.

I would say it's not a reflection of distance of software developers, but more an attempt by developers to create a new all-encompassing term which describes all of these things. People, organizations, machines. More than one per real life unit.

This is the reason Jack is the modern day Steve Jobs.


>“Why do you all call your customers ‘users’?”

We don't, we call our users "users". They are the product we are selling to our customers. We call our customers "customers". Why is he taking such a stupid question as a call to change the way he thinks instead of just answering it?

>No one wants to be thought of as a “user”

Excuse me? I am perfectly content with being thought of as a user of site X when I am a user of site X. I am not a customer of google's, I am a user of their search engine. I am not a customer of HNs, I am a user. If you don't care about your users, then fix that problem, don't try to pretend the word is the problem.

@Jack's article was in the context of Square. At Square, the merchants are the customers, and the merchant's customers are probably classified as the users. In that context, referring to merchants as users might be less precise.

When talking about twitter, I'm absolutely not their customer. I'm their user, and totally agree with your assessment.

One thing absent from @jack's article was a definition of customer:

cus·tom·er/ˈkəstəmər/ Noun: A person or organization that buys goods or services from a store or other business.

> the merchant's customers are probably classified as the users.

I believe his subdivision of "customers" into "sellers" and "buyers" was to solve that issue - "sellers" are the merchants, and "buyers" and the sellers' customers. It all makes sense to me, but you're right - only in a context where you actually have customers

His name is Jack, not @Jack. The question was not posed to him in the context of his specific business, but rather the entire software industry. And his bizarre reaction to it was to spew idiocy at the entire software industry, not just his specific business.

>No one wants to be thought of as a “user”

I don't want to be considered customer when I'm in front of my computer. Buyer, maybe when I'm just paying for something, but never customer. It has so many bad connotations. Calling me user emphasizes my actions as an independent agent, but calling me customer emphasizes the fact that I'm perceived as a bag of cash to drain.

I agree, although as with many other things, our distinctions are not always obvious to people whose expertise lies elsewhere. I think it's goofy that my 401k plan is a "product" to financial guys, who have a dozen other names for money as well. I try to be accurate and use the right term, and not to get offended when someone uses something it differently.

User is no more confusing due to drug connotations than visitor is due to alien connotations or client is to prostitution. We can find nefarious or suggestive inferences in nearly every word if we want.

  user - someone who is using the system
  visitor - someone who came to a site (web, B&M, etc).
  viewer - someone who saw something
  account - a long term relationship with a person or group
  customer - someone who is intending to spend money
  buyer - someone who is actually spending money
  client - someone who is the target of a service
So you can fall into a number of categories here at once, and it's more important that you're accurate when expressing your idea than to simplify it. Marketing is all about increasing the numbers of a certain one of these, often by converting them from another.

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